After downloading the software, run the ./ script
then run ./configure&&make&&make install
To launch the software type kiftp (with -h to see the
options), the interface will be automatically lauched
except if the soft is in deamon mode. To help you in the
use of this software we give all the instructions in text
mode :
FTP functions :
- connect or co or open + user:pass@url ftp:port
to connect to the FTP server.
- ls or dir to list server files.
- get + file name to get e file.
- put + file name to put a file on the FTP
- cd + directory name to change the
- move or mv or rename + file name + new file
name to rename a file.
- mkdir or mkd + directory name create a
- rmdir or rmd + directory name to delete an
empty directory.
- quit or disconnect or bye or q or di + server
name to disconnect the FTP server.
- ascii to go in ASCII mode.
- binary to go in BINARY mode.
- pwd display the current directory.
- download + url (+ password + port/path to
filename) download the file.
Core functions :
- l_s or listservers to list connected
- gotoftp or gftp + FTP number to activate an
other FTP server.
- bookkmark or book (+ name optional) add
- list_bookmark or lb or l_b to display the
- rmbook or delbook+ bookmark name (or title)
delete the bookmark.
- mvbook or mvb or renbook + bookmark name +
bookmark new bookmark name rename the bookmark.
- listqueue or lq or l_q display the files in
the queue.
- clrqueue clear the files in the queue.
- rmqueue + download name to clear the file in
the queue.
- exit or x to quit the interface.
- kill or k to stop the software.
- lls to list the current directory in
- lcd + directory name change the local
- lpwd display the local current directory.