Babe uses the Savannah bug tracking mechanism. Visit http://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?group=babe
to report a bug. You will need to sign up for a Savannah account. You can also
email the appropriate list below.
Babe Core Development
This mailing list is used for people actively working on Babe's core. The core
consists of all code used to allow modules to be effectively used. This
generally means code not found in
src/{input,output,format}. This is an appropriate place for patches,
discussion about Babe, and developer questions. To sign up for the mailing
list see
http://mail.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/babe-coredevel. If you consistently
send quality patches, you will be granted CVS access.
Babe Module Development
This mailing list is used by people actively doing module development. Many
people subscribe to both babe-moddevel and babe-coredevel. This list is an
appropriate place for people to collaborate on module development, or for
people to ask questions about doing new module development. People doing
module development will generally not be granted CVS access, so this is an
appropriate place for patches as well. To sign up for the mailing list see
The official Babe chat server is daemon.ecn.purdue.edu. This server is
running SILC which you can access using the silc software. Use /server
daemon.ecn.purdue.edu and /join #Babe