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Re: [oc] RE: Question

If you just want to use Xilinx and not support any other vendor, this is probably the simplest and fastest way to go.
If you want to be more open; support more FPGA vendors try the following code:

// Instantiate synthesizeable FPGA memory

reg [dw-1 :0] mem [(1<<aw) -1:0];
reg [dw-1 :0] do;

reg [aw-1 :0] raddr;

always@(posedge clk)
    // read operation
    raddr <= #1 addr;    // read address registered to read clock
    do <= #1 mem[raddr];

    // write operation
   if (we)
     mem[addr] <= #1 di;

aw : addressbus width
de: databus width

clk: clock
addr: read/write address
do: data-output (from memory)
di: data-input (towards memory)
we: write enable


> I am currently trying to initialize some Xilinx block-RAMs in my Verilog code, using Xilinx Foundation 3.1i.
> I followed the instructions which say to use:
> //synopsys attribute <name> <value>
> So, I ended up adding:
> //synopsys attribute dp_ram_block_1/ram0/ram0/INIT_00 "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF"
> But it does not seem to work.  Does anyone have an example of initializing Xilinx BLOCK RAMs for FPGA Express or Xilinx FND3.1i?
> I am stuck.
> - John Clayton


I haven't tried initializing the Block RAM from HDL, but I have tried two
other methods:  In Coregen and via the .ucf file.

Doing it through Coregen is totally easy - you just tell it you want to
initialize the memory and specify the .mif file, which contains the data
in A Sensible Format.

Don't get me started on doing it via the .ucf - it's total insanity.  It
can be done, but you won't like it.

This was under 3.1i, btw.


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