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RE: [oc] compactflash/PCCARD-Interface


There´s now a beta version (no documentation) of the FFR16 (First File 
Reader 16) with all
the source code (vhdl and asm) available at the cvs repository. Ready for 
Mix&Run with Xilinx
Spartan II device (ISE 4.2/XST).


Armando Astarloa Cuéllar - Universidad del Pais Vasco UPV/EHU
Tecnología Electrónica
Departamento de Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones
Escuela Superior de Ingenieros - Email: jtpascua@bi.ehu.es
Ald. de Urquijo s/n Tel.: 34 - 94 - 601 73 04
48013 BILBAO (SPAIN) Fax.: 34 - 94 - 601 42 59

At 10:05 06/08/2003 +0200, you wrote:

>>>>>> > I've done a Core that attachs a Compact Flash to a Wishbone
>>>>>> > interface
>>>>>> > reading the first file (FAT16) that have been saved on the CF.
>>>>>> > It uses two Picoblazes (one for ATAPI-SECTOR PROCESS. and
>>>>>> > the other for  FAT16 processing) so it´s directly available for
>>>>>> > Xilinx devices (now running on a Spartan II). It is very efficient
>>>>>> > in terms
>>>>>> > Armando
>>>>>>could you please post this full project somewhere, its quite interesting,
>>>>>>and yes using multiply PicoBlazes does save area sometimes :)
>>>>>Ok, i'll request place for this project at OpenCores.
>>>>I see that are already a compactflash interface project currently open 
>>>>in OC web
>>>Yes, but the Core i proposed its not only an interface. It processes 
>>>ATAPI protocol for
>>>LBA sector reading and also the FAT16 volumes (cluster tracking, MBR, etc.).
>>But is less implement it in software.
>>The OCIDEC core are a ATA controller, you can use it for interface ATA 
>>devices, in compactflash/PCCARD-Interface.
>Hello Marcos,
>  The OCIDEC Core is a powerful Core that permits the attachment of 
> different IDE devices and also those who have
>  DMA capablilities. But it requires a CPU at the Wishbone side in order 
> to process the ATAPI protocol and also, as in the
>  application that i've proposed, the task of fat16 processing 
> (multiplications,divisions, etc...). So as said in the OCIDEC datasheet
>  some software functions will be needed, and of course, having a power 
> CPU in the SoC or SoPC the use of this Core will be a good solution.
>  Compact Flash devices are relative slow (and they don't admit DMA 
> transfers) so the use of Programmable State Machine as
>  KCPSM is a interesting trade-off between Hardware and Software in these 
> kinds of applications. In this case for example less
>  than 300 Spartan II slices has been needed (and two Block Rams for each 
> KCPSM) and the maximum running speed is about 80Mhz.
>  Using this approach if some "software" loops (multiplications, etc.) 
> seem to be slow, is easy to extract them and implement
>  in "Hardware" (But as seen in practice thats not needed). But my 
> intention is to have an independent Core that no requires another CPU, 
> this will permit the easy use of it with Master DMA which will take the 
> data of the file (Why not MP3, BMP...?) from this Core and put it into a
>high speed processing Core (yes, a hardware one!).
>  Armando

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