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[pci] PCI interface with DSP

I want some help regarding the DSP Texas Instruments chip TMS320C33's
interface with PCI as well as a microcontroller, all running at
different clocks. I m completely confused with the interfacing of all
these with external memory. Will we need to have Shared bus or is
there any other method available? And how shud  that method be
implemented.i.e. the arbitration and handshaking between all these.
Should we use an FPGA for this arbitration? and  how can this logic be
We want to place four 512k x32 SRAMs, one on each PAGE.Can these be
mapped to any address range or these must map from the starting
location of each PAGE?.because in PAGE 2 and 3, we dont have all the
locations available( being used for internal ram and daughter card
expansions ).
We also have onboard PROM for DSP programming. If we want to program
DSP through INT0, shud the PROM be mapped to 1000h. 
What can be the most efficent data flow path from PCI to DSP and from
DSP to PCI......Because PCI cannot directly access the DSPs internal
RAM but DSP can access PCIs memory and base address registers. Is
there any need of placing external FIFOs for this purpose? because i
think the already present external RAM is more than enough for any
kind of PCI to DSP or DSP to PCI communication.Would nt it be faster
if i map all the Base address registers of PCI to external SRAM.
These are all the possiblities and confusions in my mind.. Can any one
help through any part of this problem
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