Source: ../../libxorp/timeval.hh
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
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// $XORP: xorp/libxorp/timeval.hh,v 1.14 2003/04/02 20:02:46 hodson Exp $
#include "xorp.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
* @short TimeVal class
* TimeVal class is used for storing time value. Similar to "struct timeval",
* the time value is in seconds and microseconds.
class TimeVal {
static const int32_t ONE_MILLION = 1000000;
* Default constructor
TimeVal() : _sec(0), _usec(0) {}
* Constructor for given seconds and microseconds.
* @param sec the number of seconds.
* @param usec the number of microseconds.
TimeVal(int32_t sec, int32_t usec) : _sec(sec), _usec(usec) {}
* Constructor for given "struct timeval".
* @param timeval the "struct timeval" time value to initialize this
* object with.
explicit TimeVal(const timeval& timeval)
: _sec(timeval.tv_sec), _usec(timeval.tv_usec) {}
* Constructor for given double-float time value.
* @param d the double-float time value to initialize this object with.
explicit inline TimeVal(const double& d);
* Get the number of seconds.
* @return the number of seconds.
int32_t sec() const { return _sec; }
* Get the number of microseconds.
* @return the number of microseconds.
int32_t usec() const { return _usec; }
* Get zero value.
inline static TimeVal ZERO();
* Get the maximum permitted value.
inline static TimeVal MAXIMUM();
* Get the minimum permitted value.
inline static TimeVal MINIMUM();
* Copy the time value from a timeval structure.
* @param timeval the storage to copy the time from.
* @return the number of copied octets.
inline size_t copy_in(const timeval& timeval);
* Copy the time value to a timeval structure.
* @param timeval the storage to copy the time to.
* @return the number of copied octets.
inline size_t copy_out(timeval& timeval) const;
* Convert a TimeVal value to a double-float value.
* @return the double-float value of this TimeVal time.
double get_double() const { return (_sec * 1.0 + _usec * 1.0e-6); }
* Assignment Operator
inline TimeVal& operator=(const TimeVal& other);
* Equality Operator
* @param other the right-hand operand to compare against.
* @return true if the left-hand operand is numerically same as the
* right-hand operand.
inline bool operator==(const TimeVal& other) const;
* Less-Than Operator
* @param other the right-hand operand to compare against.
* @return true if the left-hand operand is numerically smaller than the
* right-hand operand.
inline bool operator<(const TimeVal& other) const;
* Assign-Sum Operator
* @param delta the TimeVal value to add to this TimeVal object.
* @return the TimeVal value after the addition of @ref delta.
inline const TimeVal& operator+=(const TimeVal& delta);
* Addition Operator
* @param other the TimeVal value to add to the value of this
* TimeVal object.
* @return the TimeVal value after the addition of @ref other.
inline TimeVal operator+(const TimeVal& other) const;
* Assign-Difference Operator
* @param delta the TimeVal value to substract from this TimeVal object.
* @return the TimeVal value after the substraction of @ref delta.
inline const TimeVal& operator-=(const TimeVal& delta);
* Substraction Operator
* @param other the TimeVal value to substract from the value of this
* TimeVal object.
* @return the TimeVal value after the substraction of @ref other.
inline TimeVal operator-(const TimeVal& other) const;
* Multiplication Operator for integer operand
* @param n the integer value used in multiplying the value of this
* object with.
* @return the TimeVal value of multiplying the value of this object
* by @ref n.
inline TimeVal operator*(int n) const;
* Multiplication Operator for double float operand
* @param d the double float value used in multiplying the value of this
* object with.
* @return the TimeVal value of multiplying the value of this object
* by @ref d.
inline TimeVal operator*(const double& d) const;
* Division Operator for integer operand
* @param n the integer value used in dividing the value of this
* object with.
* @return the TimeVal value of dividing the value of this object
* by @ref n.
inline TimeVal operator/(int n) const;
* Division Operator for double-float operand
* @param d the double-float value used in dividing the value of this
* object with.
* @return the TimeVal value of dividing the value of this object
* by @ref d.
inline TimeVal operator/(const double& d) const;
int32_t _sec; // The number of seconds
int32_t _usec; // The number of microseconds
TimeVal::TimeVal(const double& d)
: _sec((int32_t)d),
_usec((int32_t)((d - ((double)_sec)) * ONE_MILLION + 0.5e-6))
// Adjust
if (_usec >= ONE_MILLION) {
_sec += _usec / ONE_MILLION;
_usec %= ONE_MILLION;
inline size_t
TimeVal::copy_in(const timeval& timeval)
_sec = timeval.tv_sec;
_usec = timeval.tv_usec;
return (sizeof(_sec) + sizeof(_usec));
inline size_t
TimeVal::copy_out(timeval& timeval) const
timeval.tv_sec = _sec;
timeval.tv_usec = _usec;
return (sizeof(_sec) + sizeof(_usec));
inline TimeVal&
TimeVal::operator=(const TimeVal& other)
_sec = other.sec();
_usec = other.usec();
return *this;
inline bool
TimeVal::operator==(const TimeVal& other) const
return (_sec == other.sec()) && (_usec == other.usec());
inline bool
TimeVal::operator<(const TimeVal& other) const
return (_sec == other.sec()) ? _usec < other.usec() : _sec < other.sec();
inline const TimeVal&
TimeVal::operator+=(const TimeVal& delta)
_sec += delta.sec();
_usec += delta.usec();
if (_usec >= ONE_MILLION) {
_usec -= ONE_MILLION;
return (*this);
inline TimeVal
TimeVal::operator+(const TimeVal& other) const
TimeVal tmp_tv(*this);
return tmp_tv += other;
inline const TimeVal&
TimeVal::operator-=(const TimeVal& delta)
_sec -= delta.sec();
if (_usec < delta.usec()) {
// Compensate
_usec += ONE_MILLION;
_usec -= delta.usec();
return (*this);
inline TimeVal
TimeVal::operator-(const TimeVal& other) const
TimeVal tmp_tv(*this);
return tmp_tv -= other;
inline TimeVal
TimeVal::operator*(int n) const
uint32_t tmp_sec, tmp_usec;
tmp_usec = _usec * n;
tmp_sec = _sec * n + tmp_usec / ONE_MILLION;
tmp_usec %= ONE_MILLION;
return TimeVal(tmp_sec, tmp_usec);
inline TimeVal
TimeVal::operator*(const double& d) const
return TimeVal(get_double() * d);
inline TimeVal
TimeVal::operator/(int n) const
return TimeVal(_sec / n, ((_sec % n) * ONE_MILLION + _usec) / n);
inline TimeVal
TimeVal::operator/(const double& d) const
return TimeVal(get_double() / d);
inline TimeVal
return TimeVal(0, 0);
inline TimeVal
return TimeVal(0x7fffffff, ONE_MILLION - 1);
inline TimeVal
return TimeVal(- 0x7fffffff - 1, - (ONE_MILLION - 1));
* Prefix unary minus.
inline TimeVal
operator-(const TimeVal& v)
return TimeVal(-v.sec(), -v.usec());
* Multiply TimeVal by integer.
inline TimeVal
operator*(int n, const TimeVal& t)
return t * n;
* Multiply TimeVal by double.
inline TimeVal
operator*(const double& d, const TimeVal& t)
return t * d;
* Generate a TimeVal value from a uniform random distribution between
* specified bounds.
* @param lower lower bound of generated value.
* @param upper upper bound of generated value.
* @return value chosen from uniform random distribution.
inline TimeVal
random_uniform(const TimeVal& lower, const TimeVal& upper)
double d = (upper - lower).get_double();
d *= double(random()) / double(RAND_MAX);
return lower + TimeVal(d);
* Generate a TimeVal value from a uniform random distribution between
* zero and specified bound.
* @param upper upper bound of generated value.
* @return value chosen from uniform random distribution.
inline TimeVal
random_uniform(const TimeVal& upper)
double d = upper.get_double();
d *= double(random()) / double(RAND_MAX);
return TimeVal(d);
* Generate a TimeVal value from a uniform random distribution between
* the bounds center - factor * center and center + factor * center.
* If the lower bound is less than TimeVal::ZERO() it is rounded up to
* TimeVal::ZERO().
* @param center mid-point of generated time value.
* @param factor the spread of the uniform random distribution.
* @return value chosen from uniform random distribution.
inline TimeVal
positive_random_uniform(const TimeVal& center, const double& factor)
TimeVal l = max(center - center * factor, TimeVal::ZERO());
TimeVal u = center + center * factor;
return random_uniform(l, u);
#endif // __LIBXORP_TIMEVAL_HH__
Generated by: pavlin on on Mon Jun 9 13:23:43 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |