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   i am shariff a student form india. i have just started working on asic design using Mentor Graphics ICSTATION.
   I am familar with Design Architect, EDLO, ICSTATION using ADK KIT,and a little bit of IC STATION.
  so far i have successfully created and verified a layout using Automatic routing and palacing from HDL(converting into EDDM and genretaing schematics and viewpoints) and back anananotted the design.

 I am preseently trying to do SDL and have comes across so problems. i was not able to place the transistor . i got the following erroe message .

//  Error: $set_device_info_for_dynamics returned error status at line
16453 of file /soft/asic_proj/sdl/module_ic.ample within function
$mos_parameters (from: Uims/Ample/Ample_eval 1D)
//  Error: Loadable Module "devices": Mos type, a, is not defined in
the process. (from: Ic/modules/general 01)


just to verify tht i have made no mistake in the flow . i am descibing in brief wht did
1) i first created a small design(inverter) using design architect and registed the model. { the mos transistors  choose we from $ADK/lib/sdl. i have also tried doing with platte on the right hand side but same prob)
2) then i created the viewpoints using adk_dve and verified it with dve_ic
3)and created the cell using creat cell from icstation,
process file: $ADK/technology/ic/ami05
rule file : $ADK/technology/ic/ami05.rules
eddm source : $MGC_WD/inveter/sdl(point to the sdl viewpoint of the component)
4)set the cell configuration to connectivty editing and open the logic
5)then executed pr() fro placing vdd and ground.
6) then choose the transitor on the schematic and pressed instance and i am struck at this point i got the error message

//  Error: $set_device_info_for_dynamics returned error status at line
16453 of file /soft/asic_proj/sdl/module_ic.ample within function
$mos_parameters (from: Uims/Ample/Ample_eval 1D)
//  Error: Loadable Module "devices": Mos type, a, is not defined in
the process. (from: Ic/modules/general 01)

i have checked the process file ami05.proce_ic though i could not make any head and tail of it but there some entries for pmos4 ,pmos,nmos,nmos4.all these entries were starting with some numbers 4/6. i have tried changing the transistor in the schematic but no sucess.
 in sdl setting the filter was set $device_filter and search path to $ADK/technology/ic/amio5_via
i am not sure wht this $device_filter is but i guess it is used to search the device layout. i have read the some pdf's provided by by MGC it mentions something abt device genertor but i couldn't find and setting or any other thing regarding device genrator.

i hope someone get me out of this fix i have been trying this for quite sometime our asiclab is basiclly newly setup and noone anything abt it, it is left up to students to learn themselves.
  therefore i need a lot of help for some people who have already worked on it.

thanking in anticipation

Tanveer Shariff


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