Source: ../../cli/cli_client.hh
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
// notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is
// legally binding.
// $XORP: xorp/cli/cli_client.hh,v 1.3 2003/03/10 23:20:11 hodson Exp $
#ifndef __CLI_CLI_CLIENT_HH__
#define __CLI_CLI_CLIENT_HH__
// CLI client definition.
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <list>
#include "libxorp/buffer.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipvx.hh"
#include "libxorp/selector.hh"
#include "libxorp/timer.hh"
#include "cli_node.hh"
// Constants definitions
// Structures/classes, typedefs and macros
class CliNode;
class CliCommand;
* @short The class for the CLI client.
* There is one CLI client per CLI user (e.g., telnet connection).
class CliClient {
* Constructor for a given CLI node and file descriptor.
* @param init_cli_node the @ref CliNode CLI node this client belongs to.
* @param fd the file descriptor for communication with the user.
CliClient(CliNode& init_cli_node, int fd);
* Destructor
virtual ~CliClient();
* Start the connection.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
int start_connection();
* Print a message to the CLI user.
* @param msg C++ string with the message to display.
* @return the number of characters printed (not including
* the trailing '\0').
int cli_print(const string& msg);
* Flush the CLI output.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
int cli_flush();
* Add/remove this client for displaying log messages.
* @param v if true, add this client for displaying messages, otherwise
* remove it.
* @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
int set_log_output(bool v);
* Test if this client has been added for displaying log messages.
* @return true if this client has been added for displaying log messages,
* otherwise false.
bool is_log_output() const { return (_is_log_output); }
* Get the file descriptor for communication with the user.
* @return the file descriptor for communcation with the user.
int cli_fd() { return (_cli_fd); }
* Test if this client is for stdio access.
* @return true if this client is for stdion access, otherwise false.
bool is_stdio() const { return (_cli_fd == fileno(stdin)); }
// Session info
* Get the user name.
* @return the user name.
const char *cli_session_user_name() const {
return (_cli_session_user_name.c_str());
* Get the terminal name.
* @return the terminal name.
const char *cli_session_term_name() const {
return (_cli_session_term_name.c_str());
* Get the user network address.
* @return the user network address.
const IPvX& cli_session_from_address() const {
return (_cli_session_from_address);
* Get the start time for this connection.
* @return a reference to struct timeval with the starting time for
* this connection.
const struct timeval& cli_session_start_time() const {
return (_cli_session_start_time);
* Get the stop time for this connection.
* @return a reference to struct timeval with the end time for
* this connection.
const struct timeval& cli_session_stop_time() const {
return (_cli_session_stop_time);
* Test if the CLI session is active (i.e., it has been setup and ready
* to use).
* @return true if the CLI session is active, otherwise false.
bool is_cli_session_active() const {
return (_is_cli_session_active);
* Get the session ID.
* @return the session ID for this client.
uint32_t cli_session_session_id() const {
return (_cli_session_session_id);
* Set the user name.
* @param v the user name to set.
void set_cli_session_user_name(const char *v) {
_cli_session_user_name = v;
* Set the terminal name.
* @param v the terminal name to set.
void set_cli_session_term_name(const char *v) {
_cli_session_term_name = v;
* Set the user network address.
* @param v the user network address to set.
void set_cli_session_from_address(const IPvX& v) {
_cli_session_from_address = v;
* Set the start time for this connection.
* @param v the start time for this connection.
void set_cli_session_start_time(const struct timeval& v) {
_cli_session_start_time = v;
* Set the stop time for this connection.
* @param v the stop time for this connection.
void set_cli_session_stop_time(const struct timeval& v) {
_cli_session_stop_time = v;
* Set if this session is active.
* @param v if true, the session is set as active, otherwise is
* set as non-active.
void set_is_cli_session_active(bool v) {
_is_cli_session_active = v;
* Set the session ID.
* @param v the session ID value to set.
void set_cli_session_session_id(uint32_t v) {
_cli_session_session_id = v;
* Perform final processing of a command.
* Note: the @ref timer_timeout flag may disappear in the future,
* because there will be no command timeout.
* @param timer_timeout if true, perform processing because
* of a command timeout (i.e., failure to complete), otherwise
* perform normal processing.
void post_process_command(bool timer_timeout);
// Server communication state
* Test if waiting for data from command processor.
* @return true if waiting for data from command processor, otherwise
* false.
bool is_waiting_for_data() const { return (_is_waiting_for_data); }
* Set a flag whether is waiting for data from command processor.
* @param v if true, the session is set as waiting for data, otherwise
* is set as non-waiting.
void set_is_waiting_for_data(bool v);
* Get the timer that is waiting for the data to arrive from the
* command processor.
* Note: this method may disappear in the future, because there will be
* no command timeout.
* @return the timer that is waiting for the data to arrive from the
* command processor.
XorpTimer& waiting_for_result_timer() {
return (_waiting_for_result_timer);
* Get the current CLI prompt.
* @return the current CLI prompt.
const char *current_cli_prompt() { return (_current_cli_prompt); }
* Set the current CLI prompt.
* @param cli_prompt the current CLI prompt to set.
void set_current_cli_prompt(const char *cli_prompt);
friend class CliPipe;
CliNode& cli_node() { return (_cli_node); }
GetLine *gl() { return (_gl); }
int process_telnet_option(int val);
bool telnet_iac() { return (_telnet_iac); }
void set_telnet_iac(bool v) { _telnet_iac = v; }
bool telnet_sb() { return (_telnet_sb); }
void set_telnet_sb(bool v) {_telnet_sb = v; }
bool telnet_dont() { return (_telnet_dont); }
void set_telnet_dont(bool v) { _telnet_dont = v; }
bool telnet_do() { return (_telnet_do); }
void set_telnet_do(bool v) { _telnet_do = v; }
bool telnet_wont() { return (_telnet_wont); }
void set_telnet_wont(bool v) { _telnet_wont = v; }
bool telnet_will() { return (_telnet_will); }
void set_telnet_will(bool v) { _telnet_will = v; }
bool telnet_binary() { return (_telnet_binary); }
void set_telnet_binary(bool v) { _telnet_binary = v; }
size_t window_width() { return ((size_t)_window_width); }
void set_window_width(uint16_t v) { _window_width = v; }
size_t window_height() { return ((size_t)_window_height); }
void set_window_height(uint16_t v) { _window_height = v; }
Buffer& command_buffer() { return (_command_buffer); }
Buffer& telnet_sb_buffer() { return (_telnet_sb_buffer); }
CliCommand *cli_command_root() { return (cli_node().cli_command_root());}
int buff_curpos() { return (_buff_curpos); }
void set_buff_curpos(int v) { _buff_curpos = v; }
CliCommand *current_cli_command() { return (_current_cli_command); }
void set_current_cli_command(CliCommand *v);
int process_command(const char *line);
CliPipe *add_pipe(const char *pipe_name);
CliPipe *add_pipe(const char *pipe_name, const list<string>args_list);
void delete_pipe_all();
bool is_pipe_mode() { return (_is_pipe_mode); }
void set_pipe_mode(bool v) { _is_pipe_mode = v; }
int block_connection(bool block_bool);
void client_read(int fd, SelectorMask mask);
static CPL_MATCH_FN(command_completion_func);
int process_char(const char *line, uint8_t val);
int process_char_page_mode(uint8_t val);
int preprocess_char(uint8_t val);
void command_line_help(const char *line, int word_end);
CliCommand *multi_command_find(const char *line, int word_end);
void process_line_through_pipes(string &pipe_line);
// Output paging related functions
bool is_page_mode() { return (_is_page_mode); }
void set_page_mode(bool v);
bool is_page_buffer_mode() { return (*_is_page_buffer_mode); }
void set_page_buffer_mode(bool v) { *_is_page_buffer_mode = v; }
vector<string>& page_buffer() { return (*_page_buffer); }
void reset_page_buffer() { page_buffer().clear(); set_page_buffer_last_line(0); }
size_t page_buffer_lines_n() { return (page_buffer().size()); }
void add_page_buffer_line(const char *line);
size_t page_buffer_last_line() { return (*_page_buffer_last_line); }
void set_page_buffer_last_line(size_t v) { *_page_buffer_last_line = v; }
void incr_page_buffer_last_line() { (*_page_buffer_last_line)++; }
void decr_page_buffer_last_line() { (*_page_buffer_last_line)--; }
bool is_help_mode() { return (_is_help_mode); }
void set_help_mode(bool v) { _is_help_mode = v; }
bool is_nomore_mode() { return (_is_nomore_mode); }
void set_nomore_mode(bool v) { _is_nomore_mode = v; }
bool is_hold_mode() { return (_is_hold_mode); }
void set_hold_mode(bool v) { _is_hold_mode = v; }
CliNode& _cli_node; // The CLI node I belong to
int _cli_fd; // The client socket
FILE *_cli_fd_file_read; // The FILE read version of the socket
FILE *_cli_fd_file_write; // The FILE write version of the socket
enum ClientType{
ClientType _client_type; // Type of the client: term, file, etc.
GetLine *_gl; // The GetLine for libtecla
bool _telnet_iac; // True if the last octet was IAC
bool _telnet_sb; // True if subnegotiation has began
bool _telnet_dont; // True if the last octet was DONT
bool _telnet_do; // True if the last octet was DO
bool _telnet_wont; // True if the last octet was WONT
bool _telnet_will; // True if the last octet was WILL
bool _telnet_binary; // True if the client "do" binary mode
uint16_t _window_width; // The CLI client window width
uint16_t _window_height; // The CLI client window height
Buffer _command_buffer;
Buffer _telnet_sb_buffer;
CliCommand *_current_cli_command;
char _current_cli_prompt[CLI_PROMPT_SIZE_MAX]; // The CLI prompt
int _buff_curpos; // The cursor position in the buffer
string _buffer_line; // To buffer data when pipe-processing
list<CliPipe *> _pipe_list; // A list with the CLI pipe commands
bool _is_pipe_mode; // True if pipe processing enabled
bool _is_nomore_mode; // True if disabled "more" mode
bool _is_hold_mode; // True if enabled "hold" mode
// Output paging related stuff
bool _is_page_mode; // True if the output is paged
bool *_is_page_buffer_mode; // True if enabled page_buffer_mode
vector<string> *_page_buffer;
size_t *_page_buffer_last_line;
bool _is_output_buffer_mode; // True if enabled output_buffer_mode
vector<string> _output_buffer; // The output buffer: line per element
size_t _output_buffer_last_line; // The current last (visable) line
bool _is_help_buffer_mode; // True if enabled help_buffer_mode
vector<string> _help_buffer; // The help buffer: line per element
size_t _help_buffer_last_line; // The current last (visable) line
bool _is_help_mode; // True if enabled help mode
// The strings to save the action names that some keys were bind to
string _action_name_up_arrow;
string _action_name_down_arrow;
string _action_name_tab;
string _action_name_newline_n;
string _action_name_newline_r;
string _action_name_spacebar;
string _action_name_ctrl_a;
string _action_name_ctrl_b;
string _action_name_ctrl_c;
string _action_name_ctrl_d;
string _action_name_ctrl_e;
string _action_name_ctrl_f;
string _action_name_ctrl_h;
string _action_name_ctrl_k;
string _action_name_ctrl_l;
string _action_name_ctrl_m;
string _action_name_ctrl_n;
string _action_name_ctrl_p;
string _action_name_ctrl_u;
string _action_name_ctrl_x;
// Session info state
string _cli_session_user_name;
string _cli_session_term_name;
IPvX _cli_session_from_address;
struct timeval _cli_session_start_time;
struct timeval _cli_session_stop_time;
bool _is_cli_session_active;
uint32_t _cli_session_session_id; // The unique session ID.
// Log-related state
bool _is_log_output;
// Server communication state
bool _is_waiting_for_data; // True if waiting for external data
XorpTimer _waiting_for_result_timer;
// Global variables
// Global functions prototypes
#endif // __CLI_CLI_CLIENT_HH__
Generated by: pavlin on on Mon Mar 10 19:34:52 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |