// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Copyright (c) 2001-2006 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/cli/cli_client.hh,v 1.30 2006/07/24 21:25:42 pavlin Exp $ #ifndef __CLI_CLI_CLIENT_HH__ #define __CLI_CLI_CLIENT_HH__ // // CLI client definition. // #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include <sys/time.h> #endif #include <list> #include "libxorp/buffer.hh" #include "libxorp/ipvx.hh" #include "libxorp/xorpfd.hh" #include "libxorp/eventloop.hh" #include "libxorp/timer.hh" #include "cli_node.hh" // // Constants definitions // // // Structures/classes, typedefs and macros // class CliNode; class CliCommand; /** * @short The class for the CLI client. * * There is one CLI client per CLI user (e.g., telnet connection). */ class CliClient { public: /** * Constructor for a given CLI node and file descriptor. * * @param init_cli_node the @ref CliNode CLI node this client belongs to. * @param input_fd the file descriptor for the CLI client to read * data from. * @param output_fd the file descriptor for the CLI client to write * data to. * @param startup_cli_prompt the startup CLI prompt. */ CliClient(CliNode& init_cli_node, XorpFd input_fd, XorpFd output_fd, const string& startup_cli_prompt); /** * Destructor */ virtual ~CliClient(); /** * Test if the processing of any pending commands or pending data has * complated. * * @return true if processing of any pending commands or pending data * has completed, otherwise false. */ bool done() const; /** * Start the connection. * * @param error_msg the error message (if error). * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int start_connection(string& error_msg); /** * Stop the connection. * * @param error_msg the error message (if error). * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int stop_connection(string& error_msg); /** * Print a message to the CLI user. * * @param msg C++ string with the message to display. * @return the number of characters printed (not including * the trailing '\0'). */ int cli_print(const string& msg); /** * Flush the CLI output. * * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int cli_flush(); /** * Add/remove this client for displaying log messages. * * @param v if true, add this client for displaying messages, otherwise * remove it. * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int set_log_output(bool v); /** * Test if this client has been added for displaying log messages. * * @return true if this client has been added for displaying log messages, * otherwise false. */ bool is_log_output() const { return (_is_log_output); } /** * Get the file descriptor for reading the input from the user. * * @return the file descriptor for reading the input from the user. */ XorpFd input_fd() { return (_input_fd); } /** * Get the file descriptor for writing the output to the user. * * @return the file descriptor for writing the output to the user. */ XorpFd output_fd() { return (_output_fd); } /** * Test if this client is associated with a terminal type input device. * * @return true if this client is associated with a terminal type input * device, otherwise false. */ bool is_input_tty() const; /** * Test if this client is associated with a terminal type output device. * * @return true if this client is associated with a terminal type output * device, otherwise false. */ bool is_output_tty() const; /** * Test if this client is associated with a network connection. * * @return true if this client is associated with a network connection, * otherwise false. */ bool is_network() const; /** * Set the flag that associates the client with a network connection. * * @param v true if this client is associated with a network connection. */ void set_network_client(bool v); /** * Test if this client is associated with a telnet connection. * * @return true if this client is associated with a telnet connection, * otherwise false. */ bool is_telnet() const; /** * Test if this client is running in interactive mode. * * @return true if this client is running in interactive mode, * otherwise false. */ bool is_interactive() const; // // Session info // /** * Get the user name. * * @return the user name. */ const string& cli_session_user_name() const { return (_cli_session_user_name); } /** * Get the terminal name. * * @return the terminal name. */ const string& cli_session_term_name() const { return (_cli_session_term_name); } /* * Get the user network address. * * @return the user network address. */ const IPvX& cli_session_from_address() const { return (_cli_session_from_address); } /** * Get the start time for this connection. * * @return a reference to @ref TimeVal with the starting time for * this connection. */ const TimeVal& cli_session_start_time() const { return (_cli_session_start_time); } /** * Get the stop time for this connection. * * @return a reference to @ref TimeVal with the end time for * this connection. */ const TimeVal& cli_session_stop_time() const { return (_cli_session_stop_time); } /** * Test if the CLI session is active (i.e., it has been setup and ready * to use). * * @return true if the CLI session is active, otherwise false. */ bool is_cli_session_active() const { return (_is_cli_session_active); } /** * Get the session ID. * * @return the session ID for this client. */ uint32_t cli_session_session_id() const { return (_cli_session_session_id); } /** * Set the user name. * * @param v the user name to set. */ void set_cli_session_user_name(const string& v) { _cli_session_user_name = v; } /** * Set the terminal name. * * @param v the terminal name to set. */ void set_cli_session_term_name(const string& v) { _cli_session_term_name = v; } /** * Set the user network address. * * @param v the user network address to set. */ void set_cli_session_from_address(const IPvX& v) { _cli_session_from_address = v; } /** * Set the start time for this connection. * * @param v the start time for this connection. */ void set_cli_session_start_time(const TimeVal& v) { _cli_session_start_time = v; } /** * Set the stop time for this connection. * * @param v the stop time for this connection. */ void set_cli_session_stop_time(const TimeVal& v) { _cli_session_stop_time = v; } /** * Set if this session is active. * * @param v if true, the session is set as active, otherwise is * set as non-active. */ void set_is_cli_session_active(bool v) { _is_cli_session_active = v; } /** * Set the session ID. * * @param v the session ID value to set. */ void set_cli_session_session_id(uint32_t v) { _cli_session_session_id = v; } /** * Perform final processing of a command. */ void post_process_command(); /** * Flush the output of a command while it is still running */ void flush_process_command_output(); // // Server communication state // /** * Test if waiting for data from command processor. * * @return true if waiting for data from command processor, otherwise * false. */ bool is_waiting_for_data() const { return (_is_waiting_for_data); } /** * Set a flag whether is waiting for data from command processor. * * @param v if true, the session is set as waiting for data, otherwise * is set as non-waiting. */ void set_is_waiting_for_data(bool v); /** * Get the current CLI prompt. * * @return the current CLI prompt. */ const string& current_cli_prompt() const { return (_current_cli_prompt); } /** * Set the current CLI prompt. * * @param cli_prompt the current CLI prompt to set. */ void set_current_cli_prompt(const string& cli_prompt); /** * Update the terminal-related information after it has been resized. */ void terminal_resized(); private: friend class CliPipe; CliNode& cli_node() { return (_cli_node); } GetLine *gl() { return (_gl); } int process_telnet_option(int val); bool telnet_iac() { return (_telnet_iac); } void set_telnet_iac(bool v) { _telnet_iac = v; } bool telnet_sb() { return (_telnet_sb); } void set_telnet_sb(bool v) {_telnet_sb = v; } bool telnet_dont() { return (_telnet_dont); } void set_telnet_dont(bool v) { _telnet_dont = v; } bool telnet_do() { return (_telnet_do); } void set_telnet_do(bool v) { _telnet_do = v; } bool telnet_wont() { return (_telnet_wont); } void set_telnet_wont(bool v) { _telnet_wont = v; } bool telnet_will() { return (_telnet_will); } void set_telnet_will(bool v) { _telnet_will = v; } bool telnet_binary() { return (_telnet_binary); } void set_telnet_binary(bool v) { _telnet_binary = v; } void update_terminal_size(); size_t window_width() { return ((size_t)_window_width); } void set_window_width(uint16_t v) { _window_width = v; } size_t window_height() { return ((size_t)_window_height); } void set_window_height(uint16_t v) { _window_height = v; } Buffer& command_buffer() { return (_command_buffer); } Buffer& telnet_sb_buffer() { return (_telnet_sb_buffer); } CliCommand *cli_command_root() { return (cli_node().cli_command_root());} int buff_curpos() { return (_buff_curpos); } void set_buff_curpos(int v) { _buff_curpos = v; } CliCommand *current_cli_command() { return (_current_cli_command); } void set_current_cli_command(CliCommand *v); int process_command(const string& command_line); void interrupt_command(); CliPipe *add_pipe(const string& pipe_name); CliPipe *add_pipe(const string& pipe_name, const list<string>& args_list); void delete_pipe_all(); bool is_pipe_mode() { return (_is_pipe_mode); } void set_pipe_mode(bool v) { _is_pipe_mode = v; } int block_connection(bool is_blocked); void client_read(XorpFd fd, IoEventType type); void process_input_data(); static CPL_MATCH_FN(command_completion_func); int process_char(const string& line, uint8_t val, bool& stop_processing, bool& ignore_current_character); int process_char_page_mode(uint8_t val); int preprocess_char(uint8_t val, bool& stop_processing, bool& ignore_current_character); void command_line_help(const string& line, int word_end, bool remove_last_input_char); bool is_multi_command_prefix(const string& command_line); void process_line_through_pipes(string& pipe_line); // Output paging related functions bool is_page_mode() { return (_is_page_mode); } void set_page_mode(bool v); bool is_page_buffer_mode() { return (*_is_page_buffer_mode); } void set_page_buffer_mode(bool v) { *_is_page_buffer_mode = v; } vector<string>& page_buffer() { return (*_page_buffer); } const string& page_buffer_line(size_t line_n) const; void reset_page_buffer() { page_buffer().clear(); set_page_buffer_last_line_n(0); } size_t page_buffer_lines_n() { return (page_buffer().size()); } void append_page_buffer_line(const string& buffer_line); void concat_page_buffer_line(const string& buffer_line, size_t pos); size_t page_buffer_last_line_n() { return (*_page_buffer_last_line_n); } void set_page_buffer_last_line_n(size_t v) { *_page_buffer_last_line_n = v; } void incr_page_buffer_last_line_n() { (*_page_buffer_last_line_n)++; } void decr_page_buffer_last_line_n() { (*_page_buffer_last_line_n)--; } size_t page_buffer_window_lines_n(); size_t page_buffer_last_window_line_n(); size_t page_buffer2window_line_n(size_t buffer_line_n); size_t window_lines_n(size_t buffer_line_n); size_t calculate_first_page_buffer_line_by_window_size( size_t last_buffer_line_n, size_t max_window_size); bool is_help_mode() { return (_is_help_mode); } void set_help_mode(bool v) { _is_help_mode = v; } bool is_nomore_mode() { return (_is_nomore_mode); } void set_nomore_mode(bool v) { _is_nomore_mode = v; } bool is_hold_mode() { return (_is_hold_mode); } void set_hold_mode(bool v) { _is_hold_mode = v; } bool is_prompt_flushed() const { return _is_prompt_flushed; } void set_prompt_flushed(bool v) { _is_prompt_flushed = v; } CliNode& _cli_node; // The CLI node I belong to XorpFd _input_fd; // File descriptor to read the input XorpFd _output_fd; // File descriptor to write the output FILE *_input_fd_file; // The FILE version of _input_fd FILE *_output_fd_file; // The FILE version of _output_fd enum ClientType{ CLIENT_MIN = 0, CLIENT_TERMINAL = 0, CLIENT_FILE = 1, CLIENT_MAX }; ClientType _client_type; // Type of the client: term, file, etc. GetLine *_gl; // The GetLine for libtecla bool _telnet_iac; // True if the last octet was IAC bool _telnet_sb; // True if subnegotiation has began bool _telnet_dont; // True if the last octet was DONT bool _telnet_do; // True if the last octet was DO bool _telnet_wont; // True if the last octet was WONT bool _telnet_will; // True if the last octet was WILL bool _telnet_binary; // True if the client "do" binary mode uint16_t _window_width; // The CLI client window width uint16_t _window_height; // The CLI client window height Buffer _command_buffer; Buffer _telnet_sb_buffer; // The modified terminal flags bool _is_modified_stdio_termios_icanon; bool _is_modified_stdio_termios_echo; bool _is_modified_stdio_termios_isig; // // The original VMIN and VTIME members of the termios.c_cc[] array. // TODO: those should have type cc_t, but we are using 'int' instead // to avoid complicated conditional declarations. // int _saved_stdio_termios_vmin; int _saved_stdio_termios_vtime; // The command we are currently executing and its arguments CliCommand *_executed_cli_command; // The command currently executed vector<string> _executed_cli_command_name; // The command name vector<string> _executed_cli_command_args; // The arguments CliCommand *_current_cli_command; // The command we have "cd" to string _current_cli_prompt; // The CLI prompt int _buff_curpos; // The cursor position in the buffer string _buffer_line; // To buffer data when pipe-processing list<CliPipe *> _pipe_list; // A list with the CLI pipe commands bool _is_pipe_mode; // True if pipe processing enabled bool _is_nomore_mode; // True if disabled "more" mode bool _is_hold_mode; // True if enabled "hold" mode // Output paging related stuff bool _is_page_mode; // True if the output is paged bool *_is_page_buffer_mode; // True if enabled page_buffer_mode vector<string> *_page_buffer; size_t *_page_buffer_last_line_n; bool _is_output_buffer_mode; // True if enabled output_buffer_mode vector<string> _output_buffer; // The output buffer: line per element size_t _output_buffer_last_line_n; // The current last (visable) line bool _is_help_buffer_mode; // True if enabled help_buffer_mode vector<string> _help_buffer; // The help buffer: line per element size_t _help_buffer_last_line_n; // The current last (visable) line bool _is_help_mode; // True if enabled help mode bool _is_prompt_flushed; // True if we have flushed the prompt // The strings to save the action names that some keys were bind to string _action_name_up_arrow; string _action_name_down_arrow; string _action_name_tab; string _action_name_newline_n; string _action_name_newline_r; string _action_name_spacebar; string _action_name_ctrl_a; string _action_name_ctrl_b; string _action_name_ctrl_c; string _action_name_ctrl_d; string _action_name_ctrl_e; string _action_name_ctrl_f; string _action_name_ctrl_h; string _action_name_ctrl_k; string _action_name_ctrl_l; string _action_name_ctrl_m; string _action_name_ctrl_n; string _action_name_ctrl_p; string _action_name_ctrl_u; string _action_name_ctrl_x; // // Session info state // string _cli_session_user_name; string _cli_session_term_name; IPvX _cli_session_from_address; TimeVal _cli_session_start_time; TimeVal _cli_session_stop_time; bool _is_cli_session_active; uint32_t _cli_session_session_id; // The unique session ID. bool _is_network; // // Log-related state // bool _is_log_output; // // Server communication state // bool _is_waiting_for_data; // True if waiting for external data // // Misc state // vector<uint8_t> _pending_input_data; }; // // Global variables // // // Global functions prototypes // #endif // __CLI_CLI_CLIENT_HH__