class VifManager

VifManager keeps track of the VIFs currently enabled in the FEA. More...

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Public Methods

Protected Methods

Detailed Description

The RIB process has a single VifManager instance, which registers with the FEA process to discover the VIFs on this router and their IP addresses and prefixes. When the VIFs or their configuration in the FEA change, the VifManager will be notified, and it will update the RIBs appropriately. The RIBs need to know about VIFs and VIF addresses to decide which routes have nexthops that are on directly connected subnets, and which are nexthops that need to be resolved using other routes to figure out where next to send the packet. Only routes with nexthops that are on directly connected subnets can be sent to the FEA.

 VifManager (XrlRouter& xrl_router, EventLoop& eventloop, RibManager* rib_manager, const string& fea_target)


VifManager constructor


xrl_routerthis process's XRL router.
eventloopthis process's EventLoop.
rib_managerthis class contains the actual RIBs for IPv4 and IPv6, unicast and multicast.
fea_targetthe FEA target name.
 ~VifManager ()


VifManager destructor

int  start ()


Start operation.

Start the process of registering with the FEA, etc. After the startup operations are completed, VifManager::final_start() is called internally to complete the job.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

Reimplemented from ProtoState.

int  stop ()


Stop operation.

Gracefully stop operation. After the shutdown operations are completed, VifManager::final_stop() is called internally to complete the job.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

Reimplemented from ProtoState.

int  final_start ()


Completely start the node operation.

This method should be called internally after VifManager::start() to complete the job.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  final_stop ()


Completely stop the node operation.

This method should be called internally after VifManager::stop() to complete the job.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

void  tree_complete ()



Reimplemented from IfMgrHintObserver.

void  updates_made ()



Reimplemented from IfMgrHintObserver.

void  incr_startup_requests_n ()



void  decr_startup_requests_n ()



void  incr_shutdown_requests_n ()



void  decr_shutdown_requests_n ()



void  update_status ()



Generated by: bms on on Wed Jul 23 10:06:07 2008, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.