In OHC 1.0a specification,
Clarification 1:
Page number 124 (/138 in pdf), Section 7.4.1 HcRhDescriptorA:
PSM is the 8th bit and NPS is the 9th in the first table.
But, if one goes through the elaborate table below the first one, we
get an impression that,
PSM is the 9th bit and NPS is the 8th bit.
Can some one comment please?
Clarification 2:
Page number 127 (/141 in pdf), Section 7.4.1 HcRhStatus Register:
In LPSC (LocalPowerStatusChange) bit
(write) SetGlobalPower
In global power mode (PowerSwitchingMode=0), This bit is
written to ‘1’ to turn on power to all ports (clear
PortPowerStatus). In per-port
power mode, it sets PortPowerStatus only on ports whose PortPowerControlMask
bit is not set. Writing a ‘0’ has no effect."
Is it not strange that PPS (of HcRhPortStatus Register) is cleared when
SetGlobalPower is executed given that PowerSwitchingMode=0??
Please give ur feedback asap.
Thanks in advance!
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