// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // vim:set sts=4 ts=8: // Copyright (c) 2001-2006 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/policy/policy_target.hh,v 1.10 2006/03/16 00:04:59 pavlin Exp $ #ifndef __POLICY_POLICY_TARGET_HH__ #define __POLICY_POLICY_TARGET_HH__ #include "libxipc/xrl_std_router.hh" #include "process_watch.hh" #include "configuration.hh" #include "filter_manager.hh" #include "policy/common/varrw.hh" #include <string> /** * @short The XORP Policy target. * * This is the class that will be called to perform operation from the xrl * target. */ class PolicyTarget { public: static string policy_target_name; /** * @param rtr Xrl router used by this XORP process. */ PolicyTarget(XrlStdRouter& rtr); /** * @return true if process is running. */ bool running(); /** * Shutdown the process. */ void shutdown(); /** * Attempts to create a term. * Terms are appended in existing policies [currently no way of inserting a * term in a specific position]. * * Exception is thrown on error. * * @param policy policy in which term should be created. * @param order node ID with position of term. * @param term name of term to create. */ void create_term(const string& policy, const ConfigNodeId& order, const string& term); /** * Attempts to delete a term. * * Exception is thrown on error. * * @param policy policy in which term should be deleted. * @param term name of the term. */ void delete_term(const string& policy, const string& term); /** * Update the source/dest/action block of a term in a policy. * * Exception is thrown on error * * @param policy the name of the policy. * @param term the name of the term. * @param block the block to update (0:source, 1:dest, 2:action). * @param order node ID with position of term. * @param statement the statement to insert. */ void update_term_block(const string& policy, const string& term, const uint32_t& block, const ConfigNodeId& order, const string& statement); /** * Attempts to create a policy. * * Exception is thrown on error. * * @param policy name of policy to create. */ void create_policy(const string& policy); /** * Attempts to delete a policy. * * Exception is thrown on error. * * @param policy name of policy to delete. */ void delete_policy(const string& policy); /** * Attempts to create a policy. * * Exception is thrown on error. * * @param name name of set to create. */ void create_set(const string& name); /** * Attempts to update set elements. * * Exception is thrown on error. * * @param type the type of the set. * @param name name of set to update. * @param elements the elements of a set comma separated. */ void update_set(const string& type, const string& name, const string& elements); /** * Attempts to delete a set. * * Exception is thrown on error. * * @param name name of set to create. */ void delete_set(const string& name); /** * Updates the import policy list for a protocol and triggers a delayed * commit. * * @param protocol protocol for which to update imports. * @param policies comma separated policy list. */ void update_import(const string& protocol, const string& policies); /** * Updates the export policy list for a protocol and triggers a delayed * commit. * * @param protocol protocol for which to update imports. * @param policies comma separated policy list. */ void update_export(const string& protocol, const string& policies); /* * Configure the variable map used for semantic checking. * This should be initialized only once at startup. * * Dynamic configuration may easily be implemented by invalidiating policies * in the configuration class. * * Dynamic addition of variables should be safe. It is the removal and * update which needs to trigger a policy to be flagged as modified. * * @param protocol the protocol for which the variable is available. * @param variable the name of the variable. * @param type the type of the variable. * @param access the permissions on the variable (r/rw). * @param id the varrw interface id. */ void add_varmap(const string& protocol, const string& variable, const string& type, const string& access, const VarRW::Id& id); /** * Commit all configuration changes, but trigger a delayed update to the * actual policy filters. * * @param msec milliseconds after which policy filters should be updated. */ void commit(uint32_t msec); /** * Dump internal state. Use only for debugging. * * @param id which part of the state to dump. * @return string representation of internal state. */ string dump_state(uint32_t id); /** * Announce birth of a XORP process. * * @param tclass target class. * @param tinstance target instance of class. */ void birth(const string& tclass, const string& tinstance); /** * Announce death of a XORP process. * * @param tclass target class. * @param tinstance target instance of class. */ void death(const string& tclass, const string& tinstance); /** * Update the protocol -> XRL target map. * * @param protocol the protocol. * @param target the XRL target. */ void set_proto_target(const string& protocol, const string& target); private: bool _running; uint32_t _commit_delay; ProtocolMap _pmap; ProcessWatch _process_watch; Configuration _conf; FilterManager _filter_manager; }; #endif // __POLICY_POLICY_TARGET_HH__