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[usb] Usb Transactions on the pipes


  Can the usb host transactions be inter-weaved ? For example,
  can the host send packets to another endpoint  in between
  the packets of current endpoint? The following sequence is shown

  1. Setup Token                        (Control Pipe)    Host 
  2.   Data Pkt                           (Control Pipe)    Host
  3.     Out Token                       (BulkOut Pipe)   Host 
  4.       Data Pkt                       (BulkOut Pipe)    Host
  5.         Out Token                   (BulkOut Pipe)   Host
  6.           Data Pkt                    (BulkOut Pipe)   Host
  7.             Handshake Pkt          (Control Pipe)    Device
  8.             Handshake Pkt          (BulkOut Pipe)   Device

  After #2, device is supposed to send a ACK/NAK/STALL Pkt 
  if the previous data pkt went thru succesfully. Before teh device
  sends the pkt, can the usb host send some other pkt to another
  endpoint. What is the behaviour of the device in such a case. 

  Cd anyone pl. clarify.


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