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error.h File Reference

SCEW error handling functions. More...

#include "types.h"
#include <expat.h>

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enum  scew_error {
  scew_error_none, scew_error_no_memory, scew_error_io, scew_error_callback,
  scew_error_expat, scew_error_count


scew_error scew_error_code ()
XML_Char const * scew_error_string (scew_error code)
enum XML_Error scew_error_expat_code (scew_parser *parser)
XML_Char const * scew_error_expat_string (enum XML_Error code)
int scew_error_expat_line (scew_parser *parser)
int scew_error_expat_column (scew_parser *parser)

Detailed Description

SCEW error handling functions.

Aleix Conchillo Flaque <>
Mon May 05, 2003 10:29
error.h,v 1.3 2004/05/25 20:23:04 aleix Exp

These are SCEW error functions which return error codes and strings. It also return Expat errors.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum scew_error

This is the type declaration of the SCEW error. That is, an enumeration of all SCEW possible errors.

Enumeration values:
scew_error_none  No error has occured.
scew_error_no_memory  No more memory available.
scew_error_io  General Input/Output error.
scew_error_callback  Callback error.
scew_error_expat  Expat parser error.
scew_error_count  end of list marker

Function Documentation

scew_error scew_error_code  ) 

Returns the SCEW internal error code. If the error code returned is scew_error_expat it means that an internal Expat error has occurred, so you will probably want to check Expat error using scew_error_expat_code and scew_error_expat_string.

See also:


XML_Char const* scew_error_string scew_error  code  ) 

Returns a string describing the internal SCEW error.

Note: if an unknown error code is given a non thread safe string is returned.

enum XML_Error scew_error_expat_code scew_parser parser  ) 

Returns the Expat internal error code.

XML_Char const* scew_error_expat_string enum XML_Error  code  ) 

Returns a string describing the internal Expat error.

int scew_error_expat_line scew_parser parser  ) 

Returns the current line at which the error was detected.

int scew_error_expat_column scew_parser parser  ) 

Returns the current column at which the error was detected.

Generated on Tue May 25 23:38:29 2004 for Simple C Expat Wrapper by doxygen 1.3.7