Source: ../../fea/rawsock6.hh

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// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

// Copyright (c) 2001-2005 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
// notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is
// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/fea/rawsock6.hh,v 1.7 2005/03/25 02:53:14 pavlin Exp $

#ifndef __FEA_RAWSOCK6_HH__
#define __FEA_RAWSOCK6_HH__

#include <list>
#include <vector>

#include "libxorp/exceptions.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipv6.hh"
#include "libxorp/eventloop.hh"

/** Exception class for RawSocket Constructors */
struct RawSocket6Exception : public XorpReasonedException {
    RawSocket6Exception(const char* file, size_t line,
		       const char* cmd, int error_no) :
	XorpReasonedException("RawSocket6Exception", file, line,
			      c_format("%s: %s", cmd, strerror(error_no))) {}

 * Base class for raw sockets.  Supports write only.

class RawSocket6 {
    RawSocket6(uint32_t protocol) throw (RawSocket6Exception);

    virtual ~RawSocket6();

    inline uint32_t protocol() const { return _pf; }

     * Write data to raw socket.
     * @param src source IPv6 address.
     * @param dst destination IPv6 address.
     * @param payload pointer to IPv6 packet payload.
     * @param len length of payload in bytes.
     * @return number of bytes written on success.  If return value is
     * negative check errno for system errors.  Invalid IPv6 fields
     * may cause packet to be rejected before being passed to system,
     * in which case errno will not indicate an error.  The error is
     * recorded in the xlog.
    ssize_t write(const IPv6& src, const IPv6& dst, const uint8_t* payload,
		  size_t len) const;

    RawSocket6(const RawSocket6&);		// Not implemented.
    RawSocket6 operator=(const RawSocket6&);	// Not implemented.

    int32_t  _fd;
    uint32_t _pf;

 * Simple structure used to cache commonly passed IPv6 header information
 * which comes from socket control message headers. This is used when
 * reading from the kernel, so we use C types, rather than XORP C++ Class
 * Library types.

struct IPv6HeaderInfo {
	IPv6		src;
	IPv6		dst;
	uint32_t	rcvifindex;
	uint32_t	tclass;
	uint32_t	hoplimit;

 * Raw socket class supporting input and output.  Output is handled
 * with write() and writev() methods inherited from RawSocket.  Reads
 * are handled asynchronously.  When data arrives on the underlying
 * socket, recv is called and reads it into a per instance buffer.
 * The abstract method process_recv_data is then called with a
 * reference to a buffer containing the data.

class IoRawSocket6 : public RawSocket6
    IoRawSocket6(EventLoop& eventloop, uint32_t protocol, bool autohook = true)
	throw (RawSocket6Exception);


    virtual void process_recv_data(const struct IPv6HeaderInfo& hdrinfo,
				   const vector<uint8_t>& hopopts,
				   const vector<uint8_t>& payload) = 0;

    void recv(int fd, SelectorMask m);
    bool eventloop_hook();
    void eventloop_unhook();

    IoRawSocket6(const IoRawSocket6&);			// Not implemented.
    IoRawSocket6 operator=(const IoRawSocket6&);	// Not implemented.

    EventLoop&		_eventloop;
    bool		_autohook;

    // Cached properties of most recently received datagram.
    struct IPv6HeaderInfo	_hdrinfo;

    enum { CMSGBUF_BYTES = 10240 };
    enum { OPTBUF_BYTES = 1024 };
    enum { RECVBUF_BYTES = 131072 };

    vector<uint8_t>		_cmsgbuf;
    vector<uint8_t>		_hoptbuf;
    vector<uint8_t>		_recvbuf;

 * A RawSocketClass that allows arbitrary filters to receive the data
 * associated with a raw socket.
class FilterRawSocket6 : public IoRawSocket6
     * Filter class.
    class InputFilter {
	virtual ~InputFilter() {}
	 * Method invoked when data arrives on associated FilterRawSocket6
	 * instance.
	virtual void recv(const struct IPv6HeaderInfo& hdrinfo,
			  const vector<uint8_t>& hopopts,
			  const vector<uint8_t>& payload) = 0;

	 * Method invoked by the destructor of the associated
	 * FilterRawSocket6 instance.  This method provides the
	 * InputFilter with the opportunity to delete itself or update
	 * it's state.  The input filter does not need to call
	 * FilterRawSocket6::remove_filter() since filter removal is
	 * automatically conducted.
	virtual void bye() = 0;

    FilterRawSocket6(EventLoop& eventloop, int protocol)
	throw (RawSocket6Exception);

    /** Add a filter to list of input filters.  The FilterRawSocket6 class
     * assumes that the callee will be responsible for managing the memory
     * associated with the filter and will call remove_filter() if the
     * filter is deleted or goes out of scope.
    bool add_filter(InputFilter* filter);

    /** Remove filter from list of input filters. */
    bool remove_filter(InputFilter* filter);

    /** @return true if there are no filters associated with this instance. */
    bool empty() const { return _filters.empty(); }

    void process_recv_data(const struct IPv6HeaderInfo& hdrinfo,
			   const vector<uint8_t>& hopopts,
			   const vector<uint8_t>& payload);

    FilterRawSocket6(const FilterRawSocket6&);		 // Not implemented.
    FilterRawSocket6 operator=(const FilterRawSocket6&); // Not implemented.

    list<InputFilter*>	_filters;

#endif // __FEA_RAWSOCK6_HH__

Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Apr 13 21:53:05 2005, using kdoc $.