bakonf usermanual

Iustin Pop

$Id: index.html,v 1.1 2004/02/06 23:11:37 iusty Exp $

This document explains the concept and usage of bakonf 0.5.1, a system tool which backs up the configuration files on a system.

Table of Contents
1. About this document
2. Introduction
3. Quick start
4. Details about bakonf
4.1. Filesystem backup
4.1.1. File types and states
4.2. Metadata
4.2.1. Partition table
4.2.2. Device list
4.3. What can I use bakonf for?
4.4. Requirements
5. Configuration
5.1. Configuration language
5.2. File list
6. Using bakonf
6.1. Backup phase
6.2. Restore phase
6.2.1. Configuration rollback
6.2.2. Complete system restoration

1. About this document

This is the usermanual for the bakonf project, version 0.5.1; homepage is at You can also get new versions of this document there.

Revision: $Id: index.html,v 1.1 2004/02/06 23:11:37 iusty Exp $