AuthHandlerBase | Base clase for RIPv2 authentication mechanisms.
MD5AuthHandler | RIPv2 Authentication handler for MD5 scheme.
MD5AuthHandler::MD5Key |
Structure to hold MD5 key information. |
MD5PacketRouteEntry4 | Route Entry for MD5 data.
MD5PacketTrailer | Container for MD5 trailer.
NetCmp | A network comparitor class for the purposes of ordering
networks in sorted containers.
NullAuthHandler | RIPv2 Authentication handler when no authentication scheme is
OutputBase | Base class for RIP output processing components.
OutputTable | Route Table Output class.
OutputUpdates | Triggered Updates Output class.
PacketAssemblerSpecState | IPv6 specialized PacketAssembler state.
PacketQueue | Outbound packet queue.
PacketRouteEntry | Route Entry appearing in RIP packets on IPv6.
Peer | RIP Peer. |
PeerCounters | Container of counters associated with a peer.
PlaintextAuthHandler | RIPv2 Authentication handler for plaintext scheme.
PlaintextPacketRouteEntry4 | Route Entry for Plaintext password.
Port | RIP Port. |
PortAFSpecState | IPv6 specialized Port state.
PortCounters | Container of counters associated with a Port.
PortIOBase |
Base class for RIP Port I/O classes. |
PortIOUserBase | Base class for users of Port I/O classes.
PortManagerBase | Base for RIP Port container and factory classes.
PortTimerConstants | Container of timer constants associated with a RIP port.
Basis of specialized classes containing RIP constants. |
RedistRouteOrigin | Route Origination class for RouteRedistributor instances.
RequestTablePacketAssembler | Class to configure a RIP packet to be a table request.
ResponsePacketAssembler | Class for RIP Response Packet Assemblers.
RipPacket | RIP Packet class.
RipPacketHeader | Header appearing at the start of each RIP packet.
RouteDB | Class that manages routes.
RouteEntry |
RIP Route Entry Class. |
RouteEntryOrigin |
Base class for originators of RIP route entires. |
RouteEntryRef | RouteEntry reference class.
RouteRedistributor | Store for redistributed routes.
RouteWalker | Asynchronous RouteDB walker.
System | Top Level container for XORP RIP implementation.
UpdateQueue | Update Queue for RIP Route entries.
UpdateQueueReader | Reader for UpdateQueue class.