Source: ../../rip/xrl_process_spy.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2008 XORP, Inc.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
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// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
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// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/rip/xrl_process_spy.hh,v 1.11 2008/07/23 05:11:38 pavlin Exp $


#include "libxorp/service.hh"

class XrlRouter;

 * @short Class that watches remote FEA and RIB processes.
 * This class registers interest with the Finder in the FEA and RIB
 * processes and reports whether the FEA and RIB are running to
 * interested parties.
class XrlProcessSpy : public ServiceBase {
    XrlProcessSpy(XrlRouter& rtr);

     * Register interest in FEA and RIB with Finder.
     * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int startup();

     * Deregister interest in FEA and RIB with Finder.
     * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int shutdown();

     * Get indication of whether FEA is present.
     * @return true if FEA is present, false if FEA is not present or
     * @ref run_status() is not in SERVICE_RUNNING state.
    bool fea_present() const;

     * Get indication of whether RIB is present.
     * @return true if RIB is present, false if RIB is not present or
     * @ref run_status() is not in SERVICE_RUNNING state.
    bool rib_present() const;

     * Inform instance about the birth of an Xrl Target instance
     * within a class.  Typically called by associated Xrl Target of
     * running RIP.
     * @param class_name class of new born Xrl Target.
     * @param instance_name instance name of new born Xrl Target.
    void birth_event(const string& class_name,
		     const string& instance_name);

     * Inform instance about the death of a Xrl Target instance within a class.
     * Typically called by associated Xrl Target of running RIP.
     * @param class_name class of recently deceased Xrl Target.
     * @param instance_name instance name of recently deceased Xrl Target.
    void death_event(const string& class_name,
		     const string& instance_name);

    void send_register(uint32_t idx);
    void register_cb(const XrlError& e, uint32_t idx);
    void schedule_register_retry(uint32_t idx);

    void send_deregister(uint32_t idx);
    void deregister_cb(const XrlError& e, uint32_t idx);
    void schedule_deregister_retry(uint32_t idx);

    static const uint32_t FEA_IDX = 0;
    static const uint32_t RIB_IDX = 1;
    static const uint32_t END_IDX = 2;

    XrlRouter&	_rtr;
    string	_cname[END_IDX];
    string	_iname[END_IDX];
    XorpTimer   _retry;

#endif // __RIP_XRL_PROCESS_SPY_HH__

Generated by: bms on on Wed Jul 23 10:06:09 2008, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.