class NextHopRibRequest

Make requests of the RIB and get responses. More...

Definition#include <next_hop_resolver.hh>
Template formNextHopRibRequest<class A>
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Public Methods

Detailed Description

Make requests of the RIB and get responses.

At any time there is only ever one outstanding request to the RIB. Firstly we don't want to overrun the RIB with requests. Secondly it is possible that different next hops in the queue of requests may resolve to the same address/prefix answer (see below).

 NextHopRibRequest (XrlStdRouter *, NextHopResolver<A>& next_hop_resolver, NextHopCache<A>& next_hop_cache)


 ~NextHopRibRequest ()


bool  register_ribname (const string& r)


void  register_nexthop (A nexthop, IPNet<A> net, BGPNhLookupTable<A> *requester)


Register interest with the RIB about this next hop.

nexthopThe next hop that we are attempting to resolve.
netThe subnet that this next hop is associated with.
requesterThe lookup table that wants to be notified when the response comes back.

void  register_interest (A nexthop)


Actually register interest with the RIB.

A small method that will be specialized to differentiate between IPv4 and IPv6.

nexthopThe next hop that we are attempting to resolve.

void  register_interest_response (const XrlError& error, const bool *resolves, const A *addr, const uint32_t *prefix, const uint32_t *real_prefix, const A *actual_nexthop, const uint32_t *metric, const string comment)


XRL callback from register_interest.

bool  deregister_nexthop (A nexthop, IPNet<A> net, BGPNhLookupTable<A> *requester)


Deregister interest with the RIB about this next hop.

nexthopThe next hop that we are attempting to resolve.
netThe subnet that this next hop is associated with.
requesterThe lookup table that wants to be notified when the response comes back.

Returns: True if an entry was found to remove.

void  reregister_nexthop (A nexthop, uint32_t ref_cnt, bool resolvable, uint32_t metric)


Reregister interest with the RIB about this next hop.

This method is used when the RIB tells us that all previous registrations have become invalid. This forces us to re-request information. We save the old state (resolvable, metric) just in case the following events occur:

 1) Register from next hop table.
 2) route_info_invalid from RIB.
 3) lookup from decision.

This ordering of events may not be possible just in case it is save the old result and return it in a lookup.

nexthopThe next hop that we are attempting to resolve.
ref_cntThe number of subnets using this nexthop.
resolvableWas the previous result resolvable.
metricIf the previous result was resolvable the metric.

bool  lookup (const A nexthop, bool& resolvable, uint32_t& metric)



lookup next hop.

nexthopNext hop.
resolvableIs this route resolvable.
metricIf this route is resolvable the metric of this route.

Returns: True if this next hop is found.

void  deregister_from_rib (A nexthop, uint32_t prefix)



void  callback (const XrlError& error, string comment)



XRL response method.

errorError returned by xrl call.
commentComment string used for diagnostic purposes.

Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Dec 11 16:50:58 2002, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.