// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Copyright (c) 2001-2006 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/cli/cli_command_pipe.hh,v 1.12 2006/03/16 00:03:44 pavlin Exp $ #ifndef __CLI_CLI_COMMAND_PIPE_HH__ #define __CLI_CLI_COMMAND_PIPE_HH__ // // CLI command "pipe" ("|") definition. // #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include <sys/types.h> #endif #include <string> #include <list> #if defined(HAVE_REGEX_H) #include <regex.h> #elif defined(HAVE_PCREPOSIX_H) #include <pcre.h> #include <pcreposix.h> #endif #include "cli_command.hh" // // Constants definitions // // // Structures/classes, typedefs and macros // /** * @short The class for the "pipe" ("|") command. */ class CliPipe : public CliCommand { public: /** * Constructor for a given pipe name. * * Currently, the list of recognized pipe names are: * count * except * find * hold * match * no-more * resolve * save * trim * * @param init_pipe_name the pipe name (see above about the list of * recogined pipe names). */ CliPipe(const string& init_pipe_name); /** * Destructor */ virtual ~CliPipe(); private: friend class CliClient; bool is_invalid() { return (_pipe_type == CLI_PIPE_MAX); } void add_pipe_arg(const string& v) { _pipe_args_list.push_back(v); } void set_cli_client(CliClient *v) { _cli_client = v; } int start_func(string& input_line, string& error_msg) { return (this->*_start_func_ptr)(input_line, error_msg); } int stop_func(string& error_msg) { return (this->*_stop_func_ptr)(error_msg); } int process_func(string& input_line) { return (this->*_process_func_ptr)(input_line); } int eof_func(string& input_line) { return (this->*_eof_func_ptr)(input_line); } // The "pipe" types enum cli_pipe_t { CLI_PIPE_COMPARE = 0, CLI_PIPE_COMPARE_ROLLBACK = 1, CLI_PIPE_COUNT = 2, CLI_PIPE_DISPLAY = 3, CLI_PIPE_DISPLAY_DETAIL = 4, CLI_PIPE_DISPLAY_INHERITANCE = 5, CLI_PIPE_DISPLAY_XML = 6, CLI_PIPE_EXCEPT = 7, CLI_PIPE_FIND = 8, CLI_PIPE_HOLD = 9, CLI_PIPE_MATCH = 10, CLI_PIPE_NOMORE = 11, CLI_PIPE_RESOLVE = 12, CLI_PIPE_SAVE = 13, CLI_PIPE_TRIM = 14, CLI_PIPE_MAX }; string name2help(const string& pipe_name); cli_pipe_t name2pipe_type(const string& pipe_name); cli_pipe_t pipe_type() { return (_pipe_type); } // The line processing functions typedef int (CliPipe::*StartPipe)(string& input_line, string& error_msg); typedef int (CliPipe::*StopPipe)(string& error_msg); typedef int (CliPipe::*LineProcess)(string& input_line); StartPipe _start_func_ptr; StopPipe _stop_func_ptr; LineProcess _process_func_ptr; LineProcess _eof_func_ptr; int pipe_compare_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_compare_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_compare_process(string& input_line); int pipe_compare_eof(string& input_line); int pipe_compare_rollback_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_compare_rollback_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_compare_rollback_process(string& input_line); int pipe_compare_rollback_eof(string& input_line); int pipe_count_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_count_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_count_process(string& input_line); int pipe_count_eof(string& input_line); int pipe_display_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_display_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_display_process(string& input_line); int pipe_display_eof(string& input_line); int pipe_display_detail_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_display_detail_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_display_detail_process(string& input_line); int pipe_display_detail_eof(string& input_line); int pipe_display_inheritance_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_display_inheritance_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_display_inheritance_process(string& input_line); int pipe_display_inheritance_eof(string& input_line); int pipe_display_xml_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_display_xml_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_display_xml_process(string& input_line); int pipe_display_xml_eof(string& input_line); int pipe_except_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_except_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_except_process(string& input_line); int pipe_except_eof(string& input_line); int pipe_find_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_find_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_find_process(string& input_line); int pipe_find_eof(string& input_line); int pipe_hold_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_hold_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_hold_process(string& input_line); int pipe_hold_eof(string& input_line); int pipe_match_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_match_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_match_process(string& input_line); int pipe_match_eof(string& input_line); int pipe_nomore_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_nomore_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_nomore_process(string& input_line); int pipe_nomore_eof(string& input_line); int pipe_resolve_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_resolve_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_resolve_process(string& input_line); int pipe_resolve_eof(string& input_line); int pipe_save_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_save_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_save_process(string& input_line); int pipe_save_eof(string& input_line); int pipe_trim_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_trim_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_trim_process(string& input_line); int pipe_trim_eof(string& input_line); int pipe_unknown_start(string& input_line, string& error_msg); int pipe_unknown_stop(string& error_msg); int pipe_unknown_process(string& input_line); int pipe_unknown_eof(string& input_line); cli_pipe_t _pipe_type; vector<string> _pipe_args_list; // The arguments for the pipe command bool _is_running; // True if pipe is running int _counter; // Internal counter to keep state regex_t _preg; // Regular expression (internal form) bool _bool_flag; // Internal bool flag to keep state CliClient *_cli_client; // The CliClient I belong to, or NULL }; // // Global variables // // // Global functions prototypes // #endif // __CLI_CLI_COMMAND_PIPE_HH__