// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Copyright (c) 2001-2007 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/rtrmgr/module_manager.hh,v 1.44 2007/02/16 22:47:23 pavlin Exp $ #ifndef __RTRMGR_MODULE_MANAGER_HH__ #define __RTRMGR_MODULE_MANAGER_HH__ #include <list> #include <map> #include "libxorp/timer.hh" #include "libxorp/callback.hh" #include "generic_module_manager.hh" class EventLoop; class MasterConfigTree; class ModuleManager; class Rtrmgr; class RunCommand; /** * @short A class for managing router manager modules. */ class Module : public GenericModule { public: /** * Constructor. * * @param mmgr the module manager (@ref ModuleManager) to use. * @param name the module name. * @param path the path to the executable program for this module. * @param expath the expanded absolute path to the executable program for * this module. * @param verbose if true, then output trace messages. */ Module(ModuleManager& mmgr, const string& name, const string& path, const string& expath, bool verbose); /** * The default destructor. */ ~Module(); /** * Set new status for the module. * * @param new_status the new status for the module. */ void new_status(ModuleStatus new_status); /** * Convert the module information to a string. * * @return a string with the module information. */ string str() const; /** * Get a reference to the module manager (@ref ModuleManager). * * @return a reference to the module manager. */ ModuleManager& module_manager() const { return _mmgr; } /** * Get the expanded absolute path to the executable program. * * @return the expanded absolute path to the executable program. */ const string& expath() const { return _expath; } /** * Execute the module. * * @param do_exec if true then indeed execute the executable program, * otherwise just process the execution machinery. * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int execute(bool do_exec, bool is_verification, XorpCallback1<void, bool>::RefPtr cb); /** * Restart the module. * * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int restart(); /** * Terminate the module. * * @param cb the callback to execute after the module is terminated. */ void terminate(XorpCallback0<void>::RefPtr cb); /** * Terminate the module with prejudice. * * @param cb the callback to execute after the module is terminated. */ void terminate_with_prejudice(XorpCallback0<void>::RefPtr cb); /** * A method called when the corresponding process has exited. * * @param success if true, the exit status of the process indicates * success, otherwise failure. * @param is_signal_terminated if true the process has been terminated * by a signal. * @param term_signal if @ref is_signal_terminated is true, this * contains the terminating signal. * @param is_coredumped if true the process has generated a coredump. */ void module_exited(bool success, bool is_signal_terminated, int term_signal, bool is_coredumped); /** * A method called when the corresponding process has been stopped. * * @param stop_signal the signal that has stopped the process. */ void module_stopped(int stop_signal); private: void module_restart_cb(bool success); static const TimeVal SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_TIMEVAL; ModuleManager& _mmgr; // The module manager to use string _path; // The path to the program string _expath; // The expanded absolute path to the program bool _do_exec; // false indicates we're running in test mode, // when we may not actually start any processes bool _verbose; // Set to true if output is verbose XorpTimer _shutdown_timer; // A timer used during shutdown XorpCallback0<void>::RefPtr _terminate_cb; // The cb when module terminated }; class ModuleManager : public GenericModuleManager { public: class Process; /** * Constructor. * * @param eventloop the event loop to use. * @param rtrmgr the router manager to use. * @param do_restart if true, then restart a module if it failed. * @param verbose if true, then output trace messages. * @param xorp_root_dir the XORP root directory. */ ModuleManager(EventLoop& eventloop, Rtrmgr& rtrmgr, bool do_restart, bool verbose, const string& xorp_root_dir); /** * The default destructor. */ ~ModuleManager(); /** * Create a new module. * * @param module_name the module name. * @param path the path to the executable program for this module. It * could be either the relative or expanded absolute path. * @param error_msg the error message (if error). * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ bool new_module(const string& module_name, const string& path, string& error_msg); /** * Start a module. * * @param module_name the module name. * @param do_exec if true then indeed execute the executable program, * otherwise just process the execution machinery. * @param is_verification if true then this is verification of the * execution machinery. * @param cb the callback to dispatch at the end of the startup process. * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int start_module(const string& module_name, bool do_exec, bool is_verification, XorpCallback1<void, bool>::RefPtr cb); /** * Kill a module. * * @param module_name the module name. * @param cb the callback to dispatch when the module is terminated. * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int kill_module(const string& module_name, XorpCallback0<void>::RefPtr cb); /** * Test whether a module is running. * * @param module_name the module name. * @return true if the module is running, otherwise false. */ bool module_is_running(const string& module_name) const; /** * Test whether a module has been started. * * @param module_name the module name. * @return true if the module has been started, otherwise false. */ bool module_has_started(const string& module_name) const; /** * Shutdown the module manager. */ void shutdown(); /** * Test whether the shutdown has been completed. * * @return true if the shutdown has been completed, otherwise false. */ bool is_shutdown_completed() const; /** * Change the status of a module. * * @param module_name the module name. * @param old_status the old status. * @param new_status the new status. */ void module_status_changed(const string& module_name, Module::ModuleStatus old_status, Module::ModuleStatus new_status); /** * Get the module names. * * @return a list with the module names. */ list<string> get_module_names() const; /** * Get the running modules that match an executional path. * * @param expath the path to match. * @return a list of modules that are running and match @ref expath. */ list<Module *> find_running_modules_by_path(const string& expath); /** * Execute a process. * * @param expath the expanded path for the process to execute. * @param error_msg the error message (if error). * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int execute_process(const string& expath, string& error_msg); /** * A method called when a process has exited. * * @param expath the expanded path for the process that has exited. * @param success if true, the exit status of the process indicates * success, otherwise failure. * @param is_signal_terminated if true the process has been terminated * by a signal. * @param term_signal if @ref is_signal_terminated is true, this * contains the terminating signal. * @param is_coredumped if true the process has generated a coredump. */ void process_exited(const string& expath, bool success, bool is_signal_terminated, int term_signal, bool is_coredumped); /** * A method called when a process has been stopped. * * @param expath the expanded path for the process that has been stopped. * @param stop_signal the signal that has stopped the process. */ void process_stopped(const string& expath, int stop_signal); /** * Find a process by its expanded path. * * @param expath the expanded path for the process to find. * @return the corresponding process if found, otherwise NULL. */ ModuleManager::Process* find_process_by_path(const string& expath); /** * Get the XORP root directory. * * @return the XORP root directory. */ const string& xorp_root_dir() const { return _xorp_root_dir; } /** * Get the master configuration tree. * * @return the master configuration tree. */ MasterConfigTree* master_config_tree() const { return _master_config_tree; } /** * Set the master configuration tree. * * @param v the master configuration tree to set. */ void set_master_config_tree(MasterConfigTree* v) { _master_config_tree = v; } /** * Test if processes that have failed should be restarted. * * @return true if failed processes should be restarted, otherwise false. */ bool do_restart() const { return _do_restart; } class Process { public: /** * Constructor. * * @param mmgr the module manager (@ref ModuleManager) to use. * @param expath the expanded absolute path to the executable program. */ Process(ModuleManager& mmgr, const string& expath); /** * The default constructor. */ ~Process(); /** * Startup the process. * * @param error_msg the error message (if error). * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int startup(string& error_msg); /** * Terminate the process. */ void terminate(); /** * Terminate the process with prejudice. */ void terminate_with_prejudice(); private: void stdout_cb(RunCommand* run_command, const string& output); void stderr_cb(RunCommand* run_command, const string& output); void done_cb(RunCommand* run_command, bool success, const string& error_msg); void stopped_cb(RunCommand* run_command, int stop_signal); ModuleManager& _mmgr; // The module manager to use string _expath; // The absolute expanded path RunCommand* _run_command; // The result running command }; private: void module_shutdown_cb(string module_name); int expand_execution_path(const string& path, string& expath, string& error_msg); Rtrmgr& _rtrmgr; // The router manager to use MasterConfigTree* _master_config_tree; // The master configuration tree map<string, Process *> _expath2process; // Map exec path to running process bool _do_restart; // Set to true to enable module restart bool _verbose; // Set to true if output is verbose string _xorp_root_dir; // The root of the XORP tree }; #endif // __RTRMGR_MODULE_MANAGER_HH__