From Carlos Garada
Answered By John Karns, Ben Okopnik, Karl-Heinz Herrmann, Jay R. Ashworth, Robos, Jim Dennis, Ashwin N
Dear answer gang:
Sometimes when I mount a CD, mount hangs. ps shows it is
in an "uninterruptible sleep", and kill won't kill it. As a
result, I can not access my CD drive until I restart my computer.
Is there a way to kill a process in uninterruptible sleep?
C. Garada
[John K.] What I usually do is to kill the parent process, which is usually a bash shell. In many / most cases this allows killing of the errant process. However, you may run into the situation where the driver or a port is hung. In those cases, you may have no choice but to reboot.
Sometimes the parent process is apt-get. I kill it, but the spawned
mount remains in state "D" and I can not kill it.
[Ben] Have you tried "kill -9"? This is not a good thing to do by default. but if you've already tried a plain "kill" (which issues a "-15"), that's what's left. See "man kill" for more details.
Yes, I tried kill -9 and fuser -k /cdrom/... Nothing works.
[jra] Nope, they won't. They only work on processes sleeping above priority PZERO (if I remember the terminology correctly). The problem your having is almost certainly coming from a process sleeping below PZERO -- which is almost always a device driver with either bad hardware, or a bug.
[Ben] Yep, those are the correct terms; however, I believe that the only processes below PZERO are zombies. I think what happens with fast devices is simply a loop that's too "tight" to break into, fast and straight to hardware without any intervening layers that would allow a signal to "break in".
I suppose the mount(2) syscall is having a problem... but shouldn't I
be able to interrupt a system call in some way?
Thank you for your answers.
[jra] A system call, yes. But not necessarily inside a driver call.
Tape drives are famous for this... they seem to be implemented as fast devices, even though they manifestly are not.
[John K.] And that is the one situation that comes to mind where I experienced the problem - using a SCSI tape drive and encountering a read or write error, the process would hang. I was unable to kill the process directly, but was more successful in killing the parent process. But I also encountered situations where the SCSI driver for the PCMCIA card hung, and the only way I could clear it was a reboot.
So reboot is the
only answer? The almighty root can not do anything?
[jra] Nope. There are some things even root can't do. There's fairly extensive discussion of this in a couple of the kernel design books, and I think in Nemeth, Snyder and Seebass: the problem stems from the fact that there are two types of device drivers -- those for "fast" devices and those for "slow" devices.
Slow-device drivers -- for things like terminals, and such -- are usually split in two pieces, and can therefore be interrupted while they're in the middle of something.
Fast-device drivers -- which service things like hard drives and (I think) ethernet cards -- are designed to expect that when they call out to hardware, it will respond instantly (in human terms), and that they won't have to wait on anything. Such drivers have, as a rule, proven extremely intolerant of hardware trouble -- if your hard drive start having to do hardware retries to read a sector, your system perfromance is going int he toilet, even if you have more than one drive...
Thank you for your explanation, Jay. So I suppose I should either resign
myself to rebooting every time it happens, or rewrite the driver...
[Robos] Have you ever tried to wait really long (in human terms
, something in the range of 30mins or so? I think I had a case when my cd hung and I simply continued with something else and - yo and behold - after that the cd worked again. But I'm not sure anymore.
Hope this helps.
[Ben] Oh - good point, Robos. I've had things like that happen... Midnight Commander trying to read "/dev/fd0" with a bad floppy from an LS120 drive comes to mind, but that was way back when. Took about 10 minutes to stop generating console errors (about two per minute), even after MC (and the parent shell!) were killed; it had to have been from the kernel is my guess. Rare, but I've seen it.
A day and a half... and then lost my patience
[Robos] THAT short ? Sissy
Hunh. Robos may not be impressed, but I am. -- Heather
One thing we haven't mentioned here...
Occasionally, you'll get lucky, and rmmod will permit you to remove whichever module supports the device you're having trouble with... and then your stuck process will go away. I've had luck with this, particularly, on the SCSI CD-R attached to my laptop with an Adaptec APA-1460 PCMCIA card...
Now, that could be because PCMCIA busses are natively hot-pluggable, but...
[JimD] A process which ends up in "D" state for any measurable length of time is trapped in the midst of a system call (usually an I/O operation on a device --- thus the initial in the ps output).
Such a process cannot be killed --- it would risk leaving the kernel in an inconsistent state, leading to a panic. In general you can consider this to be a bug in the device driver that the process is accessing.
Once case that I can't consider to be a Linux bug occurs when one is attempting to access a hard mounted NFS exported share without the intr (mount() flag. If the NFS server (or the network connection thereto) becomes unavailable all processes that try to access any part of that share will be set into D state. (Use intr or soft mount options on NFS to avoid all that). I might consider that to be a design bug in the NFS protocol --- but that might be contentious. That particular NFS behavior can actually be a feature in some cases; I think it should NOT be the default, though.
When it comes to scsi and similarly local device drivers --- I would report cases of "D" state as bugs (after due diligence of checking for prior reports, updates, and perhaps trying to troubleshoot it a bit).
Where? In the linux kernel mailing list?
[jra] You're welcome. Could you recap one more time, in about a sentence, exactly what's hanging and when? Jim's right: if this is repeatable, the kernel wonks would like to hear about it.
Sometimes, when I mount the cdrom, mount hangs and I can not kill
it; and I can not access the cdrom either. Ah, and the door remains
closed and I can not open it.
[Ben] I'll back Carlos' report; I've seen this before, although not in the past... erm, for sure since I've been using 2.4.18 and maybe even well before that, but my memory refuses to pony up. Seems like it was in the past three years, though.
How to reproduce it: I don't know
. I tried hard yesterday but this
bug won't show when I want it to.
[Ben] ISTR that a damaged (boot/signature sector damage) CD would do it pretty much every time. I've got about 50% confidence in this memory, but there's something in the back of my brain that's hinting thataway.
Kernel 2.4.17.
Ah, and maybe important (I only thought of this now, sorry): I have a binary kernel module and a binary X server (not source available) for my nVidia graphics card. Maybe they are corrupting the memory and this affects the driver(?)? I know these binary components are not very good because the computer hangs on some GL screensavers... but I never thought they could make the ide/cdrom/whatever drive go wrong.
Could that be the problem?
[Ben] FTR, neither of the above apply to me.
[Ashwin N] Similar things used to happen to me with a faulty CDROM drive.
If this problem happens only with the CDROM drive, then _maybe the drive is faulty. If you have 'the other OS' you could boot it up and put in a CD and check for similar symptoms.
I don't believe I've ever seen this sort of wedge on a CD-ROM drive but I have seen it happen to a PCMCIA card -- a NIC interface that was too new, and being spotted as the wrong card. Luckily I could ignore that until I felt inclined for a reboot for some other reason.
Oh yeah, since your troubles include a mountpoint -- walk through your shutdown sequence by hand. You'll find 'umount -a' is not going to behave itself-- Heather
[John K.]
I have a related problem when resuming from APM suspend on my laptop.
Since I updated the BIOS it resumes without hanging as it used to do, but
the NIC (eepro100) doesn't get reset; and unloading / reloading the NIC
driver doesn't help, so I'm stuck with rebooting if I want to connect to a
LAN after suspending.
{{{ John, have you tried unplugging/reinserting the card (I'm assuming it's PCMCIA)? That's what used to work for me when this happened back in the 2.2 kernel. {{{{
[John K.] No, unfortunately it's integrated - never thought that there would be an advantage to PCMCIA vs integrated, but I guess that's one. I have three PCMCIA cards that I bought to use with previous machines - two Xircom ether / modem combos and a 3Com ether only. One of the Xircoms is 10/100 ether the other 10. Both really heat up, which exacerbates the internal heat problem considerably especially in warmer climates. I get nervous when the bottom of the CD/DVD drawer gets too hot to touch. OTOH the 3Com stays pretty cool most of the time.
A while ago someone told me that there was talk of the eepro100 reset problem on the kernel dev list, and that there may a patch or fix for it - maybe in the 2.4 kernel. I'm still using 2.2 kernel, mainly because of VMWare - will have to re-install the MSW I have setup in virtual partitions - something that I've been putting off until I have enough time to deal with it all.
[K.-H.] If Vmware is what's keeping you from going to 2.4 and you would like to switch -- there is at least a patch for vmware 2.x to make it work beyond kernel 2.4.6.
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