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Re: [video] VGA controller implementation

On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 16:02, Richard Herveille wrote:
> Ah that's how you want to do it. Yes it can be done like that, but then you 
> need an additional piece of memory. Hmm maybe not such a bad idea after all, 
> that would also take care of corrupted images caused by differences in 
> refresh-rates. Interresting.
Yup, that's how I would do it.. that's the first thought that occured to
me anyway..

> It's not that hard (if I am not mistaken pretty easy actually). But you have 
> to wait a few weeks. I am moving (to another country) and my file server went 
> ahead (Fed-Ex-ed it). I am moving in two weeks.
So, where are you moving to?? You're in Thailand at the moment right??
And, how to you Fed-Ex a file server.. how much does it cost to fedex a
computer?? curious.. in case I might ever have to move.. (:

> FPGA-Compiler2 huh, and it doesn't understand the RAM thingie huh.
> I already knew that FPGA-Express doesn't recognize it (worst piece of FPGA 
> tool I've had to work with). But the fact that FC2 doesn't recognize it is 
> straight out sad. You would expect Synopsis to do better than that.
Well, I asked them that.. and they said that they were concentrated on
ASIC design.. FPGA design is a very small part of their market.. they
are the standard with DC and VCS in the ASIC market.. so, they don't
work much on FC2.. that's why they don't sell FC2 but give it away as a
free gift when you buy other synopsys products.. I'm on my practical
training with the local representative of Synopsys products for the

with  metta,
Shawn Tan.

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