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Re: [usb] hi

It gives something like that in low speed mode after bit stuffing and NRZI encoding :
(IDLE)        SYNC            NOTPID-PID        DEVICE ADDRESS        ENDPOINT ADDRESS        CRC5        SE0        JSTATE        (IDLE)
              01010100           0111 0010                 1010101                            0101                         01011
Since every obvious byte is right the problem must lie in the CRC5. I'm not sure I'm right on this particular one.
You can use the usbf_crc5.v file in the USB 2.0 function core to generate your CRC5 look at usbf_pa.v or usbf_pd.v to know the exact input order
----- Original Message -----
From: 光明 徐
Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 3:58 AM
Subject: [usb] hi


i usb 1.1,first i config reg to enable endpoint 0,
 then i send 1010100 01110010 1010101 0101 00101 ,the following is two bit time SE0,and J state

 this is a setup token ,but why get error????


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