[PROTOCOLS:GOSIP-ORDER-INFO.TXT]                             [AM 2/91]

This information was compiled and made available by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

							November 14, 1990

Below is the information needed to obtain the U.S. GOSIP and NIST/OSI Implemen-
tors Workshop (OIW) documents.  All prices are in U.S. dollars and represent
the most up-to-date information available at this time; for further pricing
information and ordering details, contact the seller (all addresses and tele-
phone numbers are to be found at the end).

                                 | GOSIP |

GOSIP Version 1.

GOSIP Version 1 (Federal Information Processing Standard 146) was published in
August 1988.  It became mandatory in applicable federal procurements in August

Addenda to Version 1 of GOSIP have been published in the Federal Register
and are included in Version 2 of GOSIP.  Users should obtain
Version 2.

GOSIP Version 2.

GOSIP Version 2 was issued as a draft early in 1989.  It has undergone
public review and comment.  Version 2 was revised to address the comments
received from industry and government; the revisions were subsequently
reviewed and approved by the GOSIP Advanced Requirements Committee in
March, 1990.  Version 2 of GOSIP supersedes Version 1 of GOSIP.  Version 2
of GOSIP makes clear what protocols apply to the GOSIP Version 1 mandate
and what protocols are new for Version 2.

The final text is now available via anonymous ftp.  Version 2
is expected to become a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) in 
early 1991.

    NIST Point of Contact:
	Jerry Mulvenna

        NIST Standards Processing Coordinator (ADP)
        available through anonymous ftp
        from osi.ncsl.nist.gov ( as
                ./pub/gosip/gosip_v2.txt        -- ascii
                ./pub/gosip/gosip_v2.txt.Z	-- ...compressed
                ./pub/gosip/gosip_v2.ps		-- PostScript
                ./pub/gosip/gosip_v2.ps.Z       -- ...compressed

	available through anonymous ftp from nic.ddn.mil ( as

                 PROTOCOLS:GOSIP-V2.TXT        -- ascii
                 PROTOCOLS:GOSIP-V2.PS         -- PostScript


             | NIST Workshop for Implementors of OSI Documents |

The output of the NIST Workshop for Implementors of OSI (OIW) is a pair of
aligned documents, one representing Stable Implementation Agreements (SIA), the
other containing Working Implementation Agreements (WIA) that have not yet gone
into the stable document.  Material is in either one or the other of these
documents, but not both, and the documents have the same index structure.

The SIA is reproduced in its entirety at the beginning of each calendar year,
with an incremented version number.  Replacement page sets are distributed
subsequently three times during each year (after each Workshop), reflecting
errata to the stable material.  The replacement pages constitute the next
edition of that year's version.

The WIA is reproduced in its entirety after each Workshop (held in March, June,
September and December). OIW attendees automatically receive the WIA.  The final
1990 meeting was on December 10-14; 1991 meeting dates are March 11-15,
June 10-14, September 9-13, and December 9-13, all at NIST.

SIA documentation is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO),
National Technical Information Service (NTIS), and the IEEE Computer Society.
In the future NIST intends to put SIA documentation
on-line; watch this space for details.

WIA documentation is available from NTIS and the IEEE Computer Society,
as described below.

    NIST Points of Contact for the OIW:

	Tim Boland	--management information
	Chairman, OIW

	Brenda Gray	--administrative information
	OIW Registrar


SIA, Version 3.
This is the appropriate reference for GOSIP Version 1 (FIPS 146) and
GOSIP Version 2 (FIPS 146-1).

SIA, Version 3, Edition 1 (Dec, 1989).
The SIA, V3E1 is published as NIST Special Publication 500-177.
It is available from the GPO, NTIS, and the IEEE Computer Society.

Change pages for March 1990 and for June 1990 are available from GPO.
Use the stock number below when ordering these from GPO.
Change pages for March 1990 are available from NTIS.


        U.S. Government Printing Office
        GPO Stock Number: 903-015-00000-4
        Price: $51.00 (base document + change pages)
               $21.00 (change pages for June and beyond only)
               $63.75 (base document + change pages) (Foreign)

        NTIS (base document)
        Order Number: PB 90-212192
        Price: $60.00 (paper); $17.00 (microfiche)

        NTIS (March 90 Change Pages)
        Order Number: PB 90-257627/WCC

        IEEE Computer Society Press
        ISBN 0-8186-2075-7
        Catalog No. 2075
        Price: $75.00, $60.00 (Member)

WIA (June, 1990).

The June, 1990 WIA, published as a NIST Interagency Report (NISTIR-4382), is
the most recent copy of the WIA that is available to order.  It is available in
hardcopy from:

	Order Number: NISTIR-4382
                      NTIS Order #: PB 90-259-763
	Price: $45.00 (paper); $11.00 (microfiche)
	       (prices approximate; request pricing information when ordering)

        IEEE Computer Sociey Press
        (Call for Ordering Information)

                           | GOSIP Users' Guide |

GOSIP Users's Guide for GOSIP Version 1

This publication assists federal agencies in planning for and procuring
OSI, especially for GOSIP Version 1.  It provides tutorial information on
OSI protocols as well as information on OSI registration, GOSIP technical
evaluation, and GOSIP transition strategies.


	Order Number: PB 90-111212
	Price: $23 (paper); $8 (microfiche)

GOSIP Users's Guide for GOSIP Version 2
The companion Users' Guide for GOSIP Version 2 is in preparation.  It should
be available in draft form by February 1991.

                      | Addresses/Telephone Numbers |

	Jerry Mulvenna
	Technology, B217
	Gaithersburg, MD  20899
	(301) 975-3631

	Tim Boland	--management information
	Chairman, OIW
	Technology, B217
	Gaithersburg, MD  20899
	(301) 975-3608

	Brenda Gray	--administrative information
	OIW Registrar
	Technology, B217
	Gaithersburg, MD  20899
	(301) 975-3664

	National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
	U.S. Department of Commerce
	5285 Port Royal Road
	Springfield, VA  22161

	IEEE Computer Society Press
	Order Department
	10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
	Los Alamitos, CA  90720

	U.S. Government Printing Office 
	Washington, DC  20402 
	(202) 783-3238

	Standards Processing Coordinator (ADP)
	National Institute of Standards and Technology
	Technology Building, Room B-64
	Gaithersburg, MD  20899
	(301) 975-2816