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RE: [oc] I2C noise filtering

my clock is 10mhz (xilinx) and both sda and scl is tied to general IO.
 So, like you said,  I have to output po_scl_cln to another general IO
and and tie it to Global clk pin?  Is there any way to avoid it
because it's too difficult to solder such a small and close pin chip.
 And also, I thought start and stop condition will reset all, but why
there is another reset for it?  Since I don't have choice for reset on
the board, will that be an issue?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Illan Glasner <IGlasner@m... > 
To: "'cores@o... '" <cores@o... > 
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 19:14:54 -0800 
Subject: RE: [oc] I2C noise filtering 

> Hi, 
>    You can try something like : 
> reg     [2:0]   scnt; 
> always @(posedge pi_clk or negedge rstn) 
> if (~rstn) 
>    scnt <= #1 0; 
> else if (scl) 
>    scnt <= #1 (scnt==7) ? 7 : scnt + 1 ; 
> else 
>    scnt <= #1 (scnt==0) ? 0 : scnt - 1 ; 
> reg     po_scl_cln   ; 
> always @(posedge pi_clk) 
> if (~rstn) 
>    po_scl_cln <= #1 0; 
> else 
>    po_scl_cln <= #1 scnt[2] ; 
> keep in mind that if you use Xilinx you probably will need to send 
> po_scl_cln to a general IO make an external connection on the board 
> to GCLK 
> IO in order to use the clock resource. 
> if you are using altera in this matter it should be easier as you 
> can use 
> directly the po_scl_cln. 
> where pi_clk is a high frequncy clock much faster than the scl 
> something 
> like 10M. 
> if you don;t have high frequnacy you can make another "loop" of 
> geenral IO 
> to GCLK input and simple generate internaly a free runing ring osc 
> using let 
> say 6 buffer and invertor and this should do the job. 
> have a nice day 
>    Illan 
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: ckh827@h...  [mailto:ckh827@h... ] 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 8:01 PM 
> To: cores@o...  
> Subject: [oc] I2C noise filtering 
> When I try to synthesize the I2C verilog from Richard (Opencores), 
> It 
> said unable to open timescale.v. But I already added the source in 
> the 
> project.  Anybody has any idea? 
> And also, how can I filter out the noise from scl and sda lines? 
> I'm urgently need a working I2C slave model because I already 
> worked 
> for more than 3 weeks but still not able to ping correctly. 
> Any help is appreciated. 
> Ken 
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