RoadMap: Todo List

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This page lists the changes planned for the future versions of RoadMap. Please feel free to contact the author for more ideas.

When the developments on RoadMap 1.0 are complete, a 1.1 development branch will be started, with the highest priority given to some needed changes to the map format. The criteria for starting the 1.1 branch is actually the compatibility with the existing maps: RoadMap will stay at the 1.0 level as long as the format of the maps has not changed.

This means there will be no map provided for the 1.1 branch, considering their unstable nature. The 1.0 branch will be maintained as the "stable" branch. Some of the changes above may still find their way in the stable branch, as long as the map compatibility is maintained. It may take some time before the development branch appears on the web site.

When the 1.1 code will stabilize, a new 1.2 stable branch will be created and a 1.3 development branch will be started anew, and so on.

(The changes believed to break compatibility with RoadMap 1.0 are marked with a "[1.1]" sign.)

Here is the detail description of the changes planned so far: