Isis 3.0 Developer's Reference (API)


Isis::FourierTransform Class Reference

Fourier Transform class. More...

#include <FourierTransform.h>

Public Member Functions

 FourierTransform ()
 Constructs the FourierTransform object.
 ~FourierTransform ()
 Destroys the FourierTransform object.
std::vector< std::complex
< double > > 
Transform (std::vector< std::complex< double > > input)
 Applies the Fourier transform on the input data and returns the result.
std::vector< std::complex
< double > > 
Inverse (std::vector< std::complex< double > > input)
 Applies the inverse Fourier transform on the input data and returns the result.
bool IsPowerOfTwo (int n)
 Checks to see if the input integer is a power of two.
int lg (int n)
 This function returns the floor of log2(n)
int BitReverse (int n, int x)
 Reverses the binary representation of the input integer in the number of bits specified.
int NextPowerOfTwo (int n)
 This function returns the next power of two greater than or equal to n.

Detailed Description

Fourier Transform class.

This class is used to apply a Fourier transform to a vector of complex

data as well as the inverse Fourier transform. Applying the Fourier transform on data in the spatial domain will convert it to data in the Fourier (or frequency) domain. The inverse transform takes data from the frequency domain to the spatial.

If you would like to see FourierTransform being used in implementation, see fft.cpp or ifft.cpp.

2005-11-28 Jacob Danton

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Isis::FourierTransform::FourierTransform ( )

Constructs the FourierTransform object.

Isis::FourierTransform::~FourierTransform ( )

Destroys the FourierTransform object.

Member Function Documentation

int Isis::FourierTransform::BitReverse ( int  n,
int  x 

Reverses the binary representation of the input integer in the number of bits specified.

bitReverse(n,x) = n/2*(2^-a1 + 2^-a2 + ... + 2^-ak) where x = 2^a1 + 2^a2 + ... + 2^ak

nThe number of bits
xThe input integer
int - The reverse of the binary representation of the input integer
std::vector< std::complex< double > > Isis::FourierTransform::Inverse ( std::vector< std::complex< double > >  input)

Applies the inverse Fourier transform on the input data and returns the result.

inputThe data to be transformed.
bool Isis::FourierTransform::IsPowerOfTwo ( int  n)

Checks to see if the input integer is a power of two.

nThe input integer
bool - Returns true if the input is a power of two and false if it is not
int Isis::FourierTransform::lg ( int  n)

This function returns the floor of log2(n)

nThe input integer
int - the floor of log2(n)
int Isis::FourierTransform::NextPowerOfTwo ( int  n)

This function returns the next power of two greater than or equal to n.

If n is a power of two, it returns n.

nThe number of bits
int - the next power of two greater than or equal to n

Referenced by Isis::ForstnerOperator::Interest().

std::vector< std::complex< double > > Isis::FourierTransform::Transform ( std::vector< std::complex< double > >  input)

Applies the Fourier transform on the input data and returns the result.

inputThe data to be transformed.

References Isis::PI().

Referenced by Isis::ForstnerOperator::Interest().

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