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Re: [oc] we'd like to help

Vassili Leonov wrote:
> We would like to get involved in the open source PCI controller project.
> What we're considering is to put Cypress CPLD chip on the PCI card. We can
> do the layout in couple weeks and have the board produced. The reason why
> Cypress looks good since it's the only one that has a development system
> that is affordable to anybody who needs it (about $100). What do you
> think? We would of course make schematics and even gerbers available to
> public. We need this PCI core for another project, and have far more
> belief in GNU process then in propriatory cores. This is a fully funded
> effort and at least two EEs would be working on it. We just need to make a
> decision to go.

That would be awesome :)

FWIW, this makes me think that it would be nice if OpenCores eventually
evolved to a point where a bunch of core designs can be glommed together
into a single "super-southbridge" chip, for System-On-a-Chip (SOC) type

Jeff Garzik              | Rule 1:
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MandrakeSoft, Inc.       |