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Re: [pci] PCI target

         I cannot figure out that which kind of memory do you prefer to 
build up the "configuration space" , EEPROM or SRAM , or either is ok ? 
And what is the advantage of EEPROM and SRAM to build up for 
the "configuration space" ?  Can you help me to get a clear view of this 
point ? Thank you very much , and sorry for interruping :)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "MikeJ" <mikej@f... > 
To: <pci@o... > 
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 23:48:45 +0100 
Subject: Re: [pci] PCI target 

> Tadej & people, 
> Still alive ! 
> Sorry things have been quiet this month - I've been away longer 
> than expected and have just got home. 
> I have built a (prototype & simple - dummy backend i/f) virtex 
> 300e-5 pci target which meets my draft 33mhz timespecs. 
> However for faster speeds I strongly suspect I am going to have to 
> use virtex specific cells which would have to be rloc'd. 
> What are the general feelings about introducing vendor specific 
> versions ? 
> more news shortly. 
> Mike 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: MikeJ 
> To: pci@o...  
> Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2001 10:25 PM 
> Subject: Re: [pci] PCI target 
> Tadej, 
> Hi again. 
> Things are going ok - I have a simple target integrated into a 
> simulation model. 
> However, It is hard to write generic vhdl (i.e. not instantiate 
> xilinx specific stuff) or rloc's and still make 66mhz timing in a 
> Virtex-e. 
> I am being sent on a 2 week business trip, so progress will be slow 
> for a bit - however I hope to check in a first attempt when I get 
> back. 
> Cheers, 
> Mike. 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Tadej 
> To: pci@o...  
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 12:12 PM 
> Subject: [pci] PCI target 
> Hi Mike ! 
> What is the PCI Target module status? Do you have any problems 
> regarding 
> FIFOs and Wishbone interfaces, since you didn't design those 
> modules? 
> Maybe I can help. 
> If there is anything not well explained, just let me know. 
> Best regards, 
>  Tadej 
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