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[usb] =?GB2312?B?u9i4tDpSZTogW3VzYl0gaGk=?=

-----  原文  -----
From: Alexandre Gauthier 
To: usb@opencores.org 
Subject: Re: [usb] hi
Sent: Sat Aug 10 22:00:37 CST 2002

> It gives something like that in low speed mode after bit stuffing and NRZI encoding :
> (IDLE)        SYNC            NOTPID-PID        DEVICE ADDRESS        ENDPOINT ADDRESS        CRC5        SE0        JSTATE        (IDLE)
>               01010100           0111 0010                 1010101                            0101                         01011
> Since every obvious byte is right the problem must lie in the CRC5. I'm not sure I'm right on this particular one.
> You can use the usbf_crc5.v file in the USB 2.0 function core to generate your CRC5 look at usbf_pa.v or usbf_pd.v to know the exact input order
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: 光明 徐 
>   To: usb@opencores.org 
>   Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 3:58 AM
>   Subject: [usb] hi
>   hi:Alexandre Gauthier
   thank you for your answer,can you give me some explations for the following words:
  usb 1.1 use compliant phys pass SYNC and  EOP  bits tto the core and use a serial line
for data reception and tansmission ,makeing the usb packets harder to correlate with the 
wave form data.this is why my package is not received!!!
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