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RE: [pci] 66Mhz

>You must understan, that the PCI bridge + CRT work in a 150k Spartan
>at 33MHz.
>The same two cores were compiled for Virtex II just for test if we
>can meet 66 MHz. The implementation is not optimized and the tool
>usually occupies more space if the FPGA is larger and we used BLOCK
>RAMs used in Spartan II or Virtex, but this was compiled for Virtex II
>and the tool put warnings for all that BLOCK RAMs, that they are not
>optimized for Virtex II and that 70 % of BLOBK RAMs are unused (a waste).

I see.

>What is about yours 64-bit PCI (LGPL)?

That was another poster (I just jumped in the middle of the thread). 
Trust me, if I has a 64/66 core, I would have LGPL'ed it by now.

Jan-Derk Bakker, bakker@mmc.et.tudelft.nl

The lazy man's proverb:
     'There's no business like slow business !'
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