Source: ../../libxorp/ipvxnet.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2007 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
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// $XORP: xorp/libxorp/ipvxnet.hh,v 1.18 2007/02/16 22:46:20 pavlin Exp $


#include "xorp.h"
#include "ipnet.hh"
#include "ipvx.hh"
#include "ipv4net.hh"
#include "ipv6net.hh"

 * Base IPvXNet just has @ref IPNet methods.  IPvXNet is derived
 * from BaseIPvXNet and has IPvX specific functions such as whether
 * contained type is an IPv4 network or an IPv6 network.
 * See @ref IPNet for available methods.
typedef IPNet<IPvX> BaseIPvXNet;

IPNet<IPvX>::IPNet(const IPvX& ipvx, uint32_t prefix_len)
    throw (InvalidNetmaskLength)
    : _prefix_len(prefix_len)
    if (prefix_len > ipvx.addr_bitlen())
	xorp_throw(InvalidNetmaskLength, prefix_len);
    _masked_addr = ipvx.mask_by_prefix_len(prefix_len);

template <>
inline void
IPNet<IPvX>::initialize_from_string(const char *cp)
    throw (InvalidString, InvalidNetmaskLength)
    char *slash = strrchr(cp, '/');
    if (slash == 0) xorp_throw(InvalidString, "Missing slash");

    if (*(slash + 1) == 0)
	xorp_throw(InvalidString, "Missing prefix length");
    _prefix_len = atoi(slash + 1);

    string addr = string(cp, slash - cp);

    _masked_addr = IPvX(addr.c_str()).mask_by_prefix_len(_prefix_len);

 * IPvXNet class.  Container for IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
 * Also see @ref IPNet for available methods.
class IPvXNet : public BaseIPvXNet {
     * Constructor for a specified address family.
     * Creates a network address of specified family, and address value of
     * INADDR_ANY or IN6ADDR_ANY (for IPv4 and IPv6 respectively).
     * @param family the address family.
    explicit IPvXNet(int family) throw (InvalidFamily)
	: BaseIPvXNet(IPvX::ZERO(family), 0) {}

     * Copy constructor for BaseIPvXNet subnet address
     * @param n the subnet to copy from.
    IPvXNet(const BaseIPvXNet& n) : BaseIPvXNet(n) {}

     * Copy constructor for IPvXNet subnet address
     * @param n the subnet to copy from.
    IPvXNet(const IPvXNet& n) : BaseIPvXNet(n) {}

     * Copy constructor for IPv4Net subnet address
     * @param v4net the subnet to copy from.
    IPvXNet(const IPv4Net& v4net)
	: BaseIPvXNet(v4net.masked_addr(), v4net.prefix_len()) {}

     * Copy constructor for IPv6Net subnet address
     * @param v6net the subnet to copy from.
    IPvXNet(const IPv6Net& v6net)
	: BaseIPvXNet(v6net.masked_addr(), v6net.prefix_len()) {}

     * Constructor from a string.
     * @param from_cstring C-style string with slash separated address
     * and prefix length.
     * Examples: "12.34.56/24", "1234:5678/32::"
    IPvXNet(const char *cp) throw (InvalidString, InvalidNetmaskLength)
	: BaseIPvXNet(cp) {}

     * Constructor from a given base address and a prefix length.
     * @param a base address for the subnet.
     * @param prefix_len length of subnet mask.
    IPvXNet(const IPvX& a, uint32_t prefix_len) throw (InvalidNetmaskLength)
	: BaseIPvXNet(a, prefix_len) {}

    // The following methods are specific to IPvXNet

     * Test if this subnet is IPv4 subnet.
     * @return true if the subnet is IPv4.
    inline bool is_ipv4() const { return masked_addr().is_ipv4(); }

     * Test if this subnet is IPv6 subnet.
     * @return true if the subnet is IPv6.
    inline bool is_ipv6() const { return masked_addr().is_ipv6(); }

     * Get IPv4Net subnet.
     * @return IPv4Net subnet contained with IPvXNet structure.
    inline IPv4Net get_ipv4net() const 	throw (InvalidCast)
    	return IPv4Net(masked_addr().get_ipv4(), prefix_len());

     * Get IPv6Net subnet.
     * @return IPv6Net subnet contained with IPvXNet structure.
    inline IPv6Net get_ipv6net() const 	throw (InvalidCast)
    	return IPv6Net(masked_addr().get_ipv6(), prefix_len());

     * Assign address value to an IPv4Net subnet.
     * @param to_ipv4net IPv4Net subnet to be assigned IPv4Net value contained
     * within this subnet.
    inline void get(IPv4Net& to_ipv4net) const throw (InvalidCast)
	to_ipv4net = get_ipv4net();

     * Assign address value to an IPv6Net subnet.
     * @param to_ipv6net IPv6Net subnet to be assigned IPv6Net value contained
     * within this subnet.
    inline void get(IPv6Net& to_ipv6net) const throw (InvalidCast)
	to_ipv6net = get_ipv6net();

     * Get the address family.
     * @return the address family of this subnet (AF_INET or AF_INET6).
    inline int af() const { return masked_addr().af(); }

     * Test if this subnet is a unicast prefix.
     * In case of IPv4 all prefixes that fall within the Class A, Class B or
     * Class C address space are unicast.
     * In case of IPv6 all prefixes that don't contain the multicast
     * address space are unicast.
     * Note that the default route ( for IPv4 or ::/0 for IPv6)
     * is also considered an unicast prefix.
     * @return true if this subnet is a unicast prefix.
    bool is_unicast() const {
	if (is_ipv4()) {
	    return (get_ipv4net().is_unicast());
	} else {
	    return (get_ipv6net().is_unicast());

     * Return the subnet containing all multicast addresses.
     * Note that this is a static function and can be used without
     * a particular object. Example:
     *   IPvXNet my_prefix = IPvXNet::ip_multicast_base_prefix(my_family);
     * @param family the address family.
     * @return the multicast base prefix address for address
     * family of @ref family.
    inline static IPvXNet ip_multicast_base_prefix(int family)
	throw (InvalidFamily)
	return IPvXNet(IPvX::MULTICAST_BASE(family),

     * Return the subnet containing all IPv4 Class A addresses
     * (
     * This method applies only for IPv4.
     * Note that this is a static function and can be used without
     * a particular object. Example:
     *   IPvXNet my_prefix = IPvXNet::ip_class_a_base_prefix(my_family);
     * @param family the address family.
     * @return the Class A base prefix address for address
     * family of @ref family.
    inline static IPvXNet ip_class_a_base_prefix(int family)
	throw (InvalidFamily)
	return IPvXNet(IPvX::CLASS_A_BASE(family),

     * Return the subnet containing all IPv4 Class B addresses
     * (
     * This method applies only for IPv4.
     * Note that this is a static function and can be used without
     * a particular object. Example:
     *   IPvXNet my_prefix = IPvXNet::ip_class_b_base_prefix(my_family);
     * @param family the address family.
     * @return the Class B base prefix address for address
     * family of @ref family.
    inline static IPvXNet ip_class_b_base_prefix(int family)
	throw (InvalidFamily)
	return IPvXNet(IPvX::CLASS_B_BASE(family),

     * Return the subnet containing all IPv4 Class C addresses
     * (
     * This method applies only for IPv4.
     * Note that this is a static function and can be used without
     * a particular object. Example:
     *   IPvXNet my_prefix = IPvXNet::ip_class_c_base_prefix(my_family);
     * @param family the address family.
     * @return the Class C base prefix address for address
     * family of @ref family.
    inline static IPvXNet ip_class_c_base_prefix(int family)
	throw (InvalidFamily)
	return IPvXNet(IPvX::CLASS_C_BASE(family),

     * Return the subnet containing all IPv4 experimental Class E addresses
     * (
     * This method applies only for IPv4.
     * Note that this is a static function and can be used without
     * a particular object. Example:
     *   IPvXNet my_prefix = IPvXNet::ip_experimental_base_prefix(my_family);
     * @param family the address family.
     * @return the experimental base prefix address for address
     * family of @ref family.
    inline static IPvXNet ip_experimental_base_prefix(int family)
	throw (InvalidFamily)
	return IPvXNet(IPvX::EXPERIMENTAL_BASE(family),

     * Test if this subnet is within the multicast address range.
     * @return true if this subnet is within the multicast address range.
    bool is_multicast() const {
	return (ip_multicast_base_prefix(masked_addr().af()).contains(*this));

     * Test if this subnet is within the IPv4 Class A
     * address range (
     * This method applies only for IPv4, and always returns false for IPv6.
     * @return true if this subnet is within the IPv4 Class A address
     * range.
    bool is_class_a() const {
	if (is_ipv4()) {
	    return (ip_class_a_base_prefix(masked_addr().af()).contains(*this));
	return (false);

     * Test if this subnet is within the IPv4 Class B
     * address range (
     * This method applies only for IPv4, and always returns false for IPv6.
     * @return true if this subnet is within the IPv4 Class B address
     * range.
    bool is_class_b() const {
	if (is_ipv4()) {
	    return (ip_class_b_base_prefix(masked_addr().af()).contains(*this));
	return (false);

     * Test if this subnet is within the IPv4 Class C
     * address range (
     * This method applies only for IPv4, and always returns false for IPv6.
     * @return true if this subnet is within the IPv4 Class C address
     * range.
    bool is_class_c() const {
	if (is_ipv4()) {
	    return (ip_class_c_base_prefix(masked_addr().af()).contains(*this));
	return (false);

     * Test if this subnet is within the IPv4 experimental Class E
     * address range (
     * This method applies only for IPv4, and always returns false for IPv6.
     * @return true if this subnet is within the IPv4 experimental address
     * range.
    bool is_experimental() const {
	if (is_ipv4()) {
	    return (ip_experimental_base_prefix(masked_addr().af()).contains(*this));
	return (false);

#endif // __LIBXORP_IPVXNET_HH__

Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Mar 21 11:22:16 2007, using kdoc $.