Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::ObservationNumber Class Reference

Serial Number composer. More...

#include <ObservationNumber.h>

Inherits Isis::SerialNumber.

Public Member Functions

 ObservationNumber ()
 Create an empty SerialNumber object.
virtual ~ObservationNumber ()
 Destroy a SerialNumber object.
std::vector< QString > PossibleSerial (const QString &on, SerialNumberList &list)
 Creates a vector of plasible SerialNumbers from a string representing the ObservationNumber and a SerialList.

Static Public Member Functions

static QString Compose (Pvl &label, bool def2filename=false)
 Compose a ObservationNumber from a PVL.
static QString Compose (Cube &cube, bool def2filename=false)
 Compose a SerialNumber fPvlGroup snGrouprom a Cube.
static QString Compose (const QString &filename, bool def2filename=false)
 Compose a SerialNumber from a file.
static QString ComposeObservation (const QString &sn, SerialNumberList &list, bool def2filename=false)
 Creates the ObservationNumber from a string representing the SerialNumber and a SerialList.

Static Protected Member Functions

static QString CreateSerialNumber (PvlGroup &snGroup, int key)
 Create the SerialNumber string by concatenating the keywords in the label with '/' in between serialNumber groups and the number of observationKeys.

Detailed Description

Serial Number composer.

A Serial Number is a unique identification for some object such as an Isis cube. A Serial Number for a specific object must be repeatable. This class is intended to be used to create all Serial Numbers for Isis.

2008-??-?? Christopher Austin

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::ObservationNumber::ObservationNumber ( )

Create an empty SerialNumber object.

Isis::ObservationNumber::~ObservationNumber ( )

Destroy a SerialNumber object.

Member Function Documentation

QString Isis::ObservationNumber::Compose ( Pvl label,
bool  def2filename = false 

Compose a ObservationNumber from a PVL.

labelA pvl formatted label to be used to generate the serial number

References Isis::SerialNumber::CreateSerialNumber(), Isis::PvlContainer::fileName(), and Isis::FileName::name().

Referenced by Isis::SerialNumberList::Add(), Compose(), and Isis::SerialNumber::ComposeObservation().

QString Isis::ObservationNumber::Compose ( Cube cube,
bool  def2filename = false 

Compose a SerialNumber fPvlGroup snGrouprom a Cube.

cubeAn opened Isis cube

References Compose(), and Isis::Cube::label().

QString Isis::ObservationNumber::Compose ( const QString &  filename,
bool  def2filename = false 

Compose a SerialNumber from a file.

filenamea filename to open

References Compose().

QString Isis::SerialNumber::ComposeObservation ( const QString &  sn,
SerialNumberList list,
bool  def2filename = false 

Creates the ObservationNumber from a string representing the SerialNumber and a SerialList.

snthe string representing the SerialNumber
listthe SerialNumberList
def2filenameIf a serial number could not be found, try to return the filename
Calculated SerialNumber or FileName

References Compose(), and Isis::SerialNumberList::FileName().

QString Isis::SerialNumber::CreateSerialNumber ( PvlGroup snGroup,
int  keys 

Create the SerialNumber string by concatenating the keywords in the label with '/' in between serialNumber groups and the number of observationKeys.

snGroupA PvlGroup containing the keywords to concatenate
keysthe number of strings to contatenate

Referenced by Compose(), and Isis::SerialNumber::Compose().

std::vector< QString > Isis::ObservationNumber::PossibleSerial ( const QString &  on,
SerialNumberList list 

Creates a vector of plasible SerialNumbers from a string representing the ObservationNumber and a SerialList.

onthe string representing the ObservationNumber
listthe SerialNumberList

References Isis::SerialNumberList::SerialNumber(), and Isis::SerialNumberList::Size().

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