mars/callback_types.h File Reference

[host/MPU] MARS Callback Types More...

Data Structures

struct  mars_callback_args
 MARS callback argument structure. More...


 Size of callback args structure.
 Alignment of callback args structure.


typedef int(* mars_callback )(const struct mars_callback_args *in, struct mars_callback_args *out)
 MARS callback function.


struct mars_callback_args MARS_CALLBACK_ARGS_ALIGN
 MARS callback argument structure.

Detailed Description

[host/MPU] MARS Callback Types

Typedef Documentation

typedef int(* mars_callback)(const struct mars_callback_args *in, struct mars_callback_args *out)

MARS callback function.

This is the type definition of the callback function.

Variable Documentation

MARS callback argument structure.

This structure is an arbitrary callback argument structure.

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