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Torsion Compound List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Address_mapAn Address_map is a generalized two-level hierarchical map of virtual addresses to some corresponding values
Array< T >Array is a simple growable list container implemented as an array
Block_deviceThis is an abstract block device, implemented by things like disk drivers
Block_mapA block map maps virtual addresses to their corresponding block locations on disk
ChunkThis is a chunk of virtual memory (allocated or unallocated), memory management meta-data and all
DMA_bufferDMA_buffer is currently just a single page of physical memory allocated under the one megabyte mark that can be transfered via DMA
FloppyThis is the floppy disk driver
Handler_registersThis struct encapsulates the register information available within interrupt handlers
Int_descriptorInt_descriptor is a single entry in the interrupt descriptor table (IDT)
InterruptsThis class represents the interrupt descriptor table (IDT), and allows callers to register and unregister interrupt handlers
Page_mapThe Page_map includes the page directory and all of the page tables
Physical_memoryThe Physical_memory map keeps track of which physical memory pages are available for allocation
PICThe PIC is the programmable interrupt controller
ScreenScreen is the VGA color screen buffer
SegmentThis class contains information about a storage segment on disk
Segment_headerThe first disk block of a segment is a segment header containing virtual addresses for all the pages stored within the segment
Segment_mapA segment map maps segment index numbers to their corresponding page counts (the number of pages a segment contains)
Storage_systemA storage system is simply a file system that stores pages of memory instead of files
SuperblockA Superblock records the completion of a checkpoint
Virtual_memoryVirtual_memory is the allocator/deallocator for virtual memory

Torsion Operating System, Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Dan Helfman