/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- */ /* * Copyright (c) 2001-2007 International Computer Science Institute * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") * to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions * listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must * preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright * holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. * The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This * notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is * legally binding. */ /* * $XORP: xorp/libxorp/status_codes.h,v 1.11 2007/02/16 22:46:23 pavlin Exp $ */ #ifndef __LIBXORP_STATUS_CODES_H__ #define __LIBXORP_STATUS_CODES_H__ /** * <pre> * Explanation of Process States * ----------------------------- * +-------------> PROC_NULL * | | * | | (1) * | V * | PROC_STARTUP * | | * | | (2) * | V * | PROC_NOT_READY * | | ^ * |(9) (3) | | (4) * | V | * | PROC_READY * | / \ * | (5)/ \(6) * | V V * | PROC_SHUTDOWN PROC_FAILED * | \ / * | (7)\ /(8) * | \ / * | V V * | PROC_DONE * | | * | | * | | * | V * +-------------------+ * Events/Actions * -------------- * (1) Register with finder. * (2) External dependencies satisfied, ready to be configured. * (3) Finished processing any config changes, ready for other * processes that depend on this process to be configured. * (4) Received a config change that needs to be processed before other * processes that depend on this process are configured. * (5) Received a request for a clean shutdown. * (6) Something failed, this process is no longer functioning correctly. * (7) The shutdown has completed. * (8) The process has completed the cleanup after the failure. * (9) Deregister with finder. * * States * ------ * PROC_NULL Process is not registered with finder. It may or may * not be running. * * PROC_STARTUP Process is registered with finder, but is waiting * on some other processes before it is ready to be * configured. * * PROC_NOT_READY For any reason, the process is not ready for processes * that depend on this process to be configured or * reconfigured. A common reason is that this * process just received a config change, and is * still in the process of making the config change * active. * * PROC_READY Process is running normally. Processes that depend * on the state of this process can be configured or * reconfigured. * * PROC_SHUTDOWN Process has received a shutdown request is shutting * down cleanly. Normally the process will terminate by * itself after being in this state. * * PROC_FAILED Process has suffered a fatal error, and is in the * process of cleaning up the mess. Normally the process * will terminate by itself after being in this state. * * PROC_DONE The process has completed operation, but is still * capable of responding to XRLs. * * Notes * ----- * * A process may spend zero time in PROC_STARTUP, PROC_NOT_READY, * PROC_READY, PROC_SHUTDOWN, PROC_FAILED, or PROC_DONE states. For * example, a process may effectively go directly from PROC_NULL to * PROC_READY state on startup if there are no dependencies that need * to be taken into account. A process may go from PROC_STARTUP or * PROC_NOT_READY states to PROC_SHUTDOWN or PROC_FAILED states * without spending any time in PROC_READY state if required. * * On reconfiguration, a process does not need to go to NOT_READY * state unless it needs to delay the reconfiguration of processes * that depend on the completion of this reconfiguration. * * After shutdown or a failure, the process may remain indefinitely in * PROC_DONE state (e.g., if the process itself shoudn't really exit * but rather await further instructions). * </pre> */ typedef enum { PROC_NULL = 0, PROC_STARTUP = 1, PROC_NOT_READY = 2, PROC_READY = 3, PROC_SHUTDOWN = 4, PROC_FAILED = 5, PROC_DONE = 6 } ProcessStatus; #endif /* __LIBXORP_STATUS_CODES_H__ */