gnash::morph_fill_style Class Reference

#include <styles.h>

Inheritance diagram for gnash::morph_fill_style:

gnash::base_fill_style List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 morph_fill_style ()
 morph_fill_style (stream *in, movie_definition *m)
virtual ~morph_fill_style ()
void read (stream *in, movie_definition *m)
rgba sample_gradient (int ratio, float morph)
bitmap_infocreate_gradient_bitmap (float morph) const
rgba get_color (float morph) const
void set_colors (rgba new_color_orig, rgba new_color_target)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

gnash::morph_fill_style::morph_fill_style  ) 

gnash::morph_fill_style::morph_fill_style stream in,
movie_definition m

virtual gnash::morph_fill_style::~morph_fill_style  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

bitmap_info* gnash::morph_fill_style::create_gradient_bitmap float  morph  )  const

rgba gnash::morph_fill_style::get_color float  morph  )  const

void gnash::morph_fill_style::read stream in,
movie_definition m

rgba gnash::morph_fill_style::sample_gradient int  ratio,
float  morph

void gnash::morph_fill_style::set_colors rgba  new_color_orig,
rgba  new_color_target

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Nov 23 22:31:35 2006 for Gnash by  doxygen 1.4.6