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[oc] Development hardware

Jasse Jansson wrote:
> 1/ will the "Super FPGA board" be a PCI board for use in a
> passive backplane or is it ment to be plugged into a PC or
> is it a standalone board?

I have similar questions:

1) When developing audio or video chip cores, it would be nice to have
the FPGA on a board which I can plug into a normal PC for testing.  For
testing video chip cores, the board will need at least 2MB of DRAM, and
possibly as much as 32MB or so.

2) Is there free software under Linux which can be used to develop VHDL
cores for OpenCores project?

Maybe someone could update the FAQ with answers to _technical_ questions
all newbies are asking :)



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Building 1024            | There is no cabal.
MandrakeSoft, Inc.       |