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[oc] Pulse width discriminator

Hi everybody,

I am almost a new user of opencore,and also I am a newly gradauted girl.

I have to do a project on my job which I will be very grateful if someone 
help me.

First of all the title of project is "Pulse width discriminator"
We have a bit stream as an input and an other one as an output.
This core has to discriminate pulses with special widths(Range:0.1us~6us) 
and filter it and show it on output stream.As it is a causal system ,its 
output can be exactly after every pulse or after a deterministic 
delay.Features of desired pulses and this delay and also the resolution 
which its minimum is 0.05us will be user defined and a program unit do this 

For implementing this core the first thing which I thought was sth like a 
Logic Analyzer.We have a clock which samples from a stream and then a unit 
which show it at output.But because I am beginner I have no idea about the 
timing of FPGAs.I will be very thankful if someone tell me what is the 
highest practical clock for example for a FLEX10K10 or for other ones.

Thank you in advance,

  Golnaz Vahedi

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