// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // vim:set sts=4 ts=8: // Copyright (c) 2001-2006 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/policy/term.hh,v 1.12 2006/05/12 02:21:38 pavlin Exp $ #ifndef __POLICY_TERM_HH__ #define __POLICY_TERM_HH__ #include "libproto/config_node_id.hh" #include "policy/common/policy_exception.hh" #include <map> #include <string> #include "node_base.hh" /** * @short A term is an atomic policy unit. * * It is a complete specification of how a route needs to be matched, and what * actions must be taken. */ class Term { public: enum BLOCKS { SOURCE = 0, DEST, ACTION, // keep this last LAST_BLOCK }; // the integer is the "line number", the node is the parsed structure [AST] // of the statement(s) in that line. typedef ConfigNodeIdMap<Node*> Nodes; /** * @short Exception thrown on a syntax error while parsing configuration. */ class term_syntax_error : public PolicyException { public: term_syntax_error(const string& r) : PolicyException(r) {} }; /** * @param name term name. */ Term(const string& name); ~Term(); /** * @return name of the term. */ const string& name() const { return _name; } /** * Perform operations at the end of the term. */ void set_term_end(); /** * Updates the source/dest/action block of a term. * * @param block the block to update (0:source, 1:dest, 2:action). * @param order node ID with position of term. * @param statement the statement to insert. */ void set_block(const uint32_t& block, const ConfigNodeId& order, const string& statement); /** * Deletes statements in the location specified by order and block. * * @param block the block to update (0:source, 1:dest, 2:action). * @param order node ID with position of term. */ void del_block(const uint32_t& block, const ConfigNodeId& order); /** * Perform operations at the end of the block. * * @param block the block to perform operations on * (0:source, 1:dest, 2:action). */ void set_block_end(uint32_t block); /** * Visitor implementation. * * @param v visitor used to visit this term. */ const Element* accept(Visitor& v) { return v.visit(*this); } /** * @return parse tree of source block. */ Nodes& source_nodes() { return *_source_nodes; } /** * @return parse tree of dest block. */ Nodes& dest_nodes() { return *_dest_nodes; } /** * @return parse tree of action block. */ Nodes& action_nodes() { return *_action_nodes; } /** * Convert block number to human readable form. * * @param num the block number. * @return human readable representation of block name. */ static string block2str(uint32_t num); private: list<pair<ConfigNodeId, Node*> >::iterator find_out_of_order_node( const uint32_t& block, const ConfigNodeId& order); string _name; Nodes* _block_nodes[3]; list<pair<ConfigNodeId, Node*> > _out_of_order_nodes[3]; Nodes*& _source_nodes; Nodes*& _dest_nodes; Nodes*& _action_nodes; // not impl Term(const Term&); Term& operator=(const Term&); }; #endif // __POLICY_TERM_HH__