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[oc] Xilinx -> ALdec Core compatibility

I  am a new member to this group , I usually work in Xilinx Foundation 
series however this time in my project i am dealing with a non 
synthesizable design and hence am forced to use ALDEC . I am 
interseted in using the Multiplier & the divisor Cores from Xilinx . I added 
the core to my project in Xilinx , the edn files synthesize & simulate as i 
require it to be , Can anyone guide me as to how should i interface this 
edn file with my other non synthesizable code in Aldec . I tried but i am 
getting error surprisingly not in the compilation but when i decide my top 
level for simulating. The error is LIBRARYref XilinxUn , The Aldec has all 
the Libraries of Xilinx Cores so please guide me as to what is to be 
done , 

Bye  for now 

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