Compiled by E. Feinler and J. Landsbergen
Network Information Center

Send any corrections or updates to

Abramson, N.

   The Aloha system.  Tech. Rept. B72, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, Jan. 
   1972.  16 pp.  Also in:  Abramson, N. and Kuo, F. F.  Computer 
   Communication Networks.  Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 
   1973. pp 501-17.

Abramson, N.

   The ALOHA System, another alternative for computer communications.  
   AFIPS Proc., Vol. 37, 281-5 (1970).

Abramson, N.

   Digital broadcasting in Hawaii - the ALOHA system.  EDUCOM Bull., 
   Interuniversity Commun. Council, Vol. 9, No. 1, 9-13 (1974).

Abramson, N.

   Packet switching with satellites.  AFIPS Proc., Vol. 42, 695-702 
   (1973).  Also:  Tech. Rept. B73-2, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, Mar. 
   1973.  28 pp.  (AD-761544)

Abramson, N. and Kuo, F. F.

   Computer Communication Networks.  Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.
   J., 1973.

Akkoyunlu, E. A., Bernstein, A. J. and Schantz, R. E.

   Interprocess communication facilities for network operating systems. 
   Computer, Vol. 7, No. 6, 46-55 (June 1974).

Akkoyunlu, E. A., Ekanadham, K. and Huber, R. V.

   Some constraints and tradeoffs in the design of network 
   communications.  IN:  Proc. Fifth Symposium on Operating Systems 
   Principles, Austin, Tex., Nov. 1975.  pp 67-74.

Anderson, R. H., Harslem, E. F., Heafner, J. F., Cerf, V. G.,
   Madden, J., Metcalfe, R. M., Soshani, A., White, J. and Wood, D. C.

   Data reconfiguration service - an implementation specification.  RFC 
   166, RAND Corp., Santa Monica, Calif., May 25, 1971.  27 pp.  

Anderson, R. H., Harslem, E. F., Heafner, J. F., Cerf, V. G.,
   Madden, J., Metcalfe, R. M., Soshani, A., White, J. and Wood, D. C.

   Data reconfiguration service - compiler/interpreter.  RFC 194, RAND 
   Corp., Santa Monica, Calif., July 1971.  22 pp.  (NIC-07139)

Anderson, R. H., Harslem, E. F., Heafner, J. F., Cerf, V. G.,
   Madden, J., Metcalfe, R. M., Soshani, A., White, J. and Wood, D. C.

   The data reconfiguration service, an experiment in adaptable 
   process/process communication.  IN:  ACM/IEEE Second Symposium on 
   Problems in the Optimization of Data Communication Systems, Oct. 
   20-22, 1971.  pp 1-9.  (IEEE CAT-71C59-C) (AD-735078)

Anderson, R. H., Harslem, E. F., Heafner, J. F., Cerf, V. G.,
   Madden, J., Metcalfe, R. M., Soshani, A., White, J. and Wood, D. C.

   Status report on proposed data reconfiguration service.  RFC 138, 
   RAND Corp., Santa Monica, Calif., Apr. 28, 1971.  30 pp.  (NIC-06715)

Anypan, N. S. and Kotob, S.

   Analysis of flow control in AUTODIN II.  IN:  NTC'77 Conference 
   Record, Vol. 3, IEEE, Inc., New York, N. Y. (1977).  pp 37:3,1-6 
   (IEEE # 77CH1292-2 CSCB)

Baran, P.

   On distributed communications networks.  IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 
   12, No. 1, 1-9 (Mar. 1964).

Baran, P., Boehm, S. and Smith, P.

   Determination of path-lengths in a distributed network.  RAND Corp., 
   Santa Monica, Calif., Aug. 1964.  91 pp.  (AD-444833)

Baran, P., Boehm, S. and Smith, P.

   Digital simulation of hot-potato routing in a broadband distributed 
   communication network.  RAND Corp., Santa Monica, Calif., Aug. 1964. 
   49 pp.  (AD-444834)

Baran, P., Boehm, S. and Smith, P.

   Priority, precedence, and overload.  RAND Corp., Santa Monica, 
   Calif., Aug. 1964.  63 pp.  (AD-444840)

Baran, P., Boehm, S. and Smith, P.

   Tentative engineering specifications and preliminary design for a 
   high-data-rate distributed network switching node.  RAND Corp., Santa
   Monica, Calif., Aug. 1964.  85 pp.  (AD-444832)

Barber, D. L. A.

   Digital interfacing.  IN:  Paker, Y., Cain, G., and Morse, P.,  Proc.
   Minicomputer Interfacing,  Miniconsult, London, England, 1973.  pp 

Barber, D. L. A.

   A specification for a European Informatics Network.  Co-Operation 
   Europeanne dans le domaine del la Recherche Scientifique et 
   Technique, Jan. 4, 1974.

Barber, D. L. A.

   Easing the introduction of a packet switching service.  Div. of 
   Computer Science, National Physical Lab., Teddington, England, Mar. 
   1971.  20 pp

Barber, D. L. A.

   Experience with the use of the B.S. interface in computer peripherals
   and communication systems.  Div. of Computer Science, National 
   Physical Lab., Teddington, England, Oct 1969.  15 pp.

Barber, D. L. A.

   The European Computer Network project.  Proc. ICCC, Washington, D. 
   C., 192-200 (Oct. 1972).

Barber, D. L. A.

   The European Informatics network:  Achievements and prospects.  Proc.
   ICCC, Toronto, Canada (1976).

Barber, D. L. A.

   Progress with the European Informatics Network.  Proc. ICCC, 
   Stockholm, Sweden (1974).  pp 215-20.

Bauwens, E. and Magnee, F.

   A virtual terminal prototcol for a Belgian University Network.  INWG 
   Protocol Note # 71, International Network Working Group.  64 pp.

Bauwens, E. and Magnee, F.

   The virtual terminal approach in the Belgian University Network.  
   INWG Protocol Note # 83, International Network Working Group. June 
   1977.  196 pp.

Beeforth, T. H., et. al

   Proposed oganization for a packet-switched data-communication 
   network.  Proc. IEE, Vol. 119, No. 12, 1677-82 (Dec. 1972).

Beere, M. and Sullivan, N.

   TYMNET--A serendipitous evolution.  IN:  Proc. Second ACM/IEEE 
   Symposium on Problems in the Optimization of Data Communications, 
   Palo Alto, Calif., Oct 1971.

Belloni, A., Bozetti, M. and LeMoli, G.

   Routing and internetworking.  Alto Frequenza, Vol. 44, No. 4, 194-210
   (Apr. 1975).  (INWG Protocol Note 10)

Belsnes, D.

   Flow control in packet switching networks.  DSL Tech. Note #50, 
   Digital Systems Lab.,  Stanford Univ., Calif., Oct. 1974.  (INWG 
   Protocol Note #63)

Belsnes, D.

   Note on single message communication.  Digital Systems Lab.,  
   Stanford Univ., Calif., Sept. 1974.  (INWG Protocol Note #3)

Benice, R. J. and Frey, A. H.

   An analysis of retransmission systems.  IEEE Trans. Commun. Technol.,
   Vol. 12, No. 4, 135-145 (Dec. 1964).

Benice, R. J. and Frey, A. H.

   Comparison of error control techniques.  IEEE Trans. Commun. 
   Technol., Vol. 12, No. 4, 146-154 (Dec. 1964).

Benoit, J. W. and Wood, D. C.

   Network front end study.  Tech. Rept. MRT-5213, MITRE Corp., 
   Washington, D.C., Aug. 1974.  (Limited Distribution)

Benoit, J. W.

   Evolution of network user services--the network resource manager.  
   IN:  Proc. 1974 NBS-IEEE Symp. Computer Networks:  Trends and 
   Applications, Gaithersburg, Md., May 1974.  pp 21-4.

Benoit, J. W. and Perez, E.

   Design specifications for PWIN non-functional network control 
   software.  MITRE Corp., Washington, D.C., June 30, 1972.  245 pp.

Berkheiser, E. W., Baker, P. C., Capaldo, R.

   Security architecture for autodin II.  IN:  NTC'77 Conference Record,
   Vol. 3, IEEE, Inc., New York, N. Y. (1977). p 37:4,1-6
   (IEEE 77CH1292-2 CSCB)  

Bhushan, A. K.

   Another look at data and file transfer protocols.  RFC 310, Proj. 
   MAC, Massachusetts Inst. Technol., Cambridge, Mass., Apr. 3, 1972.  7
   pp.  (NIC-09261)

Bhushan, A. K., Kanodia, R., Metcalfe, R. M. and Postel, J. B.

   Comments on byte size for connections.  RFC 176, Massachusetts Inst. 
   Technol., Cambridge, Mass., June 14, 1971.  5 pp.  (NIC-07100)

Bhushan, A. K., Kanodia, R., Metcalfe, R. M. and Postel, J. B.

   The data transfer protocol.  RFC 264, Dynamic Modeling/Computer 
   Graphics Systems, Massachusetts Inst. Technol., Cambridge, Mass., 
   Nov. 15, 1971.  8 pp.  (NIC-07812)

Binder, R.

   A dynamic packet switching system for satellite broadcast channels.  
   ALOHA System Tech. Rept. B74-5, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu,  Aug. 

Binder, R.

   Another ALOHA satellite protocol.  ALOHA System, Univ. of Hawaii, 
   Honolulu, Dec. 27, 1972.  (NIC-13147)

Binder, R.

   Multiplexing in the ALOHA system:  Menehune-Keiki design 
   considerations.  ALOHA System Tech. Rept. B69-3, Univ. of Hawaii, 
   Honolulu, Nov. 1969.  60 pp.  (AD-702807)

Binder, R., Abramson, N., Kuo, F. F., Okinaka, A. and Wax, D.

   ALOHA packet broadcasting - a retrospect.  AFIPS Proc., Vol. 44, 
   203-15 (1975).

Binder, R., Lai, W. S., Wilson, M.

   The ALOHANET Menehune - version II.  ALOHA System Tech. Rept. B74-6, 
   Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, Sept. 1974.

Binder, R., Rettberg, R. and Walden, D.

   The Atlantic satellite packet broadcast and gateway experiments.  BBN
   Rept. 3056, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge, Mass., Apr. 1975.

Bochmann, G. V.

   Finite state description of communication protocols, Publ. 236, Dep. 
   d'Informatique, Univ. de Montreal, July 1976.

Bochmann, G. V.

   Communication protocols and error recovery procedures, Proc. ACM 
   Interprocess Commun. Workshop, Mar. 1975.

Bochmann, G. V.

   Logical verification and implementation of protocols.  Publ. 190, 
   Department d'Informatique, Universite de Montreal, Mar. 1975.  (Also 
   in Proc. Fourth Data Communications Symposium, Quebec City, Canada, 
   Oct. 1975,.  pp 7-15 to 7-20.  IEEE 75 CH1001-7 DATA)

Bochmann, G. V.

   Proving the correctness of communication protocols.  Tech. Rept., 
   Department d'Informatique, Universite de Montreal, Nov. 1974.

Bochmann, G. V. and Chung, R. J.

   A Formalized Specification of HDLC Classes of Procedures.  IN:  
   NTC'77 Conference Record, Vol. 1, IEEE, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1977. 
   pp 3A:2,1-4 (IEEE # 77CH1292-2 CSCB)

Bochmann, G. V. and Gecsei, J.

   A unified method for the specification and verification of protocols.
   Proc. IFIP Congress, Vol. 7, 229-234 (1977).

Boehm, B. W. and Mobley, R. L.

   Adaptive routing techniques for distributed communications systems. 
   IEEE Trans. Commun. Technol., Vol. 17, No. 3, 340-9 (June 1969). 
   (Also AD-630271)

Bouknight, W. J.

   The IMP interface manual.  NTS Rept. 2, Network Tech. Systems 
   Project, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, July 1973.

Bouknight, W. J., Denenberg, S.

   ANTS--A new approach to accessing the ARPA network.  CAC Rept. 47, 
   Center for Advanced Computation, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, July 

Bowdon, E. K. and Barr, W. J.

   Cost effective priority assignment in network computers.  Proc. Fall 
   Joint Computer Conf., 1972, AFIPS Press, pp 755-63.

Braden, R. T.

   NETRJT - Remote job service protocols for TIPS.  RFC 283, Campus 
   Computing Network, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, Dec. 20, 1971.  
   9 pp.  (NIC-08165)

Braden, R. T.

   A server host system on the ARPANET.  pp 4:1-9 IN:  Fifth Data 
   Commun. Symp., ACM/IEEE, Snowbird, Utah, Sept. 27-9, 1977. (IEEE 

Bressler, R. D. and Thomas, R. H.

   FTP server-server interaction - II.  RFC 478, Bolt Beranek and 
   Newman, Cambridge, Mass., Mar. 26, 1973.  (NIC-14947)

Bressler, R. D., Murphy, D. and Walden, D. C.

   A proposed experiment with a message switching protocol.  RFC 333, 
   Dynamic Modeling/Computer Graphics Systems, Mass. Inst. Tech., 
   Cambridge, May 15, 1972.  42 pp.  (NIC-09926)

Bright, R. D.

   EPSS specification.  INWG Protocol Note 1, Oct. 1974.

Bright, R. D.

   Experimental packet switch project of the UK Post Office.  IN:    
   Grimsdale, R. L. and Kuo, F. F., Computer Communication Networks, 
   Noordhoff International Publ., Leyden, Netherlands, 1975.  pp 435-44.

Buckley, J. E.

   Packet switching.  Computer Design, Vol. 13, No. 4, 10-14 (Apr. 

Burchfiel, J. D. and Tomlinson, R.

   Proposed change to host-host protocol:  resynchronization of 
   connection status.  RFC 467, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge, 
   Mass., Feb 20, 1973.  (NIC-14741)

Burchfiel, J. D., Tomlinson, R. and Beeler, M.

   Functions and structure of a packet radio station.  AFIPS Proc., Vol.
   44, 245-51, (May 1975).

Butterfield, S., Rettberg, R. D. and Walden, D. C.

   The satellite IMP for the ARPA network.  IN:  Seventh Hawaii 
   International Conf. on System Sciences, Computer Nets Supplement, 
   Jan. 1974.  pp 70-3.

Carlstedt, J.

   A message exchange for computer programs and terminals.  RAND Corp., 
   Santa Monica, Calif., May 1972.  70 pp.  (AD-748986)

Carr, S., Crocker, S. D. and Cerf, V. G.

   Host-Host communication protocol in the ARPA network.  AFIPS Proc., 
   Vol. 36, 589-98 (1970).

Casey, R. G.

   Allocation of copies of a file in an information network.  AFIPS 
   Proc., Vol. 40 (1972).

Cashin, P. M.

   Datapac Network protocols.  IN:  Proc. ICCC, Toronto, Canada, Aug. 
   1976.  pp 150-55.

Cashin, P. M.

   Datapac standard network access protocol.  Computer Comm. Group, 
   Trans-Canada Telephone System, 1974.

Cerf, V. G.

   An assessment of ARPANET protocols.  RFC 635, Digital Systems Lab., 
   Stanford Univ., Calif., Apr. 22, 1974.  (NIC 30489)

Cerf, V. G.

   ARPA internetwork protocols project status rept.  Tech. Note 68, 
   Digital Systems Lab., Stanford Univ., Calif., Nov. 1975.

Cerf, V. G.

   Host and process level protocols for internetwork communication,  
   INWG Protocol Note 39, Digital Systems Lab, Stanford Univ., Calif., 
   Sept. 1973.

Cerf, V. G. and Kahn, R. E.

   A protocol for packet network intercommunication.  IEEE Trans. 
   Commun., Vol. COM-22, No. 5, 637-48 (May 1974).

Cerf, V. G. and Naylor, W. E.

   Storage considerations in store-and-forward message switching.  IN:  
   1972 WESCON Tech. Papers, Vol. 16, Session 7, Computer Networks, 
   1972, pp 7:3,1-8.

Cerf, V. G. and Sunshine, C.

   Protocols and gateways for the interconnection of packet switching 
   networks.  ALOHA System Tech. Rept. CN74-22, Univ. of Hawaii, 
   Honolulu, Jan 1974.  (Also in Proc. Subconference Computer Networks, 
   HICSSS-7, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jan 1974.)

Cerf, V. G., Cowan, D. D., Mullin, R. C. and Stanton, R. G.

   Topological design considerations in computer communication networks.
   IN:  Grimsdale, R. L. and Kuo, F. F., Computer Communications 
   Networks, NATO Advanced Studies Institute Series, E-4, Noordhoff 
   Int., Leyden, Netherlands, 1975.  pp 101-12.

Cerf, V. G., Dalal Y. and Sunshine, C.

   Specification of internet transmission control program.  INWG 
   Protocol Note 72, Digital Systems Lab., Stanford Univ., Calif., 
   revised Dec. 1974.

Cerf, V. G., McKenzie, A., Scantlebury, R. and Zimmerman, H.

   Proposal for an internetwork end to end protocol.  INWG Protocol Note
   96, Digital Systems Lab., Stanford Univ., Calif., Sept. 1975.  

Cerf, Vinton G., Harslem, Eric F., Heafner, John F.,
   Metcalfe, Robert M. and White, James E.

   An experimental service for adaptable data reconfiguration.  IEEE 
   Trans. Commun., Vol. COM-20, No. 3, 557-64 (June 1972).

Chandler, A. S.

   Network independent high level protocols.  IN:  Proc. EUROCOMP, 
   Brunel Univ., Sept. 1975.  pp 583-601.

Chedwick, H. D.

   Maximum data throughput over digital transmission systems.  IN:  
   NTC'77 Conf. Record, Vol. 1, IEEE, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1977.  pp 
   3B:2,1-4 (IEEE # 77CH1292-2 CSCB)

Chou, W. W.

   Computer communication networks--The parts make up the whole.  AFIPS 
   Proc., Vol. 44, 119-27 (1975). 

Chou, W. W. and Frank, H.

   Routing strategies for computer network design.  IN:  International 
   Symp. Comp. Commun. Networks and Teletraffic, Apr. 1972.  pp 301-9.

Chu, W. W.

   Optimal file allocation in a multiple computer system.  IEEE Trans. 
   Computers, Vol. C-18, 885-9 (Oct. 1969).

Chu, W. W. and Ohlmacher, G.

   Avoiding deadlock in distributed data bases.  Proc. ACM National 
   Symposium, Vol. 1, 156-60 (Mar 1974).

Cohen, D.

   Issues in transnet packetized voice communiation.  pp 6:10-13 IN:  
   Fifth Data Commun. Symp., ACM/IEEE, Snowbird, Utah, Sept. 27-9, 1977.
   (IEEE 77CH1260-9C)

Colon, F. C., Glorioso, R. M. and Li, D.

   Analysis of a multiple processor system:  A case study of DFMP.  IN: 
   IEEE 1976 Compcon Fall, Sep. 1976.  pp 255-261.

Cosell, B. P., Johnson, P. R., Malman, J. H., Schantz, R. E.,
   Sussman J., Thomas, R. H. and Walden, D. C.

   An operational system for computer resource sharing.  IN:  Proc. 
   Fifth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, ACM/SIGOPS, Austin, 
   Tex., Nov. 1975.  pp 25-80.

Cotton, I. W. and Folts, H. C.

   International standards for data communications: A status report.  pp
   4:26-36 IN:  Fifth Data Commun. Symp., ACM/IEEE, Snowbird, Utah, 
   Sept. 27-9, 1977. (IEEE 77CH1260-9C)

Crocker, S. D.

   Host-Host protocol document number 1.  Network Working Group RFC???, 
   Univ. of California, Los Angeles, Calif., Aug. 3, 1970.  17 pp  

Crocker, S. D., Heafner, J. F., Metcalfe, R. M. and Postel, J. B.

   Function-oriented protocols for the ARPA computer network.  AFIPS 
   Proc., Vol. 40, 271-9 (1972).

Crowther, W. R., Heart, F. E., McKenzie, A. A., McQuillan, J. M.
   and Walden, D. C.

   Issues in packet-switching network design.  AFIPS Proc., Vol. 44, 
   161-75 (May 1975).

Crowther, W. R., Rettberg, R. D., Walden, D. C., Ornstein, S. M.
   and Heart, F. E.

   A system for broadcast communication:  reservation ALOHA.  IN:  
   Hawaii International Conf. System Sciences, Univ. of Hawaii, 
   Honolulu, Nov. 21, 1972.  (NIC-12744)

Dalal, Y. K.

   Establishing a connection.  INWG Protocol Note 14, Digital Systems 
   Lab., Stanford Univ., Calif., Mar. 1975.

Danthine, A.

   Modeling and verification of end-to-end protocols.  IN:  NTC'77 
   Conference Record, Vol. 1, IEEE, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1977.  pp 
   3A:3,1-7 (IEEE  77CH1292-2 CSCB)

Danthine, A.

   Petri nets for protocol modeling and verification.  INWG Protocol 
   Note 84, Univ. de Liege, Belgium, Sept. 1977.  88 pp.

Danthine, A. and Bremer, J.

   Communication protocols in a network environment.  ACM Operating 
   Systems Rev., Vol. 9, No. 3, (July 1975).

Danthine, A. and Bremer, J.

   An axiomatic description of the transport protocol of Cyclades, 
   Professional Conf. on Computer Networks and Teleprocessing, TH 
   Aachen, Germany, Mar. 1976.

Danthine, A. and Bremer, J.

   Definition, representation, et simulation de protocoles dan un 
   contexte reseaux.  Journal Intern. Mini-ordinateurs et Transm. de 
   Donnees, AIM, Liege, Jan. 1975.

Danthine, A. and Bremer, J.

   Modeling and verification of end-to-end protocols.  INWG Protocol 
   Note 74, Univ. de Liege, Belgium, Apr. 1977.  156 pp.

Danthine, A. and Eschenauer, L.

   Influence on the node behavior of the node-to-node protocol.   IN:  
   Proc. Fourth Data Communications Symposium, Quebec City, Canada, Oct.
   1975,  pp 7:1-8.  (IEEE 75 CH1001-7 DATA)   (INWG Protocol Note 22, 
   Mar 1975).

Davidson, J.

   An echoing strategy for satellite links.  RFC 357, SRI International,
   Menlo Park, Calif., June 1972.  (NIC-10599)

Davidson, J., Hathway, W., Postel, J., Mimno, N.,
   Thomas, R. and Walden, D.

   The ARPANET Telnet protocol: Its purposes, principles, 
   implementation, and impact on host operating system design.  pp 
   4:10-18IN:  Fifth Data Commun. Symp., ACM/IEEE, Snowbird, Utah, Sept.
   27-9, 1977. (IEEE 77CH1260-9C)

Davies, D. W.

   Communication networks for computers.  John Wiley, 1974.

Davies, D. W.

   The control of congestion in packet switching networks.  IEEE Trans. 
   Commun., COM-20, No. 3, 546-50 (June 1972).

Davies, D. W.

   Packet switching, message switching and future data communication 
   networks.  IFIP Congress 74, Vol. 1, 147-50 (Dec. 1974).

Day, J. D.

   A Note on some unresolved issues for an end-to-end protocol.  INWG 
   Protocol Note 98, Center for Advanced Computation, Univ. of Illinois,
   Urbana, Aug. 1975.

Day, J. D.

   Resilient protocols for computer networks.  CAC Doc. 162 , Center for
   Advanced Computation, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, May 1975.  pp 25-70.

Deparis, M., Duenki, A., Gien, M., Laws, J., Le Moli, G. and Weaving, K.

   The implementation of an end-to-end protocol by EIN centres:  A 
   survey and comparison.  Proc. Third International Conf. Computer 
   Comm., Trans-Canada Telephone System, Aug. 1975.  pp 351-60.

Despres, R. F.

   A packet switching network with graceful saturated operation.  IN:  
   Proc. First International Conf. Comp. Commun., Oct. 1972, pp 345-51.

Dijkstra, E. W.

   Self-stabilizing systems in spite of distributed control.  Commun. 
   ACM, Vol. 17, 643-4 (Nov. 1974).

Donnan, R. A. and Kersey, J. R.

   Synchronous data link control:  A perspective.  IBM Systems Journal, 
   Vol. 13, No. 2, 140-62 (1974).

EPSS Liaison Group

   A basic file transfer protocol.  INWG Protocol Note 93, June 1975.

EPSS Liaison Group

   An interactive terminal protocol.  INWG Protocol Note 94, June 1975.

Erskine, S. B.

   Access to packet switching networks.  IN:  IEEE 1976 Compcon Spring, 
   Feb 24, 1976.  pp 66-72.

Ewin, J. C. and Giloth, P. K.

   No. 1 ESS ADF: system organization and objectives.  Bell System Tech.
   J., 2733-52 (Dec 1970).

Farber, D. J. and Larson, K.

   The structure of a distributed computer system--communications.  IN: 
   Proc. Symp. Comp. Commun. Network and Teletraffic, MRI Symp. Proc., 
   Vol. 22, Brooklyn Polytechnic Press, 1972.  pp 539-45.

Farber, D. J. and Larson, K.

   The structure of a distributed computer system--software.  IN:  Proc.
   Symp. Comp. Commun. Network and Teletraffic, MRI Symp. Proc., Vol. 
   22, Brooklyn Polytechnic Press, 1972.

Farber, D. J. and Larson, K.

   The structure of a distributed computer system--The distributed file 
   system.  IN:  Proc. ICC - Impacts and Implications, Oct. 1972.  pp 

Farber, D. J. and Vittal, J. J.

   Extendability considerations in the design of the distributed 
   computer system (DCS).  IN:  Proc. National Telecommunications Conf.,
   Atlanta, Georgia, Nov. 1973.

Farber, D. J. and Larson, K. C.

   The system architecture of the distributed computer system--the 
   communications systems.  In:  Proc. Symp. Comp. Commun. Network and 
   Teletraffic, Brooklyn Polytechnic Press, N. Y., 1972.  pp 21-7.

Fayolle, G., Gelenbe, E., Labetoulle, J. and Bastin, D.

   Stability problem of broadcast packet switching networks.  Acta 
   informatica, Vol. 4, No. 1, 49-53 (1974).

Feinler, E. J. and Postel, J. B., eds.

   ARPA network current network protocols.  NIC-7104-REV-1,  
   Augmentation Research Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif., 
   Dec. 1, 1974. 513 pp.  (AD-A0038901)

Field, J. A. and Kalra, S. N.

   Interfacing to packet switched networks.  Proc. Third International 
   Conf. Computer Comm., Trans-Canada Telephone System, Aug. 1975.  pp 

Floyd, R. W.

   Algorithm 97, shortest path.  Commun. ACM, Vol. 5, No. 6, 345 (June 

Forgie, J. W.

   Speech transmission in packet-switched store-and-forward networks.  
   AFIPS Proc., Vol. 44, 137-42 (1975).

Forgie, J. W. and McElwain, C. K.

   ARPANET delay measurements.  NSC Note 70, Lincoln Lab., Mass. Inst. 
   Tech., Cambridge, July 1975.

Fralick, S. C. and Garrett, J. C.

   Technological considerations for packet radio networks.  AFIPS Proc.,
   Vol. 44, 233-43 (1975).

Frank, H.

   Computer network design.  IN:  INTERCON 71, IEEE International 
   Convention Digest 1971. pp 220-1.

Frank, H.

   Optimal design of computer networks.  IN:  Randall, R.,  Courant 
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   Timing parameters of packet switched data networks--user 
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   A study of multi-access computer communications.  AFIPS Proc., Vol. 
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   CPODA - a demand assignmnt protocol for SATNET.  pp 2:5-9 IN:  Fifth 
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   Resource-sharing computer communications networks.  Proc. IEEE , Vol.
   60, No. 11, 1397-1407 (Nov 1972).

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   The ARPA network - packet switching technology.  IN:  IEEE Commun. 
   Systems and Tech. Conf., 1974, p. 134.

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   The organization of computer resources into a packet radio network.  
   AFIPS Proc., Vol. 44, 177-186 (1975).

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   Flow control in a resource-sharing computer network.  IEEE Trans. 
   Commun., Vol. COM-20, No. 3, 539-546 (June 1972).

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   TIM/IEEE Second Symposium on Problems in the Optimization of Data 
   Communications Systems, IEEE, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1971, pp 
   108-116.  (NIC 11750)

Kalin, R. B.

   A simplified NCP protocol.  RFC 060, MIT Lincoln Lab., Lexington, 
   Mass. ,July 13, 1970.  10 pp.  (NIC-04762)

Karp, D. P. and Seroussi, S. F.

   A communications interface for computer networks.  IEEE Trans. 
   Commun., COM Vol. 22, No. 3, Part 2,  550-6 (June 1972).   (Also in 
   Watson Research Center, IBM, Yorktown Heights, N. Y., June 24, 1971. 
   15 pp.) 

Kent, S. T.

   Encryption-based protection for interactive user/computer 
   communication.  IN:  pp 5:7-13 IN:  Fifth Data Commun. Symp., 
   ACM/IEEE, Snowbird, Utah, Sept. 27-9, 1977. (IEEE 77CH1260-9C)

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   performance considerations.  Computing Surveys, Vol. 7, No. 3, 128-73
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   A perspective on network operating systems.  AFIPS Proc., Vol. 45, 
   551-9 (1976).

Kleinrock, L.

   Resource allocation computer systems and computer communication 
   networks.  Proc. IFIP Congress 74, Vol. 4, 11-18 (1974).

Kleinrock, L. and Lam, S. S.

   On stability of packet switching in a random multi-access broadcast 
   channel.  IN:  Seventh Hawaii International Conf. System Sciences, 
   Jan 1974, Computer Nets Supplement. pp 74-7.

Kleinrock, L. and Lam, S. S.

   Packet switching in a slotted satellite channel.  AFIPS Proc., Vol. 
   42, 703-10 (1973).

Kleinrock, L. and Opderbeck, H.

   Throughput in the ARPANET--protocols and measurement.  IN:  Fourth 
   Data Commun. Symp., Quebec, Canada, Oct. 1975.  (IEEE Catalog No. 75 
   CH 1001-7 DATA)

Kleinrock, L. and Tobagi, F.

   Packet switching in radio channels:  Part I--carrier sense multiple 
   access modes and their throughput delay characteristics, IEEE Trans. 
   Commun., Vol. 23, 1400-16 (Dec. 1975).

Kleinrock, L. and Tobagi, F.

   Random access techniques for data transmission over packet-switched 
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Kleinrock, L. and Naylor, W. E.

   A study of line overhead in the ARPANET.  Commun. ACM, Vol. 19, No. 
   1, 3-13 (Jan. 1976).  (INWG Protocol Note 71, Sept. 1974).

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   TYMNET as a multiplexed packet network.  AFIPS Conf. Proc., Vol. 46, 
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Lay, W. M., Mills, P. L. and Zelkowitz, M. V.

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   IN:  ACM Conference on Trends and Applications of Minicomputer 
   Networks, Gaithersburg, Maryland, Apr. 1974.

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   A general model for networks, application to ARPANET and CYCLADES.  
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   The evolution of message processing techniques in the ARPA network.  
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   Systems and Software, Infotech, Maidenhead, Berkshire, England, 1973.
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   Interprocess Communications, Mar 1975.  pp 77-86.

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   Walden, D. C. and Heart, F. E.

   Improvements in the design and performance of the ARPA network.  
   AFIPS Proc., Vol. 41, 741-54 (1972).  (NIC-11626)

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   A study of the recoverability of computing systems.  Tech. Rept. 58, 
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Miyahara, H., Hasegawa, T., and Teshigawara, Y.

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   Message transmission protocol.  RFC 680, Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, 
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Nakamura, R.

   Some design aspects of a public packet switched network.  IN:  Proc. 
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Newkirk, J., Kraley, M., Postel, J. and Crocker, S. 

   A prototypical implementation of the NCP.  RFC 055, Harvard Univ., 
   Cambridge, Mass., June 19, 1970.  32 pp  (NIC-04757)

O'Sullivan, T. C. 

   Discussion of TELNET protocol.  RFC 139, ARPA Network Information 
   Center (NIC), SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif., May 7, 1971.  11
   pp.  (NIC-6717)

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   Information Center (NIC), SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif., May 
   19, 1971.  6 pp.  (NIC-06768)

Opderbeck, H. and Kleinrock, L.

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   packet-switched networks.  IN:  National Telecommun. Conf., San 
   Diego, Dec. 1974.  pp 810-17.  (INWG Note #62, Sept. 1974).

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   The evolution of a high performance modular packet-switch.  IN:  1975
   International Conf. Commun., June 1975.  pp 6-17 to 6-21.

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   Pluribus--A reliable multiprocessor.  AFIPS Proc., Vol. 44, 551-9 

Ornstein, S. M., Heart, F. E., Crowther, W. R., Rising, H. K.,
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   The terminal IMP for the ARPA computer network.  AFIPS Proc., Vol. 
   40, 243-54 (1972).  (NIC-08218)

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   Distributed file access in DECnet.  IN:  Proc. Second Berkeley 
   Workshop on Distribued Data Management and Computer Networks, May 
   25-7, 1977, Lawrence Berkeley Lab., Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, 1977. 
   pp 114-30.

Peck, P. L.

   Effective corporate networking, organization, and standardization.  
   AFIPS Proc., Vol. 39, 561-9 (1971).

Pierce, J. R.

   Network for block switching of data.  Bell System Tech. J., Vol. 51, 
   No. 6, 1133-45 (1972).

Poncet, F. and Tucker, J. B.

   The design of the packet switched network for the EIN project.  IN:  
   EUROCOMP, Brunel Univ., Sept. 1975.  pp 301-14.

Postel, J. B.

   An informal comparison of NCP and BTF.  INWG Protocol Note # 80, Aug.
   1977.  24 pp.

Postel, J. B.

   An informal comparison of NCP and TCP.  INWG Protocol Note # 79, Aug.
   1977.  24 pp.

Postel, J. B.

   An informal comparison of Telenet and SMVT.  INWG Protocol Note # 81,
   Aug. 1977.  24 pp.

Postel, J. B.

   AD-hoc TELNET protocol.  RFC 318, School of Engineering and Applied 
   Science, Univ. of Calif., Los Angeles Calif., Apr. 3, 1972.  

Postel, J. B.

   A graph model analysis of computer communications protocols.  Ph.D. 
   Thesis, UCLA-ENG-7410, School of Engineering and Applied Science, 
   Univ. of Calif., Los Angeles, Jan. 1974.  193 pp.  (AD-7775067GA)

Postel, J. B.

   National software works protocols, Version 2.  Augmentation Research 
   Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif., Jan 1, 1975.  

Postel, J. B.

   Survey of network control programs in the ARPA computer network.  
   Tech. Rept. 6722, MITRE Corp., Washington, D. C., Oct. 1974, Revision
   1.  89 pp.

Pouzin, L.

   A proposal for interconnecting packet switching networks.  IN:  
   EUROCOMP, Brunel Univ., May 1974.  pp 1023-36.

Pouzin, L.

   Basic elements of a network data link control procedure (NDLC).  ACM 
   Comp. Commun. Rev., Vol. 5, No. 1, 6-23 (Jan. 1975).  (INWG Note #54)

Pouzin, L.

   CIGALE, the packet switching machine of the Cyclades computer 
   network.  Proc. IFIP Congress 74, Vol. 1, 155-9 (Dec. 1974).

Pouzin, L.

   Efficency of full-duplex synchonous data link procedures.  INWG 
   Protocol Note 35, June 1973.  (NIC 18255)

Pouzin, L.

   Interconnection of Packet Switching Networks.  ALOHA System Tech. 
   Rept. CN74-21, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, Jan. 1974.  (INWG Protocol 
   Note 42, Oct. 1973)

Pouzin, L.

   Network protocols.  IN:  D. Bates, Network Systems and Software, 
   Infotech State of the Art Rept. 24, Infotech Information Limited, 
   Berkshire, England, 1975.  pp 599-627.

Pouzin, L.

   Presentation and major design aspects of the Cyclades Computer 
   Network.  IN:  Proc. 3rd Data Communications Symposium, Tampa, Fla., 
   Nov. 1973.  pp 80-85.  (INWG Protocol Note 36).  (NIC 18256)

Pouzin, L.

   A restructuring of X25 into HDLC, ACM Computer Commun. Rev., 9-28 
   (Jan. 1977).

Pouzin, L.

   Standards in data communications and computer networks.  IN:  4th 
   Data Communication Symposium, Oct. 1975.  pp 2.8-2.12.

Pouzin, L.

   Virtual call issues in network architectures.  IN:  EUROCOMP, Brunel 
   Univ., Sep. 1975.  pp 603-18.

Pouzin, L.

   Virtual circuits vs. datagrams - Technical and political problems.  
   AFIPS Proc., Vol. 45, 483-93 (1976).

Price, W. L.

   Simulation studies of an isarithmically controlled store and forward 
   data communication network.  IN:  IFIP Congress 74, Vol. 1, 
   North-Holland Publ. Co. Amsterdam & London, Dec. 1974.  pp 151-4.

Probst, W. G. and Bochmann, G. V.

   Operating system design with computer network communication 
   protocols.  pp 4:19-25 IN:  Fifth Data Commun. Symp., ACM/IEEE, 
   Snowbird, Utah, Sept. 27-9, 1977. (IEEE 77CH1260-9C)

Prosser, R. T.

   Routing procedures in communications networks--Part one:  Random 
   procedures.  Inst. of Radio Engineers Trans. Commun. Systems, Dec. 
   1962.  pp 322-9.

Prosser, R. T.

   Routing procedures in communications networks--Part two:  Directory 
   procedures.  Inst. of Radio Engineers Trans. Commun. Systems, Dec. 
   1962.  pp 329-35.

Pyke, T., Jr.

   Computer networking technology--a state of the art review.  IEEE 
   Computer, Vol.6, No. 8, 12-19 (Aug. 1973).

Raubold, E.

   An architectural approach to X25.  INWG Protocol Note 52, Aug. 6, 
   1976.  19 pp.

Repton, C. S. and Poncet, F.

   The EIN communication subnetwork:  Principles and practice.  Proc. 
   ICCC, Toronto, Canada, 1976.

Rettberg, R. D.

   A brief simulation of the dynamics of an ALOHA system with slots.  
   Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc,  Cambridge, Mass., July 31, 1972.  10 
   pp  (NIC-11293)

Rettberg, R. D.

   Random ALOHA with slots - excess capacity.  Bolt Beranek and Newman, 
   Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 11, 1972.  6 pp.  (NIC-11865)

Rettberg, R. D.

   Terminal interface message processor: specifications for the 
   interconnection of terminals and the terminal IMP.  Bolt Beranek and 
   Newman, Canoga Park, Calif., Sep. 1972.  47 pp.  (AD-7769953GH)

Rettberg, R. D. and Walden, D. C.

   A proposed experiment in packet broadcast satellite communications.  
   Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge, Mass., Sep. 1974.

Retz, D. L.

   Operating system design considerations for the packet-switching 
   environment.  AFIPS Proc., Vol. 44, 155-60 (1975).

Ricci, F. J.

   The state of the art and control of packet switches and networks.  
   IN:  Proc. IEEE 1975 Internatl. Conf. Commun., San Francisco, Calif.,

Rinde, J.

   Routing and control in a centrally directed Network.  AFIPS Proc., 
   Vol. 46, 603-8 (1977).

Rinde, J.

   TYMNET I -- An alternative to packet switching technology.  IN:  
   Third International Conference on Computer Communications, Aug. 1976.

Roberts, L. G.

   ALOHA packet system with and without slots and capture.  Advanced 
   Research Projects Agency, Washington, D.C., June 26, 1972.  13 pp.  

Roberts, L. G.

   Data by the packet.  IEEE Spectrum,  46-51 (Feb 1974).

Roberts, L. G.

   Multiple computer networks and intercomputer communication.

   Commun. ACM, Vol. 11, No. 5, 296 (May 1968).  (NIC-04153)

Roberts, L. G.

   Packet network design--the third generation.  IN:  Gilchrist, B. 
   (Ed.), Information Processing 77, IFIP, North-Holland Publishing 
   Company, 1977.  pp 541-6

Roberts, L. G. and Wessler, B. D.

   Computer network development to achieve resource sharing.  AFIPS 
   Proc., Vol. 36, 543-9 (1970).

Roberts, L. G. and Wessler, B. D.

   The Arpa computer network.  IN:  N. Abramson and F. F. Kuo, 
   Computer-communication Networks, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New
   Jersey, 1972.  pp 485-500.

Roberts, L. G.,

   Extensions of packet communication technology to a hand held personal
   terminal.  AFIPS Proc., Volume 40, 295-298 (May 16, 1972).

Rosenblum, S. R.

   Progress in control procedure standardization.  IN:  ACM/IEEE Second 
   Symposium on Problems in the Optimization of Data Communication 
   Systems, 1971.  pp 153-9.

Rosner, R. D.

   A digital data network concept for the Defense Communications system.
   IN:  Proc. Natl. Telecommun. Conf., Atlanta, Nov. 1973.  pp 22:C1-6.

Rowe, L. A.

   The distributed computing system.  Tech. Rept. 66, Dept. of 
   Information and Computer Science, Univ. of Calif., Irvine, June 1975.

Rowe, L. A., Hopwood, M. D. and Farber, D. J.

   Software methods for achieving fail-soft behavior in the distributed 
   computing system.  IN:  Proc. IEEE Symp. Computer Software 
   Reliability, New York, April/May 1973, pp 7-11.

Rybczynski, A.

   Some observations on the implementation of extendable communication 
   protocols.  INWG Protocol Note 77, Aug. 1977.  4 pp.

Rybczynski, A. M. and Weir, D. F.

   Datapac X.25 service characteristics.  pp 4:50-57 IN:  Fifth Data 
   Commun. Symp., ACM/IEEE, Snowbird, Utah, Sept. 27-9, 1977. (IEEE 

Rybczynski, A. M., Wessler, B., Despres, R. and Wedlake, J.

   A new communication protocol for processing data networks--the 
   international packet-mode interface.  AFIPS Proc., Vol. 45, 477-82 

Sammes, A. J. and Winett, J. W.

   An interface to the ARPA network for the CP/CMS time-sharing system. 
   Tech. Note 1973-50, Lincoln Lab., Mass. Inst. of Tech., Cambridge, 
   Nov. 1973.

Scantlebury, R. A. and Wilkinson, P. T.

   The National Physical Laboratory data communication network.  IN: 
   Proc. ICCC Stockholm 1974.  pp 223-228.

Schaft, George E.

   The AUTODIN II network control center.  IN:  NTC'77 Conference 
   Record, Vol. 3, IEEE, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1977.  p 37:5  (IEEE  
   77CH1292-2 CSCB)

Schantz, R. E.

   A note on reconnection protocol.  RFC 671, Bolt Beranek and Newman, 
   Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 6, 1974.  (NIC-31439)

Schicker, P.

   Protocol identification.  European Informatics Network, Swiss Federal
   Institute of Technology, Zurich, May 1977.  12 pp. (INWG Protocol 
   Note 73)  

Schicker, P.

   Protocols in the European Informatics Network.  European Informatics 
   Network, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Nov. 1976.  5
   pp.  (INWG Protocol Note 60)

Schicker, P. and Duenki, A.

   Bulk transfer function.  European Informatics Network, Swiss Federal 
   Institute of Technology, Zurich.

Schicker, P. and Duenki, A.

   Network job control and its supporting services.  Proc. ICCC 1976.

Schicker, P. and Duenki, A.

   Virtual terminal definition and protocol.  European Informatics 
   Network, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich.  8 pp.  (INWG
   Protocol Note #51, July 1976).

Schicker, P. and Zimmermann, H.

   Proposal for a scroll mode virtual terminal in European Informatics 
   Network., July 1976.  17 pp.  (INWG Protocol Note 54)

Schneider, G. M.

   DSCL--A data specification and conversion language for networks.  IN:
   Proc. ACM SIGMOD Conf., San Jose, Calif., May 1975.  pp 139-48.

Schneider, G. M.

   The design and implementation of a data conversion language for 
   networks.  Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, Aug. 1974.

Schwartz, M.

   Computer-communication network design and analysis.  Prentice-Hall, 
   Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1977.  372  pp.

Schwartz, M., Boorstyn, R. R. and Prickholtz, R. L.

   Terminal-oriented computer-communication networks.  Proc. IEEE, 
   1408-23 (Nov. 1972).

Serracchioli, F.

   European status of data communication.  IN:  Webster, E.,  Data 
   communications and business systems, International Business Forms 
   Industries/PIA, Arlington, Va., 1972.  pp 153-60.

Sevcik, P. J.

   AUTODIN II subscriber access protocols and interfaces.  IN:  NTC'77 
   Conference Record, Vol. 3, IEEE, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1977.  p 37:6
   (IEEE # 77CH1292-2 CSCB)

Sexton, J.

   IIASA data link communication network data link control procedure.  
   INWG Protocol Note 75, Feb. 1977.  68 pp.

Shu, Nan C., Lum V. Y. and Housel, B. C.

   An approach to data migration in computer networks.  Res. Rept. 
   RJ1703, Watson Research Center, IBM, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., 1976.

Smetanka, T. D. and Reed, M. A.

   Error considerations in determining satellite data link response 
   time.  IN:  NTC'77 Conference Record, Vol. 1, IEEE , New York, N. Y.,
   1977.  p 3B:2  (IEEE 77CH1292-2 CSCB)

Smith, D. P.

   A method for data translation using the stored data definition and 
   translation task group languages.  IN:  Proc. 1972 ACM SIGFIDET 
   Workshop on Data Description, Access and Control, ACM, New York, 
   1972.  pp 107-24.

Spier, M. and Organick, E.

   The MULTICS interprocess communication facility.  IN:  Proc. ACM 
   Second Symposium on Operating System Principles, Princeton Univ., 
   Oct. 20-22, 1969.  pp 83-91.

Stenning, N. V.

   A data transfer protocol, Computer Networks, Vol. 1, 99-110 (1976).

Stokes, A. V. and Higginson, P. L.

   The problems of connecting hosts into ARPANET.  IN:  Proc. European 
   Computing Conference on Communication Networks, Online Conferences 
   Lt., Uxbridge, England, Sept. 1975.  pp 25-34.

Stutzman, B. W.

   Data communication control procedures.  Computing Surveys, Vol. 4, 
   No. 4, 197-220 (Dec. 1972).

Sundstrom, R. J.

   Formal definition of IBM's systems network architecture.  IN:  NTC'77
   Conference Record, Vol. 1, IEEE, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1977.  p 3A:1
   (IEEE 77CH1292-2 CSCB)

Sunshine, C. A.

   Efficiency of interprocess communication protocols for computer 
   networks.  Rept. P-5614, The RAND Corp., Santa Monica, Calif., Mar. 

Sunshine, C. A.

   Issues in communication protocol design--formal correctness.  
   Computer Science Dept., Stanford Univ., Calif.,  Oct. 1974.  (INWG 
   Protocol Note 5)

Sunshine, C. A.

   Factors in interprocess communication protocol efficiency for 
   computer networks.  AFIPS Proc., Vol. 45, 571-6 (1976).

Sunshine, C. A. 

   Interconnection of computer networks.  To appear in Computer Networks
   J., Vol. 1, No. 3.

Sunshine, C. A.

   Interprocess communication protocols for computer networks.  Ph.D. 
   Thesis, DSL Tech. Rept. 105, Computer Science Dept., Stanford Univ., 
   Calif., Dec. 1975.

Sunshine, C. A.

   Source routing in computer networks.  INWG General Note 133.  3 pp.

Tajibnapis, W. D.

   A correctness proof of a topology information maintenance protocol 
   for a distributed computer network.  Commun. ACM, Vol. 20, No. 7,  
   477-85 (July 1977).

Tajibnapis, W. D.

   Message switching protocols in distributed computer networks.  Ph.D. 
   Thesis., MCN-0676-TR-22, MERIT Computer Network, Ann Arbor, Michigan,

Takatsuki, T., Iimura, J., Nasato, C. and Abe, M.

   Packet switched network in Japan.  AFIPS Proc., Vol. 46, 615-21 

Taylor, H. D.

   HP - communication system.  IN:  NTC'77 Conference Record, Vol. 3, 
   IEEE, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1977.  pp 21:6,1-5  (IEEE 77CH1292-2 

Teicholtz, N. A.

   Digital network architecture.  IN:  EUROCOMP, Brunel Univ., Sept. 
   1975.  pp 13-24.

Teitelman, W. and Kahn, R. E.

   A network simulation and display program.  IN:  Proc. Third Annual 
   Princeton Conf. Information Sciences and Systems, Mar. 1969, 29 pp.

Thomas, R. H.

   A resource-sharing executive for the ARPANET.  Tech. Rept.,  Bolt 
   Beranek and Newman, Cambridge, Mass., Mar. 1973.  43 pp.  (AD-758162)

Thomas, R. H.

   On the design of a resource sharing executive for the ARPANET.  AFIPS
   Proc., Vol. 42, 155-63 (1973).

Thomas, R. H.

   Reconnection protocol.  RFC 426, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge, 
   Mass., Jan. 26, 1973.  (NIC-13011)

Thomas, R. H. and Clements, R. C.

   FTP server-server interaction.  RFC 438, Bolt Beranek and Newman, 
   Inc., Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 15, 1973.  (NIC-13770)

Tobagi, F. A. and Kleinrock, L.

   Packet switching in radio channels:  Part II--The hidden terminal 
   problem in carrier sense multiple access and the busy tone solution. 
   IEEE Trans. Commun.,  1417-33 (Dec. 1975).

Tobagi, F. A., Lieberson, S. E. and Kleinrock, L.

   On measurement facilities in packet radio systems.  AFIPS Proc., Vol.
   45, 589-96 (1976).

Tomlinson, R. S.

   Selecting sequence numbers.  ACM Operating Syst. Review, Vol. 9, No. 
   3 (July 1975).  (INWG Protocol Note 2, Aug. 1974)

Toshiharu, T., Iimura, J., Chiba, M. and Masayuki, A.

   Packet switched network in Japan.  AFIPS Proc., Vol. 46, 615-621 

Townsend, R. L. and Watts, R. N.

   Effectiveness of error control in data communications over the 
   switched telephone network.  Bell System Tech. J., Vol. 43, No. 6 
   (Nov. 1964).

Trafton, P. H., Blank, H. A. and McAllister, N. F.

   Data transmission network computer-to-computer study.  IN:  Proc. 
   Second ACM/IEEE Symp. Problems in the Optimization of Data Commun., 
   Palo Alto, Calif., Oct. 1971.  pp 183-91.

Tripathi, P. C.

   Design considerations for the Menehune-Kahuna interface for the ALOHA
   system.  A preliminary report, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, Aug. 1969. 
   7 pp

Tugender, R. and Oestreicher, D. R.

   Basic functional capabilities for a military message processing 
   service.  ISI/RR-75-23, Information Sciences Institute, Univ. 
   Southern Calif., Marina del Rey, Calif., May 1975.

Twyver, D. A. and Rybczynski, A. M.

   Datapac subscriber interfaces.  IN:  Proc. ICCC, Toronto, Canada, 
   Aug. 1976.  pp 143-9.

Tymann, B.

   Computer-to-computer communications systems.  Computer, Vol. 6, No. 
   2, 27-31 (Feb. 1973).

Tymes, L.

   TYMNET--A terminal oriented communications network.  AFIPS Proc., 
   Vol. 38, 211-16 (Spring 1971).

Walden, D. C.

   A system for interprocess communication in a resource sharing 
   computer network.  Commun. ACM, Vol. 15, No. 4, 221-30 (Apr. 1972).

Walden, D. C.

   Experiences in building, operating and using the ARPA network.  IN:  
   2nd USA-JAPAN Computer Conf., Aug. 1975.  pp 453-8.

Walden, D. C.

   Host-to-host-protocols.  IN:  International Computer State of the Art
   Rept. No. 24: Network Systems and Software, Infotech Information, 
   Maidenhead, Berkshire, England (1973).  pp 287-316

Weber, J. H.

   A simulation study of routing and control in communiation networks.  
   Bell System Tech. J., Vol. 43, No. 6 (Nov. 1964).

Weiner, P.

   The file transmission problem.  AFIPS Proc., Vol. 42, 453 (1973). 

Wessler, B. D. and Hovey, R. B.

   Public packet-switched networks.  Datamation, Vol. 20, No. 7, 85-7 
   (July 1974).

White, G. W.

   Message format principles.  IN:  ACM/IEEE Second Symp. Problems in 
   the Optimization of Data Commun. Systems, 1971.  pp 192-8.

White, J. E.

   A high-level framework for network-based resource sharing.  AFIPS 
   Proc., Vol. 45, 561-70 (1976).

White, J. E.

   An NCP for the ARPA network.  Computer Research Lab., Univ. of 
   Calif., Santa Barbara, Dec. 1970.  (NIC-05480)

White, J. E.

   DPS-10 Version 2.5 implementer's guide.  Augmentation Research 
   Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif., Aug 15, 1975.  (NIC 

White, J. E.

   DPS-10 Version 2.5 Programmer's Guide.  Augmentation Research Center,
   SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif., Aug. 13, 1975.  (NIC 26271)

White, J. E.

   DPS-10 Version 2.5 Source Code.  Augmentation Research Center, SRI 
   International, Menlo Park, Calif., Aug. 13, 1975.  (NIC 26267)

White, J. E.

   Elements of a distributed programming system.   J. Computer 
   Languages, 1976.

White, J. E.

   Network specifications for remote job entry and remote job output 
   retrieval at UCSB.  RFC 105, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Calif.,
   Santa Barbara, Calif., Mar. 22, 1971.  (NIC-05775)

White, J. E.

   Procedure call protocol specification.  Augmentation Research Center,
   SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif., Nov. 1974.

White, J. E.

   The procedure call protocol, version 2.  Augmentation Research 
   Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif., Jan. 1, 1975.  

Whitney, V. K. M.

   A study of optimal file assignment and communication network 
   configuration.  Ph.D. thesis., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1970.

Winett, J. M. and Sammes, A. J.

   An interface to the ARPA network for the CP/CMS timesharing system.  
   Vols. 1 and 2, Lincoln Lab., Mass. Institute of Tech., Cambridge, 
   Nov. 1973.

Wolfe, E. W.

   An advanced computer communication network.  IN:  AIAA Computer 
   Network Systems Conference, Paper no. 73-414, Apr. 1973.

Yamaguchi, K. and Merten, A. G.

   Methodology for transferring programs and data.  IN:  Proc. 
   ACM/SIGMOD Workshop on Data Description, Access and Control, ACM, New
   York, 1974.  pp 141-56.

Young, S. C. K. and McGibbon, C. I.

   The control system of the Datapac Network.  IN:  Proc. ICCC, Toronto,
   Aug. 1976.  pp 137-42.

Zimmerman, H.

   The CYCLADES end-to-end protocol.  IN:  IEEE Fourth Data 
   Communication Symposium, Oct 1975.  pp 7.21-26.  (IEEE 75 CH1001-7 

Zimmerman, H. and Elie, M.

   Transport protocol.  Standard host-host protocol for heterogeneous 
   computer networks, June 1973.  (INWG Protocol Note 61) 

Zimmermann, H.

   High level protocols standardization:  Technical and political 
   issues.  Proc. Third ICCC., 373-6 (Aug. 1976).

Zimmermann, H.

   Protocol design and specification.  IFIP WG 6.1 Study Group B, Rept. 
   from the Toronto Working Party on VTP, Aug. 1977.  (INWG Protocol 
   Note 82, Aug. 1977).  24 pp.

No author

   Basic Message Format for Inter-network Communication.  IFIP-WG6.1, 
   INWG Note 83, May 1975.  7 pp.

   CCCIT-COM VII--Proposal for revised draft recommendation X25.  France
   and UK Post-Office, Nov 1975.  67 pp.

   CSTS Concepts and Capabilities.  Report E000175-01, Revision 1, 
   Infonet Div., Computer Sciences Corp., El Segundo, Calif., March 

   Datapac standard network access protocol specification.  Trans-Canada
   Telephone System, Mar. 1976.

   Datapac standard network access protocol.  Trans-Canada Telephone 
   System, Ottawa, Canada, 1974.

   Digital network architecture:  Network services protocol.  Digital 
   Equipment Corp., Marlboro, Mass., July 1975.  44 pp.

   EIN Reports and Standards, EIN/EB/750123, National Physical 
   Laboratory, Teddington, England.

   Encryption algorithm for computer data protection.  National Bureau 
   of Standards, Federal Register, Vol. 40, No. 52 (Mar 1975).

   End-to-End Protocol (Specifications), EIN/76/003, National Physical 
   Laboratory, Teddington, England.

   End-to-End Protocol for EIN.  EIN Report No. EIN/76/002, National 
   Physical Laboratory, Teddington, England.

   IBM 3600 finance communication system--System summery.  Rept. No. 
   GC27-0001-2, Watson Research Center, IBM, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., 

   IBM synchronous data link control--General information.  Rept. No. 
   GA27-3093-0, Watson Research Center, IBM, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., 

   IBM system network architecture, general information, GA 27-3102-0. 
   Jan. 1975.  48pp.

   IFIP WG6.1--Proposal for an internetwork end-to-end protocol.  INWG 
   Protocol Note 96, Sept 1975.  29 pp.

   Interface message processors for the ARPA computer network, QTR No. 
   1.  BBN Rept. No. 3063, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge, Mass., 
   April 75.

   Interface message processors for the ARPA computer network, QTR No. 
   2.  BBN Rept. No. 3106, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge, Mass., 
   July 75.

   ISO/TC97/SC6, Documents 1145, 1167, 1173, 1205, 1249, 1258, 4335.    
   Proposed Draft International Standard on Elements of Procedures.  
   (Contain items on the structure of network protocols).

   ISO, HDLC proposed balanced class of procedures, TC97/SC6/NI340, Nov.
   1976.  11 pp.

   A network independent file transfer protocol, High Level Protocol 
   Group, Computer Lab., Univ. of Cambridge, England., 1977.  (INWG 
   Protocol Note 86)

   NIC/ARPANET protocol analysis (System E).  IN:  Neumann, A. J.,  User
   Procedures Standardization for Network Access, Tech. Note 799, 
   National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., Oct 73.  27 pp.

   Proposal for revised draft recommendation X25.  CCITT Study Group 

   Recommendation X.25.  Telenet Communications Corporation, Washington,
   D. C., Apr. 1976.  74 pp.

   Some Considerations on flow control for international packet 
   transport.  INWG Protocol Note #8, June 1974.

   Specification of the Interface between a subscriber computer and a 
   network switching center, packet format and operation of services, 
   SESA-LOGICA 7104/5 2240-2001 1/02, Logica, London.

   Standard network access protocol specification.  The Computer 
   Communications Group, Trans-Canada Telephone System, Ottawa, Canada, 
   March 1976.

   Systems Network Architecture--General Information.  Tech. Rept. GA 
   27-3102-0, Watson Research Center, IBM, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., Jan. 
   1975.  50 pp.

   The interface message processor program.  Tech. Info. Rept. 89, Bolt,
   Beranek and Newman, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., Mar. 1974.

   The remote job entry mini-host.  BBN Tech. Info. Rept. 93, Bolt 
   Beranek and Newman,  Inc., Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 1974.

   TELENET Host interface specification, Telenet Communication Corp., 
   Washington, D. C., Mar. 1975.  120 pp.