Router Requirements (rreq)
 Current status: active working group
     Frank Kastenholz <>
     Bill Manning <>
 Internet Area Director(s): 
     Stev Knowles  <>
     Claudio Topolcic  <>
 Area Advisor
     Stev Knowles  <>
 Mailing lists: 
     To Subscribe:
Description of Working Group:
The Router Requirements Working Group has the goal of publishing the
existing draft as an Historic RFC, then updating it to include 
references to more recent work, such as OSPF, BGP, multicast, etc.
Unlike other groups, this is recognized as an on-going effort that
should result in a series of drafts. It is expected that a revised
requirements draft will be published on a regular basis.
The working group will also instigate, review, or (if appropriate)
produce additional RFCs on related topics.  To date, group members have
produced draft documents discussing the operation of routers which are in
multiple routing domains (3 papers), TOS, and a routing table MIB.
The purposes of this project include:
- Defining what an IP router does in sufficient detail that
  routers from different vendors are truly interoperable.
- Providing guidance to vendors, implementors, and purchasers of
  IP routers.
The working group has decided that, unlike RFC 1009, the Router Requirements
document should not discuss link layer protocols or address resolution.
Instead, those topics should be covered in a separate Link Layer Requirements
document, applicable to hosts as well as routers.  Whether this group will
create the Link Layer Requirements document is still to be determined.
 Goals and Milestones: 
   Mar 94 Adopt the current draft as an RFC.  Develop a list of topics to 
          include in the 1995 RFC.                                             

   Apr 94 Solicit new requirements not included in the current RFC or "active" 
          list.  Publish list of updates to be worked on and volunteers who 
          will contribute.                                                     

   Jun 94 Compile new draft with changes.  Circulate for review.               

   Jul 94 Peer review of chaged/added sections.  Review list of items needed or
          wanted, and move toward activation of these items.  Add new items to 
          the 1995 "wish" list.  Submit draft for publication as an RFC.       

   Nov 94 Review RFC before for advancement on the standards track.  Review 
          actions to be added in the 1995 track.                               


Posted Revised       I-D Title  <Filename>
------ ------- ------------------------------------------
 Jan 94 Apr 94  <draft-ietf-rreq-iprouters-require-01.txt> 
                Requirements for IP Routers                                    

 Request For Comments:

  RFC  Stat Published    Title 
------- -- ---------- -----------------------------------------
RFC1354 PS   Jul 92     IP Forwarding Table MIB                                
RFC1349 PS   Jul 92     Type of Service in the Internet Protocol Suite