XrlFtiV0p2Client (XrlSender* s)
| XrlFtiV0p2Client |
~XrlFtiV0p2Client ()
| ~XrlFtiV0p2Client |
typedef XorpCallback8<void, const XrlError&, const IPv4Net*, const IPv4*, const string*, const string*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const string*>::RefPtr LookupRouteByDest4CB | LookupRouteByDest4CB |
bool send_lookup_route_by_dest4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const IPv4& dst,
const LookupRouteByDest4CB& cb
| send_lookup_route_by_dest4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Lookup a route for a destination host address.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
dst | the destination host address to lookup. |
typedef XorpCallback8<void, const XrlError&, const IPv6Net*, const IPv6*, const string*, const string*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const string*>::RefPtr LookupRouteByDest6CB | LookupRouteByDest6CB |
bool send_lookup_route_by_dest6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const IPv6& dst,
const LookupRouteByDest6CB& cb
| send_lookup_route_by_dest6 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Lookup a route for a destination host address.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
dst | the destination host address to lookup. |
typedef XorpCallback7<void, const XrlError&, const IPv4*, const string*, const string*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const string*>::RefPtr LookupRouteByNetwork4CB | LookupRouteByNetwork4CB |
bool send_lookup_route_by_network4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const IPv4Net& dst,
const LookupRouteByNetwork4CB& cb
| send_lookup_route_by_network4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Lookup a route for a destination subnet address.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
dst | the destination subnet address to lookup. |
typedef XorpCallback7<void, const XrlError&, const IPv6*, const string*, const string*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const string*>::RefPtr LookupRouteByNetwork6CB | LookupRouteByNetwork6CB |
bool send_lookup_route_by_network6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const IPv6Net& dst,
const LookupRouteByNetwork6CB& cb
| send_lookup_route_by_network6 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Lookup a route for a destination subnet address.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
dst | the destination subnet address to lookup. |
typedef XorpCallback2<void, const XrlError&, const bool*>::RefPtr HaveIpv4CB | HaveIpv4CB |
bool send_have_ipv4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const HaveIpv4CB& cb
| send_have_ipv4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Test if the underlying system supports IPv4.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
typedef XorpCallback2<void, const XrlError&, const bool*>::RefPtr HaveIpv6CB | HaveIpv6CB |
bool send_have_ipv6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const HaveIpv6CB& cb
| send_have_ipv6 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Test if the underlying system supports IPv6.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
typedef XorpCallback2<void, const XrlError&, const bool*>::RefPtr GetUnicastForwardingEnabled4CB | GetUnicastForwardingEnabled4CB |
bool send_get_unicast_forwarding_enabled4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const GetUnicastForwardingEnabled4CB& cb
| send_get_unicast_forwarding_enabled4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Test whether the IPv4 unicast forwarding engine is enabled or disabled to forward packets.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
typedef XorpCallback2<void, const XrlError&, const bool*>::RefPtr GetUnicastForwardingEnabled6CB | GetUnicastForwardingEnabled6CB |
bool send_get_unicast_forwarding_enabled6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const GetUnicastForwardingEnabled6CB& cb
| send_get_unicast_forwarding_enabled6 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Test whether the IPv6 unicast forwarding engine is enabled or disabled to forward packets.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetUnicastForwardingEnabled4CB | SetUnicastForwardingEnabled4CB |
bool send_set_unicast_forwarding_enabled4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& enabled,
const SetUnicastForwardingEnabled4CB& cb
| send_set_unicast_forwarding_enabled4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Set the IPv4 unicast forwarding engine to enable or disable forwarding of packets.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
enabled | if true, then enable IPv4 unicast forwarding, otherwise disable it. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetUnicastForwardingEnabled6CB | SetUnicastForwardingEnabled6CB |
bool send_set_unicast_forwarding_enabled6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& enabled,
const SetUnicastForwardingEnabled6CB& cb
| send_set_unicast_forwarding_enabled6 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Set the IPv6 unicast forwarding engine to enable or disable forwarding of packets.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
enabled | if true, then enable IPv6 unicast forwarding, otherwise disable it. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetUnicastForwardingEntriesRetainOnStartup4CB | SetUnicastForwardingEntriesRetainOnStartup4CB |
bool send_set_unicast_forwarding_entries_retain_on_startup4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& retain,
const SetUnicastForwardingEntriesRetainOnStartup4CB& cb
| send_set_unicast_forwarding_entries_retain_on_startup4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Set the IPv4 unicast forwarding engine whether to retain existing XORP forwarding entries on startup.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
retain | if true, then retain the XORP forwarding entries, otherwise delete them. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetUnicastForwardingEntriesRetainOnShutdown4CB | SetUnicastForwardingEntriesRetainOnShutdown4CB |
bool send_set_unicast_forwarding_entries_retain_on_shutdown4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& retain,
const SetUnicastForwardingEntriesRetainOnShutdown4CB& cb
| send_set_unicast_forwarding_entries_retain_on_shutdown4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Set the IPv4 unicast forwarding engine whether to retain existing XORP forwarding entries on shutdown.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
retain | if true, then retain the XORP forwarding entries, otherwise delete them. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetUnicastForwardingEntriesRetainOnStartup6CB | SetUnicastForwardingEntriesRetainOnStartup6CB |
bool send_set_unicast_forwarding_entries_retain_on_startup6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& retain,
const SetUnicastForwardingEntriesRetainOnStartup6CB& cb
| send_set_unicast_forwarding_entries_retain_on_startup6 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Set the IPv6 unicast forwarding engine whether to retain existing XORP forwarding entries on startup.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
retain | if true, then retain the XORP forwarding entries, otherwise delete them. |
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetUnicastForwardingEntriesRetainOnShutdown6CB | SetUnicastForwardingEntriesRetainOnShutdown6CB |
bool send_set_unicast_forwarding_entries_retain_on_shutdown6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& retain,
const SetUnicastForwardingEntriesRetainOnShutdown6CB& cb
| send_set_unicast_forwarding_entries_retain_on_shutdown6 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Set the IPv6 unicast forwarding engine whether to retain existing XORP forwarding entries on shutdown.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination. |
retain | if true, then retain the XORP forwarding entries, otherwise delete them. |
XrlSender* _sender | _sender |