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prefs.h File Reference

#include <glib.h>

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Data Structures

struct  _ptr_list


#define MAX_PREF_NAME_LEN   255
#define MAX_PREF_LEN   1024


typedef _ptr_list ptr_list


void write_prefs ()
void eb_read_prefs ()
void build_prefs ()
void rebuild_import_menu ()
void rebuild_profile_menu ()
void * GetPref (char *key)
void * SetPref (char *key, void *data)
int iGetLocalPref (char *key)
void iSetLocalPref (char *key, int data)
float fGetLocalPref (char *key)
void fSetLocalPref (char *key, float data)
char * cGetLocalPref (char *key)
void cSetLocalPref (char *key, char *data)
void rebuild_set_status_menu ()
void save_account_info (char *service, GList *pairs)
void reload_service_accounts (int service_id)

Define Documentation

#define MAX_PREF_LEN   1024

Definition at line 29 of file prefs.h.

Referenced by eb_input_accept(), eb_input_to_value_pair(), eb_update_from_value_pair(), fSetLocalPref(), and iSetLocalPref().

#define MAX_PREF_NAME_LEN   255

Definition at line 28 of file prefs.h.

Referenced by cGetLocalPref(), cSetLocalPref(), eb_input_to_value_pair(), eb_update_from_value_pair(), and iSetLocalPref().

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _ptr_list ptr_list

Function Documentation

void build_prefs  

Definition at line 91 of file prefs.c.

References _, build_chat_prefs(), build_encoding_prefs(), build_general_prefs(), build_layout_prefs(), build_logs_prefs(), build_modules_prefs(), build_proxy_prefs(), build_sound_prefs(), cancel_callback(), destroy(), eb_icon(), is_prefs_open, ok_callback(), and SetPref().

Referenced by build_prefs_callback().

00092 {
00093      if(!is_prefs_open)
00094      {
00095       GtkWidget *hbox;
00096       GtkWidget *label;
00097       GtkWidget *button;
00098       GtkWidget *hbox2;
00099       GtkWidget *prefs_vbox;
00100       GtkWidget *iconwid;
00101       GdkPixmap *icon;
00102       GdkBitmap *mask;
00103       GtkWidget *prefs_window;
00105       prefs_vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 5);
00106       prefs_window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_DIALOG);
00107       gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(prefs_window), GTK_WIN_POS_MOUSE);
00108       /* set current parent to prefs so error dialogs know who real
00109        * parent is */
00110       current_parent_widget = prefs_window;
00111       gtk_widget_realize(prefs_window);
00112       gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(prefs_window), _("Yattm Preferences"));
00113       eb_icon(prefs_window->window);
00114       gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(prefs_window), "destroy",
00115                   GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(destroy), NULL);
00117       /*
00118        ************************************************************
00119        Below the different tabs are defined for the preferences
00120        window.  In which the user can make yattm work more
00121        the way he/she wants it too.
00122        ************************************************************
00123        */
00125       {
00126            GtkWidget *prefs_note = gtk_notebook_new();
00127                SetPref("widget::prefs_note", prefs_note);
00128            build_general_prefs(prefs_note);
00129            build_logs_prefs(prefs_note);
00130            build_sound_prefs(prefs_note);
00131            build_layout_prefs(prefs_note);
00132            build_chat_prefs(prefs_note);
00133 //         build_connections_prefs(prefs_note);
00134            gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(prefs_vbox), prefs_note, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
00135            build_proxy_prefs(prefs_note);
00136 #ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
00137            build_encoding_prefs(prefs_note);
00138 #endif
00139            build_modules_prefs(prefs_note);
00140       }
00142       /*Okay Button*/
00143       hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 5);
00144       hbox2 = gtk_hbox_new(TRUE, 5);
00145       gtk_widget_set_usize(hbox2, 200,25);
00147       icon = gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d(prefs_window->window, &mask, NULL, ok_xpm);
00148       iconwid = gtk_pixmap_new(icon, mask);
00149       label = gtk_label_new(_("Ok"));
00151       gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), iconwid, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
00152       gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
00154       gtk_widget_show(iconwid);
00155       gtk_widget_show(label);
00157       button = gtk_button_new();
00159       gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(button), "clicked", 
00160                  ok_callback, prefs_window);
00162       gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT (button), "clicked",
00163                      GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gtk_widget_destroy),
00164                      GTK_OBJECT (prefs_window));
00165       gtk_widget_show(hbox);
00167       gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (button), hbox);
00169       gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox2), button, TRUE, TRUE, 5);
00170       gtk_widget_show(button);
00172       /*Cancel Button*/
00173       hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 5);
00174       icon = gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d(prefs_window->window, &mask, NULL, cancel_xpm);
00175       iconwid = gtk_pixmap_new(icon, mask);
00176       label = gtk_label_new(_("Cancel"));
00178       gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), iconwid, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
00179       gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
00181       gtk_widget_show(iconwid);
00182       gtk_widget_show(label);
00184       button = gtk_button_new();
00186       gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(button), "clicked", 
00187                  cancel_callback, prefs_window);
00189       gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT (button), "clicked",
00190                      GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gtk_widget_destroy),
00191                      GTK_OBJECT (prefs_window));
00192       gtk_widget_show(hbox);
00194       gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (button), hbox);
00196       gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox2), button, TRUE, TRUE, 5);
00197       gtk_widget_show(button);
00199       /*End Buttons*/
00200       hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 5);
00202       gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(hbox), hbox2, FALSE, FALSE, 5);
00203       gtk_widget_show(hbox2);
00205       gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(prefs_vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 5);
00206       gtk_widget_show(hbox);
00207       gtk_widget_show(prefs_vbox);
00208       gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(prefs_window), prefs_vbox);
00210       gtk_widget_show(prefs_window);
00211       is_prefs_open = 1;
00212      }
00213 }

char* cGetLocalPref char *    key

Referenced by build_general_prefs(), build_modules_prefs(), build_sound_tab(), cancel_general_prefs(), cancel_sound_prefs(), eb_read_prefs(), fGetLocalPref(), iGetLocalPref(), load_modules(), open_url_nw(), play_sound(), testsoundfile(), write_general_prefs(), write_module_prefs(), and write_sound_prefs().

void cSetLocalPref char *    key,
char *    data

Referenced by cancel_sound_prefs(), destroy_general_prefs(), destroy_modules(), eb_read_prefs(), fSetLocalPref(), get_service_id(), iSetLocalPref(), reload_modules(), setsoundfilename(), update_soundfile_entries(), and write_general_prefs().

void eb_read_prefs  

Definition at line 2233 of file prefs.c.

References accel_next_tab, accel_prev_tab, BuddyArriveDefault, BuddyLeaveDefault, cGetLocalPref(), cSetLocalPref(), DBG_CORE, do_applet_show_on_startup, do_away_sound, do_convo_timestamp, do_enter_send, do_escape_close, do_ignore_back, do_ignore_font, do_ignore_fore, do_ignore_unknown, do_logging, do_login_on_startup, do_multi_line, do_no_sound_for_ignore, do_no_sound_when_away, do_noautoresize, do_online_sound, do_play_first, do_play_receive, do_play_send, do_plugin_debug, do_raise_window, do_restore_last_conv, do_send_idle_time, do_send_typing_notify, do_smiley, do_strip_html, do_tabbed_chat, do_tabbed_chat_orient, do_timestamp, do_typing_notify, do_yattm_debug, do_yattm_debug_html, eb_debug, font_size, font_size_def, get_service_id(), get_service_name(), iGetLocalPref(), iSetLocalPref(), length_contact_window_def, MODULE_DIR, PLUGIN_PREF, ReceiveDefault, SendDefault, SERVICE_PREF, SetPref(), use_alternate_browser, value_pair_add(), value_pair_free(), and width_contact_window_def.

Referenced by main().

02234 {
02235     gchar buff[1024];
02236     int pref_type=0;
02237     FILE * fp;
02238     gchar *param=buff;
02239     gchar *val=buff;
02241     /* Set some default values */
02242     iSetLocalPref("length_contact_window", length_contact_window_def);
02243     iSetLocalPref("width_contact_window", width_contact_window_def);
02244     cSetLocalPref("modules_path", MODULE_DIR);
02245     cSetLocalPref("BuddyArriveFilename", BuddyArriveDefault);
02246     cSetLocalPref("BuddyAwayFilename", BuddyLeaveDefault);
02247     cSetLocalPref("BuddyLeaveFilename", BuddyLeaveDefault);
02248     cSetLocalPref("FirstMsgFilename", ReceiveDefault);
02249     cSetLocalPref("ReceiveFilename", ReceiveDefault);
02250     cSetLocalPref("SendFilename", SendDefault);
02251     iSetLocalPref("FontSize", font_size_def);
02253     g_snprintf(buff, 1024, "%sprefs",config_dir);
02254     fp = fopen(buff, "r");
02255     if(!fp)
02256     {
02257         /* This would cause things to crash if there is no file, as services
02258         * are not loaded yet.  It will be called when actual changes are made
02259         * to preferences, until then, it doesn't need to be written.
02260         */
02261         printf("can't open %s\n",buff);
02262 //      write_prefs();
02263         return;
02264     }
02265     while(!feof(fp))
02266     {
02267         fgets(buff, 1024, fp);
02268         param=buff;
02269         if(feof(fp))
02270             break;
02271         g_strstrip(param);
02272         pref_type=0;
02273         if(!strcasecmp(buff, "plugins"))
02274             pref_type=PLUGIN_PREF;
02275         else if(!strcasecmp(buff, "connections"))
02276             pref_type=SERVICE_PREF;
02277         if(pref_type!=0)
02278         {
02279             for(;;)
02280             {
02281                 int id=-1;
02282                 char *plugin_name=NULL;
02283                 GList * session_prefs = NULL;
02284                 GList *osession_prefs = NULL;
02285                 fgets(buff, 1024, fp);
02286                 param=buff;
02287                 g_strstrip(param);
02288                 if(!strcasecmp(param, "end"))
02289                 {
02290                     break;
02291                 }
02292                 switch(pref_type) {
02293                 case PLUGIN_PREF:
02294                     plugin_name=strdup(param);
02295                     break;
02296                 case SERVICE_PREF:
02297                     id = get_service_id(param);
02298                     break;
02299                 default:
02300                     break;
02301                 }
02303                 for(;;)
02304                 {
02305                     fgets(buff, 1024, fp);
02306                     param=buff;
02307                     g_strstrip(param);
02308                     if(!strcasecmp(param, "end"))
02309                     {
02310                         switch(pref_type) {
02311                         case PLUGIN_PREF:
02312                             osession_prefs = SetPref(plugin_name, session_prefs);
02313                             if(osession_prefs)
02314                             {
02315                                 eb_debug(DBG_CORE, "Freeing osession_prefs\n");
02316                                 value_pair_free(osession_prefs);
02317                             }
02318                             free(plugin_name);
02319                             break;
02320                         case SERVICE_PREF:
02321                             osession_prefs = SetPref(get_service_name(id), session_prefs);
02322                             if(osession_prefs)
02323                             {
02324                                 eb_debug(DBG_CORE, "Freeing osession_prefs\n");
02325                                 value_pair_free(osession_prefs);
02326                             }
02327                             break;
02328                         default:
02329                             eb_debug(DBG_CORE, "Error!  We're not supposed to ever get here!\n");
02330                             break;
02331                         }
02332                         break;
02333                     }
02334                     else
02335                     {
02336                         val=param;
02338                         while(*val != 0 && *val !='=')
02339                             val++;
02340                         if(*val=='=')
02341                         {
02342                             *val='\0';
02343                             val++;
02344                         }
02346                         /*
02347                         * if quoted strip off the quotes
02348                         */
02350                         if(*val == '"')
02351                         {
02352                             val++;
02353                             val[strlen(val)-1] = '\0';
02354                         }
02355                         eb_debug(DBG_CORE,"Adding %s:%s to session_prefs\n", param, val);
02356                         session_prefs = value_pair_add(session_prefs,
02357                             param, val);
02358                     }
02359                 }
02360             }
02361             continue;
02362         } /* if(pref_type !=0) */
02363         val=param;
02365         while(*val != 0 && *val !='=')
02366             val++;
02367         if(*val=='=')
02368         {
02369             *val='\0';
02370             val++;
02371         }
02372         cSetLocalPref(param, val);
02373     }
02374     do_logging            =iGetLocalPref("do_logging");
02375     do_strip_html         =iGetLocalPref("do_strip_html");
02376     do_play_send          =iGetLocalPref("do_play_send");
02377     do_play_first         =iGetLocalPref("do_play_first");
02378     do_play_receive       =iGetLocalPref("do_play_receive");
02379     do_ignore_unknown     =iGetLocalPref("do_ignore_unknown");
02380     do_send_idle_time     =iGetLocalPref("do_send_idle_time");
02381     do_raise_window       =iGetLocalPref("do_raise_window");
02382     do_timestamp          =iGetLocalPref("do_timestamp");
02383     do_online_sound       =iGetLocalPref("do_online_sound");
02384     do_multi_line         =iGetLocalPref("do_multi_line");
02385     do_ignore_fore        =iGetLocalPref("do_ignore_fore");
02386     do_ignore_back        =iGetLocalPref("do_ignore_back");
02387     do_ignore_font        =iGetLocalPref("do_ignore_font");
02388     do_convo_timestamp    =iGetLocalPref("do_convo_timestamp");
02389     do_typing_notify      =iGetLocalPref("do_typing_notify");
02390     do_send_typing_notify =iGetLocalPref("do_send_typing_notify");
02391     do_smiley             =iGetLocalPref("do_smiley");
02392     do_escape_close       =iGetLocalPref("do_escape_close");
02393     do_enter_send         =iGetLocalPref("do_enter_send");
02394 #ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
02395     use_recoding          =iGetLocalPref("use_recoding");
02396 #endif
02397     do_restore_last_conv  =iGetLocalPref("do_restore_last_conv");
02398     /*
02399     use_typical_sound_method=iGetLocalPref("use_typical_sound_method");
02400     use_sounddevice=cGetLocalPref("use_sounddevice");
02401     */
02402     do_away_sound         =iGetLocalPref("do_away_sound");
02403     do_no_sound_when_away =iGetLocalPref("do_no_sound_when_away");
02404     do_no_sound_for_ignore=iGetLocalPref("do_no_sound_for_ignore");
02405     do_tabbed_chat        =iGetLocalPref("do_tabbed_chat");
02406     do_tabbed_chat_orient =iGetLocalPref("do_tabbed_chat_orient");
02407 #ifdef HAVE_ISPELL
02408     do_spell_checking     =iGetLocalPref("do_spell_checking");
02409 #endif
02410         do_noautoresize       =iGetLocalPref("do_noautoresize");
02411     use_alternate_browser =iGetLocalPref("use_alternate_browser");
02412     do_applet_show_on_startup=iGetLocalPref("do_applet_show_on_startup");
02413     do_login_on_startup   =iGetLocalPref("do_login_on_startup");
02414     do_yattm_debug   =iGetLocalPref("do_yattm_debug");
02415     do_yattm_debug_html=iGetLocalPref("do_yattm_debug_html");
02416     do_plugin_debug       =iGetLocalPref("do_plugin_debug");
02417     font_size         =iGetLocalPref("FontSize");
02418      gtk_accelerator_parse(cGetLocalPref("accel_next_tab"), &(accel_next_tab.keyval), &(accel_next_tab.modifiers));
02419      gtk_accelerator_parse(cGetLocalPref("accel_prev_tab"), &(accel_prev_tab.keyval), &(accel_prev_tab.modifiers));
02420      proxy_set_proxy(iGetLocalPref("proxy_type"), cGetLocalPref("proxy_host"), iGetLocalPref("proxy_port"));
02421      proxy_set_auth(iGetLocalPref("do_proxy_auth"), cGetLocalPref("proxy_user"), cGetLocalPref("proxy_password"));
02422      fclose(fp);
02423 }

float fGetLocalPref char *    key

Definition at line 1742 of file prefs.c.

References cGetLocalPref().

Referenced by playsoundfile(), and write_sound_prefs().

01742                                {
01743     float value=0;
01745     value=atof(cGetLocalPref(key));
01746     return(value);
01747 }

void fSetLocalPref char *    key,
float    data

Referenced by cancel_sound_prefs(), and soundvolume_changed().

void* GetPref char *    key

Referenced by add_service(), build_modules_list(), cGetLocalPref(), contact_menu(), eb_add_menu_item(), eb_import_window(), eb_profile_window(), eb_remove_menu_item(), FindLoadedPluginByService(), FindPluginByHandle(), FindPluginByName(), handle_click(), load_service_plugin(), load_utility_plugin(), plugin_selected(), rebuild_import_menu(), rebuild_profile_menu(), rebuild_set_status_menu(), reload_modules(), reload_service_accounts(), SetPluginInfo(), unload_modules(), and write_module_prefs().

int iGetLocalPref char *    key

Referenced by build_chat_prefs(), build_general_prefs(), build_layout_prefs(), build_sound_tab(), eb_read_prefs(), update_contact_window_length(), and write_general_prefs().

void iSetLocalPref char *    key,
int    data

Referenced by eb_read_prefs(), eb_save_size(), write_chat_prefs(), and write_layout_prefs().

void rebuild_import_menu  

Definition at line 1255 of file prefs.c.

References DBG_CORE, eb_debug, eb_import_window(), and GetPref().

Referenced by reload_modules().

01256 {
01257     GtkWidget *import_submenuitem;
01259     import_submenuitem = GetPref("widget::import_submenuitem");
01260     if(!import_submenuitem) {
01261         eb_debug(DBG_CORE, "Not rebuilding import menu, it's never been built.\n");
01262         return;
01263     }
01264     gtk_menu_item_remove_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(import_submenuitem));
01265     eb_import_window(import_submenuitem);
01266     gtk_widget_draw(GTK_WIDGET(import_submenuitem), NULL);
01267 }

void rebuild_profile_menu  

Definition at line 1268 of file prefs.c.

References DBG_CORE, eb_debug, eb_profile_window(), and GetPref().

Referenced by reload_modules().

01269 {
01270     GtkWidget *profile_submenuitem;
01272     profile_submenuitem = GetPref("widget::profile_submenuitem");
01273     if(!profile_submenuitem) {
01274         eb_debug(DBG_CORE, "Not rebuilding profile menu, it's never been built.\n");
01275         return;
01276     }
01277     gtk_menu_item_remove_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(profile_submenuitem));
01278     eb_profile_window(profile_submenuitem);
01279     gtk_widget_draw(GTK_WIDGET(profile_submenuitem), NULL);
01280 }

void rebuild_set_status_menu  

Definition at line 1245 of file prefs.c.

References eb_set_status_window(), and GetPref().

Referenced by ok_callback(), reload_modules(), reload_plugin_callback(), and unload_plugin_callback().

01246 {
01247     GtkWidget *set_status_submenuitem;
01249     set_status_submenuitem = GetPref("widget::set_status_submenuitem");
01250     gtk_menu_item_remove_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(set_status_submenuitem));
01251     eb_set_status_window(set_status_submenuitem);
01252     gtk_widget_draw(GTK_WIDGET(set_status_submenuitem), NULL);
01253 }

void reload_service_accounts int    service_id

Definition at line 1187 of file prefs.c.

References _, local_account::connected, DBG_CORE, do_error_dialog(), eb_debug, get_service_id(), get_service_name(), GetPref(), local_account::handle, local_account::protocol_local_account_data, and local_account::service_id.

Referenced by add_service().

01188 {
01189     GList * node = accounts;
01190     GList * account_pairs;
01191     eb_local_account *oela=NULL, *nela=NULL;
01192     char buff[256], buff2[1024];
01194     while(node)
01195     {
01196         oela=node->data;
01197         if(oela->service_id != service_id || oela->connected) {
01198             node = node->next;
01199             continue;
01200         }
01201         eb_debug(DBG_CORE, "Account: handle:%s service: %s\n", oela->handle, get_service_name(oela->service_id));
01202         g_snprintf(buff, 256, "%s:%s", get_service_name(oela->service_id), oela->handle);
01203         account_pairs = GetPref(buff);
01204         nela = eb_services[oela->service_id].sc->read_local_account_config(account_pairs);
01205         if(!nela) {
01206             g_snprintf(buff2, 256, _("Unable to create account for %s, check config file\n"), buff);
01207             do_error_dialog(buff2, _("Invalid account"));
01208             oela->service_id=get_service_id("NO SERVICE");
01209         }
01210         else {
01211             nela->service_id = oela->service_id;
01212             node->data=nela;
01213             //FIXME: This should probably be left to the service to clean up, though at this point, it may not exist
01214             g_free(oela->handle);
01215             g_free(oela->protocol_local_account_data);
01216             g_free(oela);
01217         }
01218         node = node->next;
01219     }
01220 }

void save_account_info char *    service,
GList *    pairs

Definition at line 1178 of file prefs.c.

References SetPref(), and value_pair_get_value().

Referenced by ok_callback(), and yyparse().

01179 {
01180     char buff[256];
01181     char *val = value_pair_get_value(pairs, "SCREEN_NAME");
01182     g_snprintf(buff, 256, "%s:%s", service, val);
01183     g_free(val);
01184     SetPref(buff, pairs);
01185 }

void* SetPref char *    key,
void *    data

Referenced by build_modules_prefs(), build_prefs(), cSetLocalPref(), eb_read_prefs(), eb_status_window(), init_menu(), save_account_info(), SetPluginInfo(), and write_module_prefs().

void write_prefs  

Definition at line 2205 of file prefs.c.

References write_chat_prefs(), write_general_prefs(), write_layout_prefs(), write_logs_prefs(), write_module_prefs(), write_proxy_prefs(), and write_sound_prefs().

Referenced by eb_save_size(), and ok_callback().

02206 {
02207      gchar buff[1024], file[1024];
02208      FILE * fp;
02209      // todo: write to temp file and rename at end to prevent damaged files
02210      g_snprintf(buff, 1024, "%sprefs.tmp",config_dir);
02211      g_snprintf(file, 1024, "%sprefs",config_dir);
02212      fp = fopen(buff, "w");
02213      write_general_prefs(fp);
02214      write_logs_prefs(fp);
02215      write_sound_prefs(fp);
02216      write_chat_prefs(fp);
02217      write_layout_prefs(fp);
02218 #ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
02219      write_encoding_prefs(fp);
02220 #endif
02221      write_proxy_prefs(fp);
02222      write_module_prefs(fp);
02223 //     write_connections_prefs(fp);
02224      fprintf(fp, "end\n");
02225      fclose(fp);
02226      rename(buff,file);
02227 }

Contact: Andy Maloney     [Documentation generated by doxygen]