Source: ../../ospf/xrl_io.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2008 XORP, Inc.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
// notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is
// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/ospf/xrl_io.hh,v 1.33 2008/07/23 05:11:11 pavlin Exp $

#ifndef __OSPF_XRL_IO_HH__
#define __OSPF_XRL_IO_HH__

#include "libxipc/xrl_router.hh"

#include "libfeaclient/ifmgr_xrl_mirror.hh"
#include "policy/backend/policytags.hh"

#include "io.hh"

class EventLoop;
template <typename A> class XrlIO;

 * XXX - This should be moved to its own file.
 * Queue route adds and deletes to the RIB.
template <class A>
class XrlQueue {
    XrlQueue(EventLoop& eventloop, XrlRouter& xrl_router);

    void set_io(XrlIO<A> *io) {
	_io = io;

    void queue_add_route(string ribname, const IPNet<A>& net,
			 const A& nexthop, uint32_t nexthop_id, 
			 uint32_t metric, const PolicyTags& policytags);

    void queue_delete_route(string ribname, const IPNet<A>& net);

    bool busy();
    static const size_t WINDOW = 100;	// Maximum number of XRLs
					// allowed in flight.

    XrlIO<A>    *_io;
    EventLoop& _eventloop;
    XrlRouter& _xrl_router;

    struct Queued {
	bool add;
	string ribname;
	IPNet<A> net;
	A nexthop;
	uint32_t nexthop_id;
	uint32_t metric;
	string comment;
	PolicyTags policytags;

    deque <Queued> _xrl_queue;
    size_t _flying; //XRLs currently in flight

     * Maximum number in flight
    bool maximum_number_inflight() const { return _flying >= WINDOW; }

     * Start the transmission of XRLs to tbe RIB.
    void start();

     * The specialised method called by sendit to deal with IPv4/IPv6.
     * @param q the queued command.
     * @param protocol "ospf"
     * @return True if the add/delete was queued.
    bool sendit_spec(Queued& q, const char *protocol);

    EventLoop& eventloop() const;

    void route_command_done(const XrlError& error, const string comment);

 * Concrete implementation of IO using XRLs.
template <typename A>
class XrlIO : public IO<A>,
	      public IfMgrHintObserver,
	      public ServiceChangeObserverBase {
    XrlIO(EventLoop& eventloop, XrlRouter& xrl_router, const string& feaname,
	  const string& ribname)
	: _eventloop(eventloop),
	  _ifmgr(eventloop, feaname.c_str(), _xrl_router.finder_address(),
	  _rib_queue(eventloop, xrl_router)

	// TODO: for now startup inside the constructor. Ideally, we want
	// to startup after the FEA birth event.
// 	startup();

    ~XrlIO() {
	// TODO: for now shutdown inside the destructor. Ideally, we want
	// to shutdown gracefully before we call the destructor.
// 	shutdown();


     * Startup operation.
     * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int startup() {
	// XXX: when the startup is completed,
	// IfMgrHintObserver::tree_complete() will be called.
	if (_ifmgr.startup() != XORP_OK) {
	    return (XORP_ERROR);


	return (XORP_OK);

     * Shutdown operation.
     * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int shutdown() {
	// XXX: when the shutdown is completed, XrlIO::status_change()
	// will be called.


	return (_ifmgr.shutdown());

     * Called when internal subsystem comes up.
    void component_up(string /*name*/) {
//  	fprintf(stderr, "Component: %s count %d\n", name.c_str(),
// 		_component_count + 1);
	// XXX - Should really get every component to register at
	// initialisation time and track the individual
	// status. Simpler to uncomment the printfs and track the count.
	if (4 == _component_count)

     * Called when internal subsystem goes down.
    void component_down(string /*name*/) {
//  	fprintf(stderr, "Component: %s count %d\n", name.c_str(),
// 		_component_count - 1);
	if (0 == _component_count)

     * Receiver Raw frames.
    void recv(const string& interface,
	      const string& vif,
	      A src,
	      A dst,
	      uint8_t ip_protocol,
	      int32_t ip_ttl,
	      int32_t ip_tos,
	      bool ip_router_alert,
	      bool ip_internet_control,
	      const vector<uint8_t>& payload);

     * Send Raw frames.
    bool send(const string& interface, const string& vif, 
	      A dst, A src,
	      uint8_t* data, uint32_t len);

     * Enable the interface/vif to receive frames.
    bool enable_interface_vif(const string& interface, const string& vif);

     * Disable this interface/vif from receiving frames.
    bool disable_interface_vif(const string& interface, const string& vif);

     * Test whether an interface is enabled.
     * @param interface the name of the interface to test.
     * @return true if it exists and is enabled, otherwise false.
    bool is_interface_enabled(const string& interface) const;

     * Test whether an interface/vif is enabled.
     * @param interface the name of the interface to test.
     * @param vif the name of the vif to test.
     * @return true if it exists and is enabled, otherwise false.
    bool is_vif_enabled(const string& interface, const string& vif) const;

     * Test whether an interface/vif/address is enabled.
     * @param interface the name of the interface to test.
     * @param vif the name of the vif to test.
     * @param address the address to test.
     * @return true if it exists and is enabled, otherwise false.
    bool is_address_enabled(const string& interface, const string& vif,
			    const A& address) const;

     * Get all addresses associated with this interface/vif.
     * @param interface the name of the interface
     * @param vif the name of the vif
     * @param addresses (out argument) list of associated addresses
     * @return true if there are no errors.
    bool get_addresses(const string& interface, const string& vif,
		       list<A>& addresses) const;

     * Get a link local address for this interface/vif if available.
     * @param interface the name of the interface
     * @param vif the name of the vif
     * @param address (out argument) set if address is found.
     * @return true if a link local address is available.
    bool get_link_local_address(const string& interface, const string& vif,
				A& address);

     * Get the interface ID.
     * @param interface the name of the interface.
     * @param interface_id the value if found..
     * @return true if the interface ID has been found..
    bool get_interface_id(const string& interface, uint32_t& interface_id);

     * Obtain the subnet prefix length for an interface/vif/address.
     * @param interface the name of the interface.
     * @param vif the name of the vif.
     * @param address the address.
     * @return the subnet prefix length for the address.
    uint32_t get_prefix_length(const string& interface, const string& vif,
			       A address);

     * Obtain the MTU for an interface.
     * @param the name of the interface.
     * @return the mtu for the interface.
    uint32_t get_mtu(const string& interface);

     * On the interface/vif join this multicast group.
    bool join_multicast_group(const string& interface, const string& vif,
			      A mcast);

     * On the interface/vif leave this multicast group.
    bool leave_multicast_group(const string& interface, const string& vif,
			       A mcast);

     * Register with the RIB.
    void register_rib();

     * Remove registration from the RIB.
    void unregister_rib();

    void rib_command_done(const XrlError& error, bool up, const char *comment);

     * Add route to RIB.
     * @param net network
     * @param nexthop
     * @param nexthop_id interface ID towards the nexthop
     * @param metric to network
     * @param equal true if this in another route to the same destination.
     * @param discard true if this is a discard route.
     * @param policytags policy info to the RIB.
    bool add_route(IPNet<A> net,
		   A nexthop,
		   uint32_t nexthop_id,
		   uint32_t metric,
		   bool equal,
		   bool discard,
		   const PolicyTags& policytags);

     * Replace route in RIB.
     * @param net network
     * @param nexthop
     * @param nexthop_id interface ID towards the nexthop
     * @param metric to network
     * @param equal true if this in another route to the same destination.
     * @param discard true if this is a discard route.
     * @param policytags policy info to the RIB.
    bool replace_route(IPNet<A> net,
		       A nexthop,
		       uint32_t nexthop_id,
		       uint32_t metric,
		       bool equal,
		       bool discard,
		       const PolicyTags& policytags);

     * Delete route from RIB.
    bool delete_route(IPNet<A> net);

     * A method invoked when the status of a service changes.
     * @param service the service whose status has changed.
     * @param old_status the old status.
     * @param new_status the new status.
    void status_change(ServiceBase*	service,
		       ServiceStatus	old_status,
		       ServiceStatus	new_status) {
	if (old_status == new_status)
	if (SERVICE_RUNNING == new_status)
	if (SERVICE_SHUTDOWN == new_status)


     * Obtain a pointer to the interface manager service base.
     * @return a pointer to the interface manager service base.
    const ServiceBase* ifmgr_mirror_service_base() const {
	return dynamic_cast<const ServiceBase*>(&_ifmgr);

     * Obtain a reference to the interface manager's interface tree.
     * @return a reference to the interface manager's interface tree.
    const IfMgrIfTree& ifmgr_iftree() const { return _ifmgr.iftree(); }

     * An IfMgrHintObserver method invoked when the initial interface tree
     * information has been received.
    void tree_complete();

     * An IfMgrHintObserver method invoked whenever the interface tree
     * information has been changed.
    void updates_made();

    // XRL callbacks
    void send_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error, string interface, string vif);
    void enable_interface_vif_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error, string interface,
				 string vif);
    void disable_interface_vif_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error, string interface,
				  string vif);
    void join_multicast_group_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error, string interface,
				 string vif);
    void leave_multicast_group_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error, string interface,
				  string vif);

    EventLoop&		_eventloop;
    XrlRouter&		_xrl_router;
    string		_feaname;
    string		_ribname;
    uint32_t		_component_count;

    IfMgrXrlMirror	_ifmgr;
    XrlQueue<A>		_rib_queue;

    // A local copy with the interface state information
    IfMgrIfTree		_iftree;
#endif // __OSPF_XRL_IO_HH__

Generated by: bms on on Wed Jul 23 10:06:05 2008, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.