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Re: [oc] I2C cores

Hi Brian,
The core does handle 10bit addresses, since this addressing scheme is an extension using the original 7bit scheme.
"10-bit addressing is compatible with, and can be combined with, 7-bit addressing. Using 10 bits for addressing exploits the reserved combinatin 1111xxx for the first seven bits of the first byte following a start or repeated star condition."
(taken from the philips I2C-rev3 specs).
The core, as it is right now, supports a single master configuration only in which the core is the master. It is a master only, meaning it does not support slave operation and hence has no need for an ID.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 4:48 AM
Subject: Re: [oc] I2C cores

Hi Richard.  The code looks very good.
I assume the device needs to monitor the input for its own ID number, or is it possible to program the ID number and have all other input ignored?
Also, does it handle 10 bit addresses?    I am not sure from just looking at the code?