PeerCounters ()
| PeerCounters |
inline uint32_t packets_recv ()
| packets_recv |
Get the total number of packets received.
inline void incr_packets_recv ()
| incr_packets_recv |
Increment the total number of packets received.
inline uint32_t update_packets_recv ()
| update_packets_recv |
Get the total number of update packets received.
inline void incr_update_packets_recv ()
| incr_update_packets_recv |
Increment the total number of update packets received.
inline uint32_t table_requests_recv ()
| table_requests_recv |
Get the total number of table request packets received.
inline void incr_table_requests_recv ()
| incr_table_requests_recv |
Increment the total number of table request packets received.
inline uint32_t bad_routes ()
| bad_routes |
Get the number of bad routes received (eg invalid metric, invalid address family).
inline void incr_bad_routes ()
| incr_bad_routes |
Increment the number of bad routes received.
inline uint32_t bad_packets ()
| bad_packets |
Get the number of bad response packets received.
inline void incr_bad_packets ()
| incr_bad_packets |
Increment the number of bad response packets received.
inline uint32_t bad_auth_packets ()
| bad_auth_packets |
Get the number of bad authentication packets received.
inline void incr_bad_auth_packets ()
| incr_bad_auth_packets |
Increment the number of bad authentication packets received.
uint32_t _packets_recv | _packets_recv |
uint32_t _updates_recv | _updates_recv |
uint32_t _requests_recv | _requests_recv |
uint32_t _bad_routes | _bad_routes |
uint32_t _bad_packets | _bad_packets |
uint32_t _bad_auth_packets | _bad_auth_packets |