gcc-cvsroot-1999-05-06.tar.bz2 is a snapshot of the FSF gcc CVS repository
at the point of the EGCS/GCC unification in 1999.  The gcc CVS repository
on gcc.gnu.org began its life with the start of the EGCS project, so it
has none of the earlier history in it.

In short, the timeline looks like this, with time progressing downwards.

   FSF gcc repository       EGCS gcc repository (now gcc.gnu.org repository)

         !                     START
         !                       !
         !                       !
         !                       !
        END                      !

This file, gcc-cvsroot-1999-05-06.tar.bz2, is the FSF gcc repository at
the "END" point.

gcc-cvsroot-1999-05-06.tar.bz2 was copied from